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Everything posted by RThompson

  1. Elsecar is where I'm intending to go Gordon just before Scaleforum, hopefully!
  2. If you can wait a week, I should be able to tell you what the actual codes are for the blues as. They should be the same for the buses interurban livery however you may have difficulty in purchasing small quantities for your modelling purposes?
  3. Hi all, Whilst I havnt gone over the model to check all the dimensions are correct, I would say that everything is actually correct except for the upper sides of the bonnet as the peak is about 1mm taller than the internal partitions. The model will come with a highlevel all wheel drive gearbox which fits between the frames and a mashima 1420 motor which is actually fitted to this model. I should hopefully be going to see another sentinel to gain the missing information needed which I can compare like for like the model and real loco.
  4. Hi all, very quickly before i start loading the car for EM North. Heres some photos of 4mm scale items. Wont be releasing the LT 60ft rail wagon at the show as I still havnt received a invoice for the etches so can't price them plus the instructions are not done which would have been posted seperately. Hope to see you at the 3 shows this month im at but will only at the 009 society convention for a few hours for setting up the stand for a friend before I shoot off for scaleforum on the friday.
  5. Good afternoon everyone, Just to let you know I'll be at Expo EM this weekend in Manchester. The London Transport RW 60ft rail wagon will be released at long last, will see if I've got time to put a photo of it on the website tomorrow, must admit I am very pleased with it.
  6. Very Good Mark! Do I dare say it but, will it be weathered slightly? I only ask as I think it will make this loco go from great to greater!
  7. yes, always sods law! i'm sure your be fine with your scratch built door mark, certainly is round which is the main thing. I made a smokebox door for my GWR 14xx out of plastic card years ago but didnt have a rotary cutter so a lot of work went into it and that was just before the mainly trains detailing bits!
  8. Looking good so far, speaking of the smokebox door, I have made these available now but for some reason much like some other bits I havnt added these to the website but had to the price list, my job for next week on my day off which is tuesday!
  9. Hello everyone, Whilst I've got some spare time at work I can inform you all of some forthcoming releases when the website hopefully gets updated sometime this week. The test etch for the 4mm scale austerity 0-6-0ST lambton cab has gone well and will be available as a complete sheet like the already existing detailing sheet but enough for one loco. These are available for £10.50 per sheet, only 3 in stock in brass. I might re-offer them as nickel silver in the next batch. Also I will introduce a austerity 0-6-0ST eco detailing sheet, like the bigger version but with enough parts to do one loco with a standard round rear specticle cab, some perts are not included as these already exist on the larger sheet. These retail for £6.00 Test etch for the London Transport RW 60ft rail wagon test build is going well, hoping to have it finished this week and be in a position to order production etches. I havnt had a chance to start on the 100hp post war sentinel.
  10. Nothing at the moment Horsetan, just a part completed drawing, probably about 60% complete. Trying to get the shape of the cab front for the N1 isn't easy on the computor. Still trying to do more research on it, would help if Bachmann didn't design it to form part of the chassis itself as that causes some design problems itself! It doesn't help also that I'm working more and more hours in my full time job so not getting the time to get stuff done like I used to but hopefully towards the end of the year things will change for the better but we will see.
  11. Hi all, Just a quick update that all in 4mm scale 00/EM/P4 the London Transport hurst nelson brake van is now in stock, just finishing of the instructions. Test etches have arrived for various items, ones gone straight in the scrap bin as the half etch lines are missing from a lot of areas, The postwar 100hp sentinel 0-4-0VBT will be started soon, this is a next step from the first test etch with more work involved but at least all the half etched lines are present on this one so I can test it properly, still needs more work and research as some areas are missing. Hopefully I'll be able to post photos of this shortly. Lambton austerity cab in brass, after annealing it I was able to form up the cab but it wasn't easy so take your time, hopefully it will be ok when I solder it all up soon. And finally the london transport rw 60ft rail wagon is also present and looking at it so far looks to be the final version, will be making it up to take to the clubs thursday running night to test it in its gradients and curves as there is not a lot of clearence around the wheels, 20 inch radius curves in any gauge. I'll report more when I can.
