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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. Thanks for that Nigel. The DCC Concepts PSU2 is 18volts @ 5 amps & DCC Concepts say they use that all the time for their NCE Power Cabs. https://www.dccconcepts.com/product/18v-dc-at-2a-uk-a-medical-grade-power-supply-for-dc-dcc-systems-2-5mm-dc-plug/ NCE say it should be 15volts @ 3 amps max so they both can't be right https://ncedcc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203935645-Adding-more-power-capacity-to-the-Power-Cab Personally I think 18 volts @ 5 amps is to much for a Power Cab. But I'm no expert so I bow to a higher power or should that be amps Tony.
  2. Sorry to hear that Phil. It was the amps that did it. Anything over 3 amps & the Power Cab will get too hot. It can probably be repaired. Tony.
  3. Hi Phil. Sorry to hear of your problem. Was it a regulated power supply & how many amps was it putting out ? Tony.
  4. There's a product called Rustins Metal Lacquer which might be useful to you.
  5. Have you tried swapping out the switch you are using to operate the tortoise ?
  6. They have some available here & the price seems good as well. https://www.dbmodels.co.uk/shop/Dapol?cat=8
  7. Resistance can build up in the rail joiners after a while which would lead to voltage drop & running problems.
  8. Dug out a 12 volt Dc adaptor & connected up vis the yellow wires. Success it works fine so I guess the controller just takes an uncontrolled 12 volt DC output. I'll use it on my study test tracks so I won't need to go downstairs every time I want to test a loco. Here's a photo of my study test tracks. Dc in front & DCC at the rear. Thanks everyone for your help & suggestions. Tony.
  9. Thanks everyone for the replies & advice. I'll take a further look later. I'll start with a low AC input to the two yellow wires & report back.
  10. Here are a few photos. There is some writing on the back but its long since faded. It looks like use "something" supply DC ? When I get a chance I'll try a DC adaptor & see what happens ? Tony
  11. Hello Everyone. While rooting around in some boxes I discovered a Colworth direct drive DC controller ? Its a panel mounted unit that i used many years ago. However I have no idea what the input voltage should be & can't seem to find any information anywhere on the net. Can anyone shed some light or have any information relating to the unit ? Thanks. Tony.
  12. Never use rail joiners to carry power as over time they will eventually fail. Power bus wire & droppers is the way to go and you can never have to many droppers.
  13. You could try here https://www.digitrains.co.uk/ecommerce/category.aspx?category=general-accessories%2ftransformers-and-power-supplies&pg=2&s=ProductNameAsc&ppp=10
  14. Hi Tod. Is that 40 metres / 130 ft on a single track ? What gauge are you using ? Tony
  15. I think this thread should be closed or else I need to start knocking down walls Anyone know a friendly bank manager because I've just blown this weeks grocery money
  16. Just a money making racket
  17. I understand the roof will be the same colour as the lettering.
  18. Have you any idea what the running number of this car is please or where this photo may be found ? Can't make it out from the photo.
  19. Hello John. There are quite a few photos here which should give you a good idea. https://www.google.ie/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enIE756IE756&biw=1920&bih=949&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=BTHuWpWALtOtgAbriJvADA&q=gwr+turntables&oq=gwr+turntables&gs_l=img.12...
  20. There is further discussion on the subject here which may be of interest to you. http://www.modelrailforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49682&st=0
  21. I think the £100 was a bit tongue in cheek As has been said its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. A list of stock would have been interesting ?
  22. If I select digital download why should it make a difference in price if I don't live in the UK ? EDIT: Why should the offer be only available to UK residents ? If its a digital download it should make no difference. I do wonder about these companies sometimes.
  23. You must select the subscription type underneath. You can select print, online or both.
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