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Everything posted by Skinnylinny

  1. Thanks for the quick reply, Worsdell Forever! (Very appropriate name for this thread!) Sounds like a red oxide colour, maybe even bauxite? The other question is what is the third colour in the lining? Is the tank-side lining red-black-white or some other combination of colours? (Alternatively, is it just black and white?)
  2. Hi all, I've been asked if I will paint and line a rather nice, 5" gauge model of a NER class E (later classified by the LNER as J71). The model is of NER number 399, and is unlikely to be steamed any time in the next several years, instead being used as a (rather large) kitchen sideboard ornament! The trouble I'm having is in figuring out how this locomotive would have been painted and lined. The owner has expressed that he would prefer it in NER livery, but would rather green than black. However, NER liveries seem to be a bit of a minefield! At first, I thought that the loco would have carried a livery similar to that later carried by the LNER J72s (ie: apple green all over, rectangular white-black-white lining on tank sides and bunker sides, with the tanks and cabsides bordered with thin black edged, lined with a single white line, and white-black-white lining on the boiler.) Something along these lines: However, the client sent me a photograph from a book, which shows a different lining style. However, the photo is in black and white, so obviously I have no colour information. It appears to show a darker colour used outside the lining on tanks and cabsides, with the lining appearing to be white-black-{some other colour} working from the inside to outside: I've had suggestions that the outer colour might be dark green or red-brown? Is anyone able to shed some light on plausible liveries? Ideally I'd like to work from a photograph of number 399 specifically, but failing that, suggestions of a plausible livery would be much appreciated! Thank you, Linny
  3. Lovely parcel of kits and castings just arrived from 5&9 models. Very impressed with the service and the parts look nice too!

    1. Metr0Land


      Are they somewhere near Brighton?

    2. Skinnylinny


      5&9 Models? They do LBSCR models, but actually based in Shropshire!

    3. Skinnylinny


      5&9 Models? They do LBSCR models, but actually based in Shropshire!

  4. Been commissioned to paint a lovely 5" gauge NER E class 0-6-0T. Now if only I could work out what colours to paint it!

    1. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      NER Darlington Green?

    2. Skinnylinny


      It's the lining I'm having trouble with - all the photos of Es (J71s) are lined differently and in obviously different colours from the pictures of E1s (J72s) which have what I would call standard NER lining. But all the photos are in black and white!

  5. I'm still trying to talk myself out of buying one of these. My main period for my layout is 1900-1910. I can *just* about squeeze a small-tank no. 178 in at the end of that period if I assume that it would have escaped down a jointly-operated branchline. Only trouble will be finding suitable rolling stock, unless I assume it would have been seen with two or three wagons and a brake (and I don't know where I can find an SECR brake van kit that isn't a dancehall - too modern to go with the pretty green livery!)
  6. That's absolutely gorgeous. Huge kudos to everyone who's worked on the project. What a beauty! My only concern is those brass buffers, but nothing a quick dab of silver paint won't fix there. Can someone from Rapido or Locomotion confirm whether the loco and tender combination will fit into the box while coupled?
  7. It's been announced in this thread here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/128409-rail-head-treatment-train-in-oo-gauge/?p=2934200 It's a Rail Head Treatment Train in 00 gauge.
  8. In my case, I'm delighted by the skewed sleepers - I'm modelling a pre-grouping branch terminus, although at least I'm not having to worry about the interleaved sleepers on turnouts favoured by companies such as the NBR! However, whether the sleepers would even be visible in my time period is more of a concern - the earlier companies had a predilection for ballasting over the top of the sleepers...
  9. I must say, I'm amazed at this loco now that I have it - took it down to the club tonight, and managed to get it running so slowly I had to get someone to look at the wheel spokes where they meet the rails. I took a short video here. Apologies for the background chatter.
  10. Had the email that my Hornby H class is in the post. Excitement!

    1. tractionman


      Mine was in Warrington sorting office yesterday so hopefully arriving today, looking forward to it.

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I am very happy for all of you expecting these lovely models.

