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Status Updates posted by Tangoman69

  1. It’s snowing, and sticking! Doesn’t the weather know it’s still October!

    1. Two_sugars


      Why howay, man . . .the north west highlands arlwus gets it fust.

    2. Blackthorn


      Try living in Canada, I'm already warming up the Huskies for tomorrows sled ride into town.

  2. Off to Shildon today for a wander round the museum and the Model Exhibition.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SHMD


      Put some clothes on!

    3. Harlequin


      When you get to the gift shop, close your eyes and your wallet and walk very fast!

    4. Londontram


      Post pictures

  3. 39 years ago today, I joined the Royal Signals and ran around in green for 18 years!

    1. Liam


      Based at Blandford Camp?

    2. Londontram


      My dad was in the Signals 1945 to 1947, lucky enough to get on the white helmets display team. I had an uncle in the Signals too, killed in Italy in 1944

    3. Tangoman69


      Missed Blandford less a couple of short stints pre-deployment

  4. Best part of £200 spent at Hattons on track for my new project

    1. Metr0Land


      Money well spent with the nights drawing in

    2. Hroth


      Been there, done that, still not finished!

  5. Feeling inspired after visiting RailEx NE yesterday

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Aye. Join the gang! :-)

    2. Two_sugars


      Good weren't it

    3. waggy


      Same here.

  6. Just had wander round where they filmed parts of the ‘Guns of Naverone’

    1. manna


      Ealing studios ??

  7. Just made a 6 arch Wills viaduct, Mojo well and truly back.

    1. Two_sugars


      Crimdon Dene?

    2. Tangoman69


      I’m basing it on Entwistle viaduct near Bolton

  8. Those kind people at the Premium bonds have been very, very kind to me!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      That's nice for you, then.

    3. BoD


      Enough for a shed with integrated layout?

    4. Horsetan


      Guess I'll be waiting another 27 years for another win.

  9. First time out in the caravan for a long while and wouldn't you know it, Thornaby yard is across the road!

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Funny f****** place for a holiday...

    2. big jim

      big jim

      beat me to it McCann!

    3. Liam


      Next time try that Italian restaurant on the ECML near Tollerton on the Vale of York.

  10. Rumour of a bomb at Manchester Victoria, anyone heard anything?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Liam


      As the suspect died in the explosion I would take a risk to say that it was a terrorist incident. But just imagine, that could've been Warley!

    3. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Confirmed 22 dead and 59 injured.

      What a sickening, cowardly and pointless crime.

      Thinking of those who lost have lost people and the injured. Yet again, our fantastic emergency services step up to the bar. God bless all.

    4. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Sky are without doubt the worst "media vultures" ever !

  11. I am now a ISO9001 lead auditor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tangoman69
    3. dhjgreen


      I am certain that you know there is rather more to ISO9000 than that potential of hydrogen

    4. Dancess


      Been there, done that. Now need Quality Modelling


  12. I am now a ISO9001:2015 lead auditor

  13. I am now a ISO9001:2015 lead auditor

  14. I am now a ISO9001:2015 lead auditor

  15. I am now an ISO9001:2015 lead auditor

  16. I am now an ISO9001:2015 lead auditor

  17. Whizzing up the ECML from KX to Durham. It's bloody boring in the dark!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SHMD


      Did York to Newcastle earlier.


      Apart from the Deltic - nothing to see...

    3. Tangoman69


      Didn't stop, but having 2 mins in York.

      Plenty of sprinters catching a few zzz's

    4. sammyboy


      I hate travelling by train at night, nothing to see out of the window!

  18. House is on the market, all models packed away and now I understand when SHMBO says I have too many trains!!

    1. 60159


      Not possible to have too many trains, it's a known scientific fact.

    2. irishmail


      I have loads of trains, but still not enough. :)


  19. All models now packed away pending a move 140 miles North

    1. Mallard60022


      Don't come beyond Watford.

  20. Just been given the go ahead from SWMBO to convert the garage into a fully insulated railway room, get in!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bgman


      ENJOY! Wahoo !!!

    3. steve22


      While you're out in the garage she's inside, changing all the locks...and selling all your stock on 'Buy & Sell'.

    4. trisonic


      Is the roof still on?

  21. What a sh1te year so far! Smashed my elbow just before NYE, six weeks away from driving as a result, to find out someone had raised a grievance against me whilst away from the office, and to top it off my Dad died yesterday. Bring on 2017!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. locoholic


      Just hang on in there. It may take a while, but things will eventually start to improve.

    3. Mallard60022


      There are times when life tries to cover you in sh1te. Take a very deep breath, be strong, and to quote an old song, look to the future now. Bless you mate and PM me anytime if you need to unload.

    4. Tangoman69


      Thanks for all the kind words of support

  22. Is operating a scalpel whilst drinking Old Peculiar a good idea?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      An incisive observation.

    3. SHMD


      I just love precision modeling !

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Yeah, its good for you - @ 5.6% it should be...

  23. Why do I find 3 colourful sheds strangely appealing?

    1. devonseasider


      colourful sheds - don't they call them beach huts ?

    2. Tangoman69


      Freds, Sheds, Dreds. The 2 LT & the RE specials


  24. Just spent 48 hours in hospital after coming off my pushbike. Gotta go back next week to replace my elbow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tangoman69


      Thanks for the kind words, unfortunately morphine & codeine mean i can't raise a glass. All the best!!

    3. steveb860


      all the best for a speedy recovery

    4. Alister_G


      You know, when you've been tango'd!


      All the best for the New Year!

  25. Woo Hoo.. Weekend is here. MRA set to weather up!

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