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Roy Langridge

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Everything posted by Roy Langridge

  1. A great announcement, BR Blue with not a headlight or orange stripe in sight. Does life get any better? Now, how do I justify both… Roy
  2. The bogies look to be too wide in general, leading to a buffer beam that extends further out than it should. Might only be the angle, but I am not sure. Everywhere you look there are small errors: split headcode boxe fronts are flush to the sides, split headcode box top handrails seem to be at the back, small hatch missing on bodyside, handrails either side of the nose doors aren’t handrails, looking more like clips… It is only a CAD render, hopefully these are known and will be corrected. Roy
  3. Whilst this is not a yes from me, it isn’t a no yet either. I really hope that when we get some better shots I am persuaded to part with some money. It does show some potential. Roy
  4. Eh? I hope not, I’m expecting another three soon! Roy
  5. Bad form quoting myself, but hey ho... My Caroline arrived today and she looks lovely. No damage to the outer box, inner box or contents - all perfect. Will have to fit a decoder and have a play running session. Roy
  6. Still waiting for my blue/grey version as I had to ask Revolution to delay shipping whilst I was away on holiday. Has anybody worked out what radius it can cope with if you remove the shims please? The tighest on the layout it is planned for is Peco large radius bullhead points, so I am assuming a I will be ok. Roy
  7. It looks as if there is a dent near the headlight which causes that effect. Roy
  8. We know what to expect from SLW re updates, Phil has always been very clear about his ways of communicating. If we get monthly updates, somebody will expect fortnightly, fortnightly and somebody will expect weekly… I think the likes of Accurascale have changed expectations, however, I am yet to be convinced that these expectations are actually reasonable. Let the models speak for themselves, they will be worth the wait and will be here when they are and not a day before. Roy
  9. Only 2 1/2 years since announcement and soon to arrive. I can think of lots of other models that have taken a lot longer. Roy
  10. 97301 is not a refurbished loco. You can tell by the nose grills being different at either end. Roy
  11. I disagree, for many modern multiple units, a cab light is on whilst moving, it just isn’t the front one. Don’t forget there is often a guard or revenue collector/inspector travelling in the rear cab. Roy
  12. The gap looks tiny to me and I would suggest that any smaller and the loco would derail on any change to an incline or twist in the track (change to a camber on a curve for example). Roy
  13. Has anybody successfully fitted a Lokpilot v5 MKL? I prefer ESU decoders and want to know if one will fit. Many thanks, Roy
  14. If it looks right to you that is all that matters. For me it is wrong, and that is all that matters. We all have our views and at the end of the day, spend our money accordingly. Enjoy your D11. Roy
  15. Sorted out a donation. Great cause and good luck to you Jim. Roy
  16. To my mind Accurascale have it spot on. Too many banger blue locos have been released with the later warning panel yellow which is so wrong to my eyes. If a loco is to represent pre-84, it should be more lemony. Roy
  17. Sadly not right for the 1980s as the overhead warning flashes are wrong. It also had no orange stripe when first painted in ScotRail livery, changed by mid-87. Roy
  18. Another banger blue 47 for me 😃 Would love a 47/3. Roy
  19. Resistance is futile... buy one of the new Accurascale 37s and your wallet will weep. Similarly the Bachmann 47s, my third SFX Class 47 model arrived today. I too though that my current 37s and 47s were ok, until I bought a one to the standard. Roy
  20. To me the colour is not far off. If you look at 31466 at Toton open day (and I was there) it was more red than maroon. Take a look ar Flickr. Here are some links (not my photos): Lighting also plays its part: The issue comes that EWS Red seems to age into a darker colour before fading. Roy
  21. Leaving aside the PO box issue, normally a receipt detailing the item and value covers the proof of contents. This can be backed up by email evidence of an agreement to return an item. If you do not have a receipt, are you able to request another? I see nothing on the Ts&Cs about PO boxes and I would suggest that if the Post Office did not advise you of this upon posting you have a right to complain. Roy
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