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Barry O

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Everything posted by Barry O

  1. Dapol 156s in N gauge are really small when you are weathering them!

  2. blithering freezing!!!

  3. one more Kitchen car to complete a Kitmaster Blue Pullman rake....

  4. They were cheap, easy to maintain and reasonably easy to drive and fire ( firing at South Hetton involved chucking another lump of coal in). Very powerful for their size ( was on the footplate at South Hetton while one pushed a loaded MGR + a stalled 37 out of the yard and onto the mainline which was a tad exciting!) They are one of a reasonably small number of industrials preserved in the UK and I don't mind travelling behind them. Some may have actually been a J94 before re-appearing via Hunslet to a coal/industrial user so can be liveried as such. Not all had the bunkers modified by the LNER - but you could do one if so inclined to make it more of a "J94". It would then be more authentic than a certain "A1" travelling the rails in the UK. However there is another side to this -do you include travelling behind the Broad Gauge Hunslet 18"? Ie the GWR Broad Gauge locomotive which was built around a Hunslet 18" boiler from the Wigan area? How authentic is that?
  5. coaches have arrived so next week will see more weathering!

  6. at last some modelling time!

  7. at last some modelling time!

  8. Just back from Cookies funeral - I think he would have loved the wake afterwards!

  9. Three locos weatherd, MDHB No26 chipped..... ready for Christmas if only work didn't get in the way!

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      i dont see any pics :(

  10. until
    Yes its the end of October and Its Leeds Show time. Held at the Grammar School at Leeds, Alwoodley Gate, Leeds
  11. Coal ready for my Wills 4F - at last!

  12. I feel a Hunslet 16" coming my way......... The48DS is a beaut having had a really good look at it at Warley
  13. signals coaches or renumber a 4F? decisions, decisions...

  14. modelling to do but too much work at work getting in the way.......

  15. ANdy Y has the patience of job running this site!!

  16. Shortly to be seen at Warley..... wagons look good - and I seem to think you may have one or two more which are different?
  17. Should say go the man flu type virus..... Not impreesed!!

  18. got the virus!!!!!

  19. one CLC brake third ready to go for Herculaneum --- amazing what a coat of LNER brown does for a coach!

  20. is it me or is the rmweb clock about and hour behind Barrow time???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      Mick - no we are ina dvance here thats why it takes me so long to get back to Leeds at teh weekends - I have to travel through the space time continuum round the back of the big sub shed!!

    3. ozzyo


      It's all due to us being at the end of that 30 mile cue-de-sac. It's nice to know that there's more than two of us on here!!

    4. Boris


      Try adjusting your timezone in the settings panel.

  21. Crane weathered now only some more signals and a 4F to finish for the Leeds Show

  22. bit of weathering for Herculaneum Dock to do - nice Coal Crane NickToix -could it become an O gauge Kit?

  23. when the rain is horizontal and even the sea gulls have stopped flying its time to do some indoor modelling

  24. Blue Pullman in the making....

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