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Free At Last

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Everything posted by Free At Last

  1. Make yourself a large pot of tea and sit back for nearly an hour of Sam and the Hush Hush.
  2. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/model-railway-worker-stole-79k-22422255
  3. Heard on this evenings local news... "A model railway shop manager from Skelmersdale who stole £76,000 worth of goods from his employers to fund his cocaine habit has been jailed for almost 5 years. Liverpool Crown Court heard the 34 year old man spent around £200 per day on his addiction, he volunteered to work Sundays at the warehouse of Widnes based Hattons where he set up deliveries of more than 500 items to fake customers."
  4. According to the caption.. This was filmed on a section of the old MSWJR line between Cheltenham and Andoversford Junction. In the film, the made up station name 'Aybury' was in fact Cheltenham Leckhampton and 'Beaton' is Andoversford
  5. To combat that, as I am still using the built in switch of the PM1 I used this method...
  6. I ordered one of those women last week, she must be due soon as her clothes arrived this morning.
  7. Realised it should have been... How do you get to Wales in a Lada Push it.
  8. Or.. how do you get two whales in a Lada? Push it.
  9. There was an old elephant who realises it’s time for the end of his life and goes to the graveyard in Dudley. It was closed so he waited till the morning. A young lad then saw him and asked ”did you come here to die” The elephant replied “no , I came yesterday”
  10. On RM's Fb page today. No details as to 'the link' though. I have asked and will post the reply.
  11. I use the DG couplings on my passenger stock on my terminus layout. It gives me 'invisible' coupling and uncoupling of the coach rakes without having to find the magnet to shuffle over. With just the hooks and latches fitted to locos and the loops on the first and last coaches, I have one magnet* buried between the sleepers at the entrance to each platform and five to create a short magnetic zone just over a loco's length from the stops, this allows for different length locos. A train entering the platform runs over the first magnet and with the coupling under tension nothing happens. The train then pulls up at the stops. As the coupling is in the magnetic zone the loco sets back enough to release tension and uncouples. The pilot loco draws up to the end coach and couples up then sets back out of the platform running over the magnet at the end of the platform with the coupling under tension. The pilot loco then propels the coaches into the departure platform, or carriage siding, and when the loco coupling runs over the magnet at the entrance it goes into delay mode without having to stop and do a shuffle and the loco can then spot the coaches and reverse back out to the pilot siding. The train engine having turned, or a new loco, sets back onto the train, couples up and departs. I have no goods at the moment but will have. I think electromagnets will have to be utilised for selective uncoupling and some thought put into their placement. *Magnets are 3x6 mm neodymium rods
  12. Terminal C is the common on the Seep PM1, with A & B going to your switch. As the slip is insulfrog the other connections (D E F) are not needed
  13. I have never seen a point motor fitted to an SL-93 short crossing as there are no moving parts. What response are you expecting?
  14. They look like the Camdenboss range.
  15. The Metro paper, I like the cryptic crossword in it.
  16. Walk there myself most mornings to get a 'Metro'.
  17. I only use my card for online purchases (not that many) and withdrawing as much cash as I can from the hole in the wall leaving a balance of enough to cover utility bills. I give a lot of money to my two children. At the last election one party had in mind a 'Lifetime Gift Tax' where your children can be taxed on money given to them in their lifetime and this could only be tracked/imposed if we are a cashless society hence they would never get my vote. I have never had a problem using cash... never been refused, even bought a new car.
  18. The browser remembers the size settings you selected for the web site. I have RMWeb and other text based sites on 150%, saves wearing my glasses.
  19. Cctransuk has had his access to this topic removed so may not see your message, try sending him a pm.
  20. I had the same problem with my 1P when I fitted a Hattons Next 18 decoder, no matter what settings I tried I could not get it running smooth. My Coal Tank was fitted with a Bachmann decoder (Zimo) which ran very smooth. I tried the Bachmann decoder in the 1P and this transformed it. On trying the Hattons decoder in the Coal Tank I got it running the same. All as I can gather is the Hattons decoder was not compatible with the coreless motor in the 1P.
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