  11. Quick question for anyone who's got their model already. I notice that all photos of the production models seem to be missing the handbrake actuating lever (?) highlighted in the below image with a red rectangle. Is this included as one of the separate parts to be fitted by the buyer? I imagine it might prevent the rear bogie moving enough for set-track curves otherwise.
  12. Traditionally, LB&SCR Stroudley "Improved Engine Green" seems to sell very well, as evidenced by the number of Dapol/Hornby Terriers sold in this livery despite next to no matching stock being available RTR (the old Hornby LBSC brake van wasn't built until 1923, so a bit late for an IEG Terrier, where that livery was phased out around from 1905). Another bright livery which is very distinctive and has lovely ornate lining.
  13. I sincerely hope that the shop I ordered from (naming no names as yet) honours the pre-order price they quoted, as I've already paid!
  14. Just received my first package from Narrow Planet. Very impressed at the quality and the service!

    1. Jintyman


      I totally agree, quality is excellent and the service outstanding.

      Just about all of Talyllyn's station signage has been done by them. ;)

  15. Is pondering a repaint of a Bachmann E4 into Improved Engine Green...

    1. BlueLightning


      There is a lot of work to do to the Bachmann E4 to back date into IEG condition!!

    2. Skinnylinny


      Even from the LBSC umber version? Darn, I was hoping I could get away with just removing some lamp irons...

    3. Horsetan


      You're looking at changing the smokebox to a built-up one, plus a tapered chimney and new safety valves (I think), at least. The bunker probably needs the coal rails taken off as well.

  16. Is pondering a repaint of a Bachmann E4 into Improved Engine Green...

  17. That's interesting to know! I suppose for a shunting loco, anything that makes the constant fore-and-aft of a reverser easier would be very popular with a crew. Either way, another bit of metal on the engine that needs painting and lining out!
  18. Post 236 ( http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/126142-secr-p-class-0-6-0t-in-oo-gauge/?p=2878143 ) has a nice low-down photo that shows there is definitely daylight under the boiler.
  19. So it may feel, though the old ex-Dapol terrier (about the closest thing size-wise, and streets behind in detailing terms) can be got for an RRP of £109.99. Sorry, Mr Hornby, I know which I'd rather spend £100 on!
  20. This looks very impressive. Just the thought of lining out that Westinghouse pump in full gives me the heebie jeebies! Kudos to your factory workers, especially if it comes out as nicely as in that picture. I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone at Hattons for being so open and helpful with information on both this and the Barclay 0-4-0. It's refreshing to see all these questions and concerns being answered so openly and gives me lots of confidence in the finished product. Long may it continue!
  21. The red lines around the edges of the green lining on the tank sides are there, but there should be more red lining around the inside of the black bordering around the very edges of the tanks and cab, as per the drawings in post #3 here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/126142-secr-p-class-0-6-0t-in-oo-gauge/?p=2850162
  22. Somewhat more worryingly, I've just noticed on enlarging the pictures that the hubs of the centre driving wheels on both models appear to have split where the axle has been (force?) fitted... Towards the rear of the wheel centre on the green model, and the front-bottom of the blue one. Can someone at Hattons confirm or deny that for me please?
  23. Are you meaning the red lines that mark the edge of the black border around the tanks and cabsides? Also, the boiler lining looks very simplified - just plain green on the SE&CR version? I think the lack of the yellow and red lining there too is possibly contributing to the boiler lining looking a bit narrow... but we must remember just how tiny this model is! Certainly I wouldn't want to have a go at it with a bow pen! Overall, though, a very nice looking model! And just as a reminder to people of how far things have come, have a reminder of when Wrenn released their R1 model in "SE&CR livery", complete with BR numberplate and a very strange paintjob that looks like they couldn't decide between wartime grey or lined green, so decided to mix both together!:
  24. Um... Isn't a tonne 1000kg, rather than 1000g (=1kg)? Otherwise I've been buying sugar and flour by the tonne! I would believe that modern electronic weighing facilities can probably measure that sort of weight to the nearest kilo.
  25. I've also been playing around with a home-bodged smoke unit made from an e-cigarette, though mine is currently hidden under the baseboard with some angled tubing, to replicate cylinder drain cocks. It certainly can be set up to make nice, thick white "steam", and it seems to be slightly heavier-than-air, so it clings to the ground quite nicely. I tried using a fan to blow the steam through tubing, but ended up using a fish-tank air pump instead, which can be run at different speeds to get different pressures of "steam". I'm hopeful that this should be shrinkable to fit into, say, a large tender loco (I'm thinking of a Battle of Britain or similar) with lots of space inside. The models here are 00, by the way. The first photos are from a quick attempt on a club layout (no holes drilled!): (Photos by Jessi Lloyd, steam effects by myself) Video here:
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