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Everything posted by cromptonnut

  1. Dilemma... faithfully reproduce the track plan but have to extend the baseboards by 2 inches width, or drop one of three sidings and fit in the boards I have already made?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cromptonnut


      That's my idea if I go for it, Mr Duck ... a length of 1" square timber along the front and back to make everything fit. Damn that third siding, if I add a kickback siding along the front of the fiddle yard board and blend that into the scenic I could do without the third siding...

    3. Mallard60022


      That's 'off the board thinking' dear nut.

    4. cromptonnut


      Given that it's not an 'exact reproduction' of the prototype as such I could get away with losing that siding I suppose?

  2. Reminds me of the song that Dire Straits and Chris Rea did. It was ... not very good.
  3. I would like to share with you all a personal experience about drinking and driving. As you know, some of us have had brushes with the "long arm of the law" from time to time - often on the way home after a social session with friends and family. Well two days ago this happened to me... I was out with friends and had more than a few pints and Bacardis. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know that I was over the limit. So, I did something sensible and I took the bus home. Sure enough on the way home I saw Police stopping and breathalysing people - but sure enough, they waved the bus through - and I arrived home safely and without incident. To be honest, this was a real surprise to me. You see, I've never actually driven a bus before... and now it's parked around the back of my house and I don't know how to return it without getting in bother. Any ideas?
  4. Give me 5 minutes and a spray can it'd be easy to reproduce with my skills at weathering.
  5. Loving the new Steeleye Span album

  6. Whilst I'll admit I'm not in the market for one regardless, I am slightly amused by all the "someone should contact Kernow" comments. Why not pick up the phone or drop them an email yourself if something bothers you?
  7. A good opportunity to re-share this video of someone who really shouldn't still be alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pmfr5CGDKY
  8. Littlehampton is also on the end of a triangle similar to the above plan although admittedly with a couple of miles between the station throat and the triangular junction. In fact, one end of the triangular junction itself splits as below so given the space you could have a lot of fun with trains coming and going to different places. East to West is "Coastway", south goes to Littlehampton and the north east is the Arun Valley line.
  9. Remember the Minories-ish "Ripper Street" layout had the station on an upper level on some arches, and the tracks went "down" behind a stabling siding. Could you use a similar trick, putting some stabling/loco sidings "on top" of part of the fiddle yard below? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtO7xbyut8U - you'll see what I mean at about 0:45. Extending the layout to 16ft so you have storage loops is a definite possibility, as well as making it more of an L-shape to accommodate the loops. Unfortunately loops are quite wasteful as you have all the space in the middle so there might also be potential for a couple of loops and some cassettes for shorter trains?
  10. Not railway related but it proves the benefit of reading the auction properly... My wife wanted a USB hub so I found one on Ebay, starting price 1p and £4.99 postage. So I put £1 max bid on but nobody else was interested and thus I was the winner of a USB hub for a fiver. Happy with that. Except it's not actually "a" USB hub I've bought. It was a job lot of brand new in packaging twenty six USB hubs for 1p plus P&P. I guess I've got extra Christmas presents now for everyone I know with a laptop but I'm not sure if Great Aunt Lucy will know what to do with hers...
  11. Five old Lima "Seacow" hoppers for £120? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-X-LIMA-COLLECTION-SEACOW-BOGIE-BALLAST-WAGON-EWS-/262704361167?hash=item3d2a666ecf:g:i7UAAOSwU-pXugpZ That's about what you'll be paying for five of the brand new Hornby ones.
  12. My credit card seems to be relieved by all the Warley announcements I've read so far. So is the wife.

  13. Chilling out to some Postmodern Jukebox

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      That sounds like some conceptually thrilling aesthetics, darling.

    2. NGT6 1315
  14. So someone says they're going to complain about me at work because I said was offensive to them. The offensive phrase? "Have a nice evening". I give up.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JDW


      Yep, there's always some nutjob waiting to complain about something - one of my colleagues had a complaint that it was raining and if the bus had arrived on time not 3 minutes late it might not have been raining when she got off. I kid you not :-/

    3. Horsetan


      Some of them are on this Forum too.

    4. beast66606


      Nothing here for me

  15. I wasn't aware of that but wasn't considering building my own track as I might need over 30 metres. It would, however, seemingly be ideal.
  16. Because that was several months ago. Things could have changed.
  17. I'd be running DCC so a Relco or similar is definitely out of the question! When you say 'streamline' do you mean code 75 or 100?
  18. We've had the "you aren't a real modeller if you buy ready made track" in a number of places on a number of forums and that isn't the answer to the above question. Assuming the use of standard Peco points, or setrack points, am I right in that the space saving of setrack points is theoretically minimal, and wasteful of space in track spacing? Of course I can buy them and cut them back a bit to reduce the track spacing to what I need. If they ever actually appear...
  19. Throughout history, four American presidents have been assassinated and various other unsuccessful attempts were made on the lives of a number of others. Can you envy the Secret Service agents, on hearing gunshot near the soon-to-be President Trump, having to yell "Donald, duck..."
  20. Given that another couple of months have passed with no news... I've been looking at the geometry and "mocked up" in XTrackCAD a 40.5" radius 22.5 degree curve, and the straight track at 15.5", which it's reasonable to assume the points are essentially the same dimensions. Given the track spacing, and the length of the curve, two of these to make a crossover appear about an inch and a half shorter than a crossover made from the "standard" left or right hand points - however track spacing is almost 3 inches wider. So either my calculations are wrong - and I'd love someone to prove they are - or these points aren't going to be the great saviour I thought they were going to be.
  21. Normally on my indoor layouts I tend to use code 75 simply because it looks better but I'm not sure how this would stand up to the ravages of the British outdoors, and wondered if I might be better using code 100 on the outdoor part of it. Given that the outdoor section won't be ballasted or scenicked per se, the 'extra realism' of finescale track would be wasted - but am not sure how it would handle the weather. Obviously whatever I use, it'll need a good clean before use and all the other extras - but would appreciate thoughts.
  22. Le gronk est arrivé de kernow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      La guerre, yes, Sir!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      But monsieur, vis zis gronque excellent you are spoiling us!

    4. cromptonnut


      Now I know the wagons to go with it are 165mm long I can hopefully work out some siding lengths now.

  23. Gronk in transit update: Matt is currently making delivery number 1, you are delivery number 74.

    1. MarkC
    2. highpeakman


      Keep a very watchful eye out! UK Mail just delivered here and left goods in porch. Two adults and a dog on same floor did not hear either door knock or our loud bell. Instructions on box said leave with neighbour if no answer but a large red box still left in full view in our porch.

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