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Everything posted by cromptonnut

  1. Hi all I've recently come across a way to make your own station announcements - it takes a little bit of work but once it's done it's done. You will need: 1) An Android smartphone or tablet 2) A set of powered speakers 3) Optional laptop Firstly go to the Google Play store and download an app called "Narrators Voice". Install then open the app. Once installed, go to the "three lines" icon top let and select "Settings". Then select the cog "Configuration". Ensure you are on the settings: Server: Goku (+effects) PLUS Languages: English (United Kingdom) Voice : Daniel - MLG voice If not, click on the down arrow next to the relevant setting, then "back" when complete. The free version does have a lot of annoying adverts that pop up between conversions, so simply bear with it and hit the back or cancel buttons to clear, or pay for the full version (the crossed out Ads sign top right). However with a little patience you can easily handle this. Each server has a different selection of voice options both male and female, although I found Daniel to be the closest to the automated announcer we have down here - you may however like to experiment and find something that sounds more like what you want. There are two ways to create recordings. Recording method 1 Tap on the box where it says "Memes Never Ends..." and you can type in the text that you want to say. This can be anything at all that you want it to be so you can add your own station name, calling patterns, whatever you want. Click "Back" Click the "Play" > button to listen to your recording, and if you want to make any changes click on the text and repeat above until you are happy. You may find that you need to add extra spaces, commas (or double commas) for pauses and inflection, capital letters etc to change the way it sounds as like all text to speech systems it doesn't always get it right. You may also need to think how a word sounds rather than its correct spelling, ie "Thameslink" needs to be spelt "temmslink". Recording method 2 Click the microphone icon and speak, it will attempt a voice to text conversion. Once you are happy with the sound file, tap the "save" folder icon and give your recording a memorable filename. Repeat as necessary. Playback If you tap on the "Audio Offline" button then it will take you to the folder of saved recordings on your device. You can of course simply attach a set of powered speakers to your headphone socket and play back from there as required. However, it is probably a little easier to transfer them to a laptop where you have a much larger screen to play with, especially if you have a lot of announcements. Sound files are stored in the device\\narrator-s-voice folder and can simply be transferred by whatever method you normally use to get files between your device and your computer. Once on your computer you can play them using Media Player or whatever you normally use. Here's a few I made earlier, to give you an idea of what you can do. Experimentation is obviously the key and no doubt many of you will discover new things I haven't and improve it. stand-clear1.mp3 Please stand clear all-change1.mp3All Change
  2. Waiting to see if the Flying Banana runs on time as it should be passing me in about 30 minutes

  3. I sometimes play chess with my eastern european friend. He's my Czech Mate.
  4. If companies treated their customers with as much disrespect as they treated people who reply to job advertisments they'd be out of business in a month or two.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cromptonnut


      Agree, it's just common courtesy. I guess it's what happens when you are no longer a 'valued employee' but simply a 'human resource' that can be replaced like an obsolete piece of equipment


    3. plarailfan


      I asked an employer local to me if he had any job vacancies and he said "well I did have, but there were over 300 applicants, so I dumped over 200 straight in the bin without looking at them" I think it's depressing these days, with too many employers paying minimum wage, even o

      n Sundays !

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Sounds about par for the course, these days.

  5. If companies treated their customers with as much disrespect as they treated people who reply to job applications they'd be out of business in a month or two.

  6. If companies treated their customers with as much disrespect as they treated people who reply to job applications they'd be out of business in a month or two.

  7. To close the discussion, a replacement model arrived at my local shop yesterday which I have now tested and it is much better. Clearly I had somehow been lucky enough to get a damaged model first time round.
  8. Thanks for the clarification, a 117 is definitely on my list although I do have a couple of the old Lima ones. Rather hoping the Telecom livery comes to fruition.
  9. You mention a class 177... is that a typo? I've never heard of it.
  10. Wonderful clear bright day, all the windows open, neighbour decides to burn their rubbish now the house stinks. grrrrr

    1. Metr0Land


      It's always the way.....

    2. Mallard60022


      Not supposed to do that before dusk I think it is. I'd have phoned the Fire Brigade suggesting that the next door house was on fire.

