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Everything posted by class26

  1. And Forsinard on the opposite side of the layout. The crossing gates , like the bridge are probably unique to the FNL and once again are courtesy of Yorkmodelmaking. Should anyone want either the bridge or gates do contact Julie at Yorkmodelmaking. Can`t be the first time the deer has seen 37261 !
  2. I have spent a long time in the shadows on here learning much from the many excellent layouts and hopefully this will have born fruit in this layout. I did hint at the layout recently on the Scottish kits page and was encouraged to reveal more so here we go. A long modeller of the Scottish scene, probably due to holidays many years ago when the class 26`s and the 37`s were ruling the north I did several attempts (all bad) at the Kyle of Lochalsh before migrating to the Far North line itself. My previous layout, now no more was a freelance FNL layout but before long I was growing dissatisfied with it and planning this layout where the centre piece is Forsinard. For those not familiar Forsinard is the final passing place before Georgemas Junction and now the only passing place between Helmsdale and Georgemas, a little oasis. I was attracted to it really for its setting, I could have chosen any of the passing stations on the line. A visit to the area in 2017 saw many photos taken and I travelled the entire length of the line so took photos from the 158 , it does get up a fair speed in these parts so there are many blurred photos ! There is I believe even a stretch of 90 mph between Forsinard and Georgemas !. This layout was intended as a retirement project, to be worked on at leisure and in normal circumstances not started on for a few years yet but Covid 19 has changed my plans as I find I now have much spare time due to our business (who would be in travel now ?) temporarily closing . All previous layouts have had too many compromises and this time I was determined to compromise less. The far north of Scotland needs space if modelling anything outside the stations themselves so a shed measuring 24 x 12 was commissioned, ground cleared with the shed finally arriving in June (already 3 months late due to lockdown). Initially my thoughts were to do a roundy roundy with Forsinard on one side leaving a huge space to model the very empty Flow Country found between Forsinard and Georgemas. At this point I must thank Mr Ben Alder of the Far North line for his invaluable help in the planning stage. Whilst I wanted the continuity that a roundy gives this would have meant storing lots of trains in hidden sidings and my previous layout suffered from this. I mean not really knowing where trains were and then the cleaning of hidden track , derailments etc. Ben Alder suggested adding Thurso and after much umming I have gone with this. As Ben said, Thurso has the benefit of being very compact plus there are numerous photos of the station . I will still have a hidden loop going round the layout behind the backscene but little in the way of storage. I should say I was not keen to have a fiddle yard as I wanted the maximum scenic area possible and I hope this all proves workable. In many ways Thurso will act as a scenic fiddle yard. This meant the Flow country area had to be shortened but I hope my compromise works. There is still approx 16 feet of winding single track after Thurso. The idea is that after leaving Thurso trains will immediately enter the Flow country and then , behind a hill (ie hidden) there is the option to take the loop (and even wait a while) round the perimeter before entering Forsinard station so time will have elapsed. After Forsinard the one small non scenic area is where i can manually turn the train, placing the loco at the opposite end of the train for its eventual return via the loop, then Forsinard, Flow country and finally lines end at Thurso. That`s probably enough description for now. The area most developed currently is the Flow Country so I will end with a couple of photos to give a flavour The bridge in the second photo was made for me by YorkModelmaking. There are several lattice type bridges between Helmsdale and Thurso / Wick which I believe are unique to the Far North line. I was going to make do with a Peco girder bridge but am so please I asked Julie at York to make this. The decking in the photo is only a trial, I need to alter it yet. The 37 in the first photo is appropriately 37261 "Caithness" !
  3. Will be my first , slightly nervous I suppose but am coming round to the same conclusion as you. Progress is restricted at the moment due to lack of Peco Bullhead track. With the latest lockdown imminent I can see this shortage of track not being resolved until well into 21. All very frustrating but it has made me progress with scenic work so new thread is imminent I think. Thanks for the nudge.
  4. For those who model the Far North line here are two recent commissions I received from York Modelmaking as I am incapable of scratch building them ! Both (I think) are unique to the Far North line and are the lattice bridge and the crossing gates as seen at Forsinard. The gates at Lairg I believe are very similar. The little gate to the right is of course courtesy of Peco. The bridge is found at several places mainly on the northern half of the line. The bridge isn`t finished, it only has received a coat of primer so far , it is just plonked on the gap where the river will be If anyone wants either of these just contact Julie at York Modelmaking and she will run them off for you. They are both for my new , Far North layout which will feature Forsinard station in full plus Thurso and a decent stretch of single track Flow Country between the two (where the bridge will be a feature.) Please excuse the rudimentary nature of the scenic work, it is all at a very early stage, when i am a little further on I will start a dedicated page on the layout forum but i hope these might be of some interest to other FNL modellers
  5. I was in Rails shop on Tuesday , ordered 8 Bullhead points and a box of Bullhead track. They said it should be with them by the end of October. Can`t proceed with my layout without. Frustrating as so much time due to Covid...................
  6. Seconded. If it`s a toss between "Made in China" or waiting a little longer, i`ll wait thanks
  7. Hi , I have the mag and have posted the missing page in the Scottish section. Let me know if it`s ok for you
  8. Here`s the last p. After sending page 1 the site wouldn`t let me send the others for some reason but permitted page 6 so you get what you asked for. Again, apologies for the coffee stains ! if anybody reading this wants pages 2, 3 , 4 or 5 to complete the article let me know.
  9. Good news, i have it and have scanned the entire article for you. Sorry for a few coffee stains but I think its all readable. let me know if not. By the way, it was March 2006, not 2008. Its coming in separate posts as it seems i can only attach one page per post. Hope this helps
  10. Hello, I am fairly sure I have a copy. Will look tomorrow and write again
  11. The track between Boston and Sleaford is 60 mph (although 35 / 40 for freight), Sleaford to Allington 50 mph (35 / 40) but alot of the track between Sleaford and Allington is now CWR and probably fit for higher speeds but I guess the signalling would need repositioning first ?. Just as between Boston and Firsby since the track was relaid to permit HST`s to run at line speed (60 mph) the track is fit for 75 mph but again the signalling needs re sighting.
  12. I started out looking at a company from near Chester which, whilst looking very well made (and fully lined) was £9,000 before I found this company just a few miles down the rod from me. Most things round here are cheaper, Try comparing property prices ! That`s why i am here ! I haven`t got round to the heating question yet but will need to before the autumn arrives. As it is 24 feet long I think one at either end will probably be what I do. Still waiting for the electric to be installed. Now it is fully lined and all baseboards are in place, track loosely in place just to see how it all looks. This layout has been planned for a long time and most of the buildings etc have been made prior to the sheds arrival so once the electric is installed (hopefully this week) I can get going properly.
  13. If you are still coming over to view the sheds on Saturday you are welcome to pop in and see mine.  I am about 20 minutes from the shed company or if you are going to Skegness you will almost pass my house on the way back to Tamworth !  I will be in all day as it will be the first  weekend I have to start on the layout after waiting for months ! Let me know, won`t be offended if you don`t but it might be worth seeing it ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. class26