  12. Oh no, I managed to actually get a saturday of work for the neasden open day which now I've got to try and arrange another, just hope its not any weekend in september as I've had to book my holidays to attend exhibitions even though its not really a holiday. Would like another LT pannier (saves me repainting one) but doubt I'll be able to attend the running weekend.
  13. Hi all, Just a quick update that the 4mm scale LT hurst nelson brakevan will be £30 minus wheels, sadly this is the cost of kits these days with a lot of nickel silver sheet used. The LT RW 60ft rail wagon will be more as that's got lost wax brass castings included, hopefully the final test etch will arrive very soon with other kits that have been under development for ages so I'm slowly getting there with less and less time free everyday but if things go well soon, that could change for the better.
  14. Good evening everyone, Quick question. What is the best matching paint for LT engineering stock between the 30's and 70's before the blue and yellow era? Need to know this for both myself and for the instructions!
  15. Metr0land, there is 3 duckets provided should one go wrong. Its not as hard as it seems, just take your time and because they are mostly half etched except for the edges its easy enough to form. Everyone has got to start somewhere. Due to the way the kit is designed I will not be able to cater for a cast ducket, I've had too many problems with this kit which did put me off for a while and don't wish to do anymore alterations, there is one defect which is my fault, don't have a clue why I did it but the half etched area to locate the brake cylinder is in the wrong place and will have drawings to show where it should really go. David, I havnt even dared think about starting on them yet, got a few other kits and parts to clear first. I was down in London last tuesday as I needed a break and visited the revamped London Transport musuem and photograghed 23 there so got all the close up photos for when work starts, probably ed of this year.
  16. Hope its alright me posting this on here from my discussions about it nearly a year ago! Whilst ive grabbed a spare couple of hours today ive managed to build the test etch for the 4mm scale London Transport Hurst Nelson Brake van and much to my relief after 2 and a half years of development and allot of heartache (and money!), its now ready! Price to be confirmed but looking to be around the £20 to £25 mark with wheels. If you are interested in purchasing one from the first batch, please contact me off group so enough is ordered for everone. It is mainly in etched nickel silver with cast ends and floor to add the neccessary relief and weight. LT 60ft rail wagon currently having its test build done and looking good so far so will report on that very soon!
  17. Good evening everyone. Whilst ive grabbed a spare couple of hours today ive managed to build the test etch for the 4mm scale London Transport Hurst Nelson Brake van and much to my relief after 2 and a half years of development and allot of heartache (and money!), its now ready! Price to be confirmed but looking to be around the £20 to £25 mark with wheels. If you are interested in purchasing one from the first batch, please contact me off group so enough is ordered for everone. It is mainly in etched nickel silver with cast ends and floor to add the neccessary relief and weight. LT 60ft rail wagon currently having its test build done and looking good so far so will report on that very soon!
  18. No need for ducking, its still being tweaked like a lot of drawings at the moment.
  19. Hi Owen, its a curved X crossing, not a slip. Installed it last night and stock seemed to run ok but going the other track it showed problems with one locos pony truck, will know next week when full running commences with a variety of members stock!
  20. Ive had the exact problem at the club recently and has really annoyed me even though ive built track work before but never done a crossing which had to be curved to fit the location as its got to fit a existing location
  21. Hi all, Latest release is walchaerts valve gear for 4mm scale, 009 gauge for various locos,basic etched loco specific frames will introduced shortly as well. Some drawings for various 4mm scale, Standard gauge items has been emailed off for test etches, work has resumed on the Sentinel even though I'm still awaiting for the patterns still. The basic test etch that I did for september last year at least gave me some time to play with the design of the chassis, I've now altered it to have the gearbox in the cab behind the boiler which you shouldn't see it too much but it allows you to fit the biggest flywheel possible in the front of the loco.
  22. Glad both your orders have turned up, need to fit them to my own panniers now when I get the time!
  23. Hi Adam, Yes I was replying from my phone, I can see the difference in the links now, thankyou for doing that.
  24. Hi Jack, I should have your order sent out tomorrow. Here's the link to the photo of the contractors wagons fitted with conventional buffers, note that the wagon chassis's on these are different to the type dipicted in the kit. http://m.flickr.com/#/photos/21602076@N05/4932534847/
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