    3. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Ask to throw a tyre on

  11. I heard back from Oxford today, having sent the video. They have asked me to return it for investigation.
  12. I think part of the problem is that "Dave" was brand new and nobody modelling UK outline really knew what to do, whereas Freemo/Fremo/whatever are well established so there are plenty of existing meets to go along to now just to view, and get the inspiration to build a module whereas our meet was (and still is) the only one that happened and it wasn't really viable to open it to anyone to just come along as we were just proving the standards worked and that modellers who had never met could bring modules together and make a functional layout out of them all - just like the american modules do at their meets, except there's a much bigger userbase to call from all over the UK. Any future layouts I build (and I have several at the planning stage) will be built to "Dave" standards so I can enjoy them at home, however if future meets do go ahead then I know I have something to contribute. The only thing I need to plan better is fitting it all in a Fiesta because I'm glad it was only a short trip for my wife to carry two stock boxes on her lap in the passenger seat... I had hoped that by now someone in another part of the UK would have put something together but my guess is that pretty much everyone who came to our meeting has progressed no further, and nobody else is itching to get involved as nobody has posted there for over a year, or very much at all since our meeting report.
  13. I understand that not everyone is the organised/leadership type - however it doesn't need to be complicated or time consuming as you're only dealing with potentially a dozen people. There's no harm in putting out a call for interest - the worst that can happen is no response. Suggest... 1) Decide on a minimum amount of participants for it to be viable. 2) Choose a date that works for YOU primarily. (or pick several dates and put it to a vote) 3) Find a suitable location that's available on that date and figure out its cost. Also find out if you have to pay a deposit and if so when, and when the final balance needs to be paid. 4) Worst case scenario per person cost (cost divided by people) rounded to the next fiver so you've got a bit of play money for refreshments. Cost can go down if more participants. Non refundable deposit towards any out of pocket expenses. 5) Advertise. 6) Collect information from those interested as to what they can commit to bring. 7) At cut off date decide whether event is viable and collect final payment 8) Have a great day!
  14. All that you need to pick is a venue and a date that works for people, and put the invite out. People will either come, or not. I'm very happy to share with you whatever paperwork I have from then that may be useful and any planning assistance such as how to lay out modules on the floor. Merstham worked well as it was close to the M25 so easily accessible, and being so close to Gatwick there were lots of places for overnight stays if necessary. Picking a village hall in Much Nattering in the Marsh that's 30 miles from civilisation and the nearest station, with one bus every other tuesday, will probably be more of a struggle although it's not too much for the determined. Remember we had an honorary member from Cumbria come down to the last meet... As always, if people are interested, they will find a way round the cost/distance/location barriers where they can, and if after a few months you only get 3 people interested then it may be that you can change the venue and use your own garden/garage/pub skittle alley/other cheaper location nearby and make something functional between you still. Modular layouts don't need to be 500ft end to end (I think we managed 60?), even 20-30ft is more of a run than most of us are able to manage on our home layouts - and making it part of an existing model railway show might well work for those that want something "different". The East Surrey N Gauge group (local to me) frequently take a modular layout to shows and you never quite know what's going to appear - and you get specialist american modular meets too so there's definitley the market, I think the problem is just us UK modellers...
  15. Is that the current state of "the beast" or how "the beast" was 2 years ago? Brockhole Curve still exists (essentially now a photographic background) but everything else has been "recycled" into other projects or the bin. Perhaps "modular" is not dead but sleepeth... but it needs someone with more ability to encourage others than me. With my imminent "move out of the area" I'm still debating whether to drop SECAG or extend its area of reach by another county... however it's not exactly been active since either has it? Also the school is being redeveloped in the next couple of years so the "sit and ride" may also go. But it was a fun day regardless... and I've used some of the modular standards such as wiring, banana sockets etc in subsequent projects anyway.
  16. Just thought I'd mention it was 2 years ago today that we had our SECAG modular meet. A great day out, but it's a real shame it never took off.
  17. How many times have we said "but every branch line has one of those, dear" when clearly it's just something you wanted? Karma...
  18. I recently got one of these "14 day diet plans" where it all comes in a box and everything is weighed out for you ready to prepare. Load of rubbish. It only took me 3 hours to eat the lot. No way would that take someone 14 days.
  19. Apologies, I'd set it for "private" rather than "unlisted" and of course when I clicked on it, as I was logged in, it let me play it. Should now be fixed.
  20. Hi all Wonder if anyone with a factory sound fitted Radial could tell me if this is normal please? With sound off, there is no noise so it's not a mechanical issue, but when I turn DCC sound on (10 seconds in) it almost sounds like a resonance distortion? Yes it's running at speed, but then I shut off power and it goes quiet then the brake squeal comes on as it stops which sounds fine (again, if a little quiet). The sound levels seem very low anyway compared to what I'm used to with diesels, so I'm wondering if there is a chip or speaker issue that means "return to factory"? Thanks.
  21. Now I've got a link to the templates above they're printing out as I speak and will later be seeing how to fit them into the space I have, and will subsequently order my needs this weekend from my local model shop. I already have the Dapol 08...
  22. It's also known as a PICNIC fault. Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.
  23. That's what happened with the place we're buying. Looked good in the brochure, ticked pretty much all the boxes in the "wishlist" we'd put together, and when we went to view it we just knew that it was "right for us". We move in about 10 weeks.
  24. It's also worth comparing to see what else is available around your price bracket in your area. I did a search with Zoopla. http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/property/sheringham/?price_max=425000&price_min=350000&q=Sheringham%2C%20Norfolk&results_sort=newest_listings&search_source=home As pointed out, 6 bedrooms is a niche market but there isn't much else to compare there, one with nice gardens, a couple of "sumptuous" retirement flats, and a 1920's detatched. There's not a lot of competition for 6 bedroom plus properties either. http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/property/sheringham/?beds_min=6&q=Sheringham%2C%20Norfolk&radius=5&results_sort=newest_listings&search_source=refine
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