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Everything posted by dj_crisp

  1. I'm not sure a different manufacturer would be able to produce a fully detailed bufferbeam and then have NEM couplings though. One of the reasons I went to kadees mounted on the buffer beam for all of my locos. I agree I'm a bit frustrated with some of the later Heljan releases where I agree I feel they have let standards slip. (I really wanted a proper peak but shape wise its not right). I quite like Heljans 33 though and wouldn't replace any of mine if another manufacturer announced one. My experience of Heljan is the running qualities are pretty good.
  2. I resprayed my one as in classic Hornby style I'm not convinced by their attempted shades
  3. Nice photos! Just went over my limited photos of gwr ones and none are as filthy as depicted and the majority clean with as you say just underframes being a meaa. I'm surprised they offered this one as weathered only.
  4. An interesting announcement that I didn't expect! I like the clean ones alot and if they're ex realtrack then they'll be good. Have to say the weathering is horrific. The clean shadow behind the front lamp irons just shows how poorly its been applied. Quite a few are modern liveried units and while I remember them steaming up inside I don't remember them being that dirty.. Especially the GWR ones. I'd rather they didn't bother
  5. Hi Nick These are looking very good! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how these turn out. I like the extra details you've put on the underframes... been thinking I should do the same on mine so may have a go! Cheers Will
  6. Looks fantastic Will! I'm still amazed you can build the PH steps which are a step too far for me. Boom
  7. Thanks Guy and happy new year to you! I took this one earlier which hopefully shows the ends and magnetic couplings. One plus for me is how quick they were to put together although I'm not sure the bin liner hoods have totally worked. Will be giving them a good test on some curves soon. Cheers Will
  8. Well January 2023 has been the month where i seem to catch every cold going - which has been a real drag on modelling time. Anyhow I've managed a few bits; Weathered the underframe of my 121 DTS which i started last year but my airbrusher died just after starting so I've done this mostly with a brush using arcylics It's now ready for transfers and then a coat of varnish. Final finishing will be some improved front windows and etched windscreen wipers. And my 118 is being a test bed for using York laser cut corridor connectors; Having a gap really bugs me so something flexible is my preferred options. I've thought about better attempts but ended up trying these which were really quick to make. My only ajustment is thinning the end plastic rubbing plate. I then triied to install a rain cover using binliner which seems to have shrunk a little overnight The retaining bars are the original Bachmann and are just floating - I think I'd stiffen the connector too much by applying it so hopefully it looks ok. Cheers for reading
  9. Working corridor connectors would be a winner for me. As would bufferbeam height mounted couplings and working pipes ;) And all with the brief of being easy to uncouple. I Appreciate It's probably all a bit unlikely in rtr. I'm experimenting with hunt couplers mounted in kadee housings in my DMUs hacked into a bufferbeam which hides the coupling unit a bit. It gives me ideas that fitting working pipes is possible using magnets as there's now space. Flexible corridor connections is next on my build list as I do dislike gaps. Even 1mm is obvious when you watch a train go past as there is always that little flash of scenery behind that you can see rather than than the corridor connections touching. For me keens floating plates work well for close coupled coaches like mk2as but appreciate aren't the most prototypical and I don't have sharp curves. It's fun trying to push the limits of my modelling skills though!
  10. Nah! Keep your post! It's useful info for us all. I certainly find it of interest. And thankfully there isn't a disagree reaction to posts!
  11. I'm not entirely following your post? I guess you're suggesting Accurascale do some other locos (50149 I'm sure will be done... which I have mine so not interested in, but can't see them doing a 56 as the cavalex one will be ace, 47901 a bit of a one off and the GM machines doubtful). Getting back to PTAs a set in mustard yellow would be nice but I've noticed the retailers having PTA stock so can see them waiting till producing more. I can see 2023-4 being a tough few years so all retailers will have to be careful with the products they choose to sell.
  12. Cool.. Will you be doing the ARC ones in a more mustard colour? Cheers Will
  13. For me there's not much between the two. Personally I prefer the headcode box of Bachmanns 121 but that's easily flattened off on Dapols which has the advantage of representation of the roof welds. If I were to do an unrefubished 121 I think I'd start with Dapol as they haven't done the side grilles off memory. I look forward to see your efforts! Merry Xmas!
  14. Have a great Christmas Rich! Everyone needs a bubble.. or two... or more :)
  15. It's been a while since I've done any modelling to speak of (other than frustrations with DCC but that doesn't count!). During a moment of madness I thought I'd attempt to change the destination blinds on my bubblecar as Bachmanns version is set back a bit far. So I thought I'd experiment with some paper and divider plastic; Took a bit of patience TBH cutting and sticking these together! I'm a bit happier with the revised destination and it's printed quite well. On reflection I've probably got my measurements a bit wrong and got the depth of the bottom a bit wrong - something I'll attempt to refine next time! Somewhere between Bachmann and my efforts will look better. I think it'll ultimately be worth the effort and be better next time! Truth be told I don't think the 121s actually had destinations in my area and era for this bubble - but it looked a bit weird blank. In order to illuminate them I've scraped off the old destination from the light guide and put on some clear; then used a spot of paint to reduce the brightness. Seems to work; ## Anyhow putting this up was really an excuse to wish you all Merry Christmas and plently of happy festivities! Have a good one!! cheers Will
  16. While I agree it shouldn't have arrived like that having a loose one makes weathering underneath alot easier ;)
  17. I always thought the outer frames were the same size just that the door frames were a bit thicker so look shorter. Hard to tell from the photo but it looks level on the bottom but I'm not so sure at the top (which is a little trickier to determine perspective wise)
  18. Hmmm. Sometimes I just don't get Heljan. They seem to able to do the obscure stuff really well and produce some great models. But when it comes to the more mainstream loco types I wonder if they just lose interest as this one just seems duff in a most unlike duff way. As a previous poster said I'm sure Bachmann won't lose any sleep over this one. What with the Peak falling way short imo I'm really hoping the 104 doesn't. It's not my era or interest but the transporter cars look the business....
  19. Yeah I'd be interested in some! I can see a few half shots on the transporter thread and what I can see looks good
  20. I'm looking forward to the mk2c.... more so than the 50. (I'll get my coat and leave... )
  21. Resolution... one of my fave 50s in RES. I dont think I can cope with that thought 😂
  22. Previously I didn't mind the ads And keeps me in the loop. I might change my view as the latest digitrains add is now resizing the text on mobile that I can't read the forums easily. I've often wondered if the site gets more revenue from the 1000s of visits I make Vs a straightforward subscription
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