      No problem, just pleased you had a productive journey. I finished lining the shed and the boards are now up so today i was just laying out track approximately to see how it will all look in real life. This layout has been planned for years but there`s always something you haven`t thought of.  My problem is I hate fiddle yards but need somewhere for the train to "hide" before returning. After much head scratching today i think i got there ! I will be opening a new thread on here (my first) once I have electric installed and there`s something positive to see. 

      Did you make it to Skegvegas ? Not a bad afternoon for it.

    3. B McG

      B McG



      Hope all's well. It was quite a nice day up at Vegas, however it's now fast becoming a distant memory!  How are you getting on with your prep work? I did have a look to see if you had started a thread but didn't see anything posted.  There was something else I wanted to ask about your setup in your shed rather than post on the planning thread.  I was wondering whether you insulated the floor of your shed and if you did, how you approached it?   


      If I did go for it the plan would be to use a breathable membrane on the existing floor, covered by a frame of 75mm high joists with 50mm celotex board in between the joists. Next would be to use aluminium tape to close all gaps between the joist and the boards and then cover with 18mm ply for rigidity.  It would mean a bit of extra work and expense but I'm am leaning towards doing this to maximise comfort in the dark months.  I would be interested to hear whether you'd think this is worth doing.


      Cheers & happy modelling,


    4. class26




      I have fully insulated my shed. Well not me but my builder. We used insulation material that you use in lofts then clad by what he called marina board. We also used this for the floor. I definitely think you should insulate though ! One thing, when the shed was first erected there were a few knots in the wood which popped out making small holes. We used some filler before starting the insulation and this seemed to have worked as it emerged from the recent deluges without problems


      The layout is proceeding ok thanks but you are right, I haven`t yet started a thread on here. I know I ought to but I would like it a little further advanced first. As my company has all but closed due to this blasted virus I will have time over the next few months. We are in group travel with most of our client`s being schools who have been told no foreign travel so you can imagine the devastation that has caused. Basically we have had virtually no income this year and it looks as though that will; remain the case until a vaccine is found.

      Do let me know when the shed arrives and good luck.






  14. I am aware I am hijacking this thread with my shed so I will shortly start a new thread but just to finish by saying , yes, it was a multi day job (4 for the lining and floor) and now the supports for the boards are going in, possibly finished today. Electrics to finish then we are in business. just as well there isn`t that much work at the moment ! Apologies Bryant !
  15. There`s 2 purlins on either side running the entire length. I`ll put up a photo of the completed shed soon, its almost finished being fitted out now.
  16. Not sure what you mean by purlins , why not call them. 01526 861 737
  17. Pleased to hear this. Mine is almost finished now, lining etc and supports for base boards going in tomorrow then I can get down to the serious business of starting the layout. After your visit you could park up somewhere (Boston ?) and take the HST to Skegness. Probably not that many more times it will run although it might be slightly early for you if you are coming over from Tamworth? I know the journey well having lived in B`ham for 30 years ! Good luck !
  18. Here is my 24 x 12 being erected. I am very happy with the quality of the shed so would recommend you going ahead with the company if you still intend to.
  19. i would most certainly argue that the "triplets" would be very well received !!!
  20. They are presently building a bridge over the M42 near Brum
  21. In the short term no, but we need to look further ahead. If we just look at the next few months and take that as the new normal we would probably cancel all infrastructure enhancements as not worth it but traffic levels will steadily increase and our sights need to be on the long term.
  22. BR always reckoned that 1 minute of time saved increased revenue by 1% so if that still holds then I would say even 3 or 4 minutes saved is worth it.
  23. I had the same problem with home made write couplings similar to yours, coincidentally on a West Highland layout now dismantled. I played around with them for hours and eventually got them to work. I do think though looking at yours if it was wider i suspect the problem would go away.
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