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Everything posted by muddys-blues

  1. I reckon there are plans afoot to have a “time warp” curve at the far end end to join PYB & SMS !!! Craig I reckon there are plans afoot to have a “time warp” curve at the far end end to join PYB & SMS !!! Craig
  2. The plan is evolving nicely Andy, as Jints says some nice overgrown tracks will definitely add character & atmosphere. PS remember when you are fed up of the layout by September, I have first dibs on the rat, cash waiting we can exchange at the Great Welsh Meet Up in November Best regards Craig
  3. Good morning Andy, wow I hadn’t realised how long it’s been since I have been on RMweb properly catching up on threads, then I come across this new one of yours. Looks interesting & plenty of good ideas discussed from others ....... but where will the bogcarts come into it ? Best regards Craig
  4. Lemmy's base playing on Hawkwind's Organe Accumulator -- still rocks me to the core !!!

    1. Stentor


      As does his singing on Lost Johnny

  5. Nice build that Woodyfox, I have a 3 car set in my stash, i particularly like what you have done with making the housing round the motor, a simple but effective way of hiding it. Best regards Craig.
  6. Hi Paul, Jim Snowdon was the contact for some brass equivalents, they are £66 for a set of 4, which include postage. Best regards Craig.
  7. When I have used up my last 2 x HP ink cartridges for my printer ... I am going to take that troublesome f###ing printer to work, and obliterate it with the sledge hammer

    1. MarshLane


      I sense (only by a small amount) that your not quite satisfied with your printer Craig :)

  8. Ooh now KM is going, that leaves plenty of room to extend PB !!! Best regards Cracking g
  9. Good afternoon, I have a query on a Hymek livery, I am not sure if it is a figment of my imagination, or my eyes playing a trick on me, but did any blue liveried Hymeks have the BR Lion & Wheel emblem on its bodyside instead of the BR double arrow logo ? I am sure I saw one on the web but can't seem to dig it up again, or it may have a been a filthy 2 tone green version but possibly looked blue because of the colour contrast on the picture. Thanks in advance Craig.
  10. As stated before, how modern is your era interest ? Best regards Craig ...... modelling 1970 in decay & decline
  11. That 04 has been to Jintymans for a refit, do they not have a wash facility at that works ? Look at it it’s filthy !!!! ;-) Very nice Rod, very nice indeed. Best regards Craig
  12. Aah yes sorry Ian, it was earlyish when I typed this !!! Best regards Craig
  13. Hello Andy, when you have the axles out try dropping them in a jug of very very warm water for a few minutes, this should warm up the insulation bush enough to make it easier to pull off the wheel by hand. HTH Craig
  14. Whatever happened to that crowd funded 7mm LMS Twins 10000 & 10001 project ... run by that bloke who wasn't who he said he was ??

  15. Ey up, Andy has already got an on eye back to 4mm already ... PM sent about the 7mm Rat 5191, can you please keep it safe for me till November, and bring it over then ;-) Best regards Craig
  16. Hello, does anybody have any Slater's 7843NB class 22 - 3'7" 11 spoke wheels they are no longer needing they would like to sell ? Best regards Craig.
  17. I have the books from the 22 project society, great books with plenty of pics & information on withdrawals etc Best regards Craig
  18. Coming along well Phil, don't forget to leave a few of the side valences off Phil as per the prototypes, when they fell off !! Craig.
  19. That's nice Andy ..... remember I get first dibs on it when you go back to 4mm "AGAIN" ..... give me a #4 ... mee maw. Best regards Craig.
  20. I have like just watched 20 minutes like of Love Island like for the first time ever like, what a load of sh*t* like .... seriously who watches this sh*t apart from my Missus & Daughter ? It’s dreadful TV

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Welly


      Just do some modelmaking while the wife watches TV :-)

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      All of which vindicates my Keith Moon-ing of my telly five years ago and its non-replacement! ;-)

  21. Looks nice Paul, hope all goes well on the health scare. Best regards Craig
  22. Gents, to those wanting a set of BR class 120 sides in 4mm, then Allen Doherty of Worsley Works does a 3 car 119 set of sides for £46.50, these are the same as the 120's, I would imagine it would be easy enough to scratch some cab ends. PS I have a pair of Craftsman class 120 DMS sides "preformed" and some odds and ends if anybody is interested in sending me a PM. Best regards Craig.
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