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RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by 46444

  1. A musician suspected by investigators of having orchestrated an assassination attempt has gone into Haydn, a police spokesperson said.

  2. A Tyrell Corporation Product

  3. It's Friday....Must be KMRC weekly newsletter day then....

  4. Dissertation nearly finished, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!

  5. I'm having a cream bun later this evening. I haven't had a cream bun for quite some time, so I'm rather looking forward to it.

  6. Bought Mickey Mouse 2MT in both 2mm and 4mm version today, smashing little locos and very impressed.

  7. Cossack Men's Hairspray...

  8. Cossack Men's Hairspray...

  9. I'm hungry. Any advice re good sausages?

  10. Johny's in the basement, Mixing up the medicine, I'm on the pavement, Thinking about the government, The man in a trench coat, Badge out, laid off, Says he's got a bad cough, Wants to get it paid off....

  11. Mon 2 CV est parti avec un grand navet appelé Mirabeau

  12. A bottle of white, a bottle of red, Perhaps a bottle of rose instead, We'll get a table near the street, In our old familiar place, You and I - face to face. A bottle of red, a bottle of white, It all depends upon your appetite, I'll meet you any time you want, In our Italian Restaurant

  13. Hedges have changed over the years

  14. Whilst browsing the TV guide this evening came across a program called Dance Moms which I misread as Dance Morris....Where's my Hobby Horse and Baldric?

  15. 142's. The most inadequate train ever produced? Or just a product of their time?

  16. Conquer Ingraham Star System.

  17. Who's piece of fruit crumble is that?

  18. oxford rail dean goods

  19. Coming soon, the Red Balloon!

  20. Her mind is bitterly twisted...she's got a Mercedes Benz...

  21. Peco buying Parkside.

  22. Had my teeth 3D scanned today. Might get in touch with Hornby.

  23. Turned 50 today and going to the NRM if any RM Webbers are there and see me wearing a 50 Today badge come & say hello.

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