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Roy Langridge

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Roy Langridge

  1. If ever there is a statement that shows your can't please everybody, that is it. Too bright for me, in daylight they hardly showed on the prototype. I could have sworn mine worked with sound on. Will check later. Roy
  2. But there are plenty of spares that Bachmann cannot provide you aren’t there? I have drawn a blank on at least three occasions when I have tried. Look at their spares website and you can see just how limited spares are for some models. Roy
  3. As far as I can see they are standard Loksound V5 DCC decoders. Roy
  4. Take it easy Fran. Running your own business is hard work (and I speak from experience) and it is easy for it to become all consuming (and again I speak from experience). The hours you all spend replying show that is the case, and at some point you have to take a break. At the end of the day you have to come first as a person, our models come a very distant second. Roy
  5. That sums up my situation well. I don't have knitting, model the 1975-1985 era,so it is just too late, and still I keep hovering over the order button. Roy
  6. Oh yes - 37027 has arrived and it as good as everybody has said. Only been unboxed so far, and wow. Test track will be out later and I will get to hear that sound first hand. Now to look forward to the others I have on order - lost count, but I think it is 4 5 more. Roy
  7. Whilst I would challenge the “not another rtr loco to match them” given the SLW Class 24 was already released, I agree fully these are very much under appreciated. Roy
  8. Or, given it was done by Hattons, they feel there is insufficient demand for a one-off livery? Roy
  9. Haven’t you forgotten the test for “Has somebody got theirs before me?” which throws the “Teddy bears out of pram” exception? Roy
  10. As mentioned above, it appears they are in the same despatch order as we are. Roy
  11. I paid for my 37027 11 months after announcement, so I am expecting a bit of a wait still, but excited nonetheless. Roy
  12. Careful, that will just make some people post another 100 "where is my 37" posts just to get on the board... Roy
  13. Just like Schrödinger's cat? They are both here and not here, but when we look they are not here? Roy
  14. But also noted by Accurascale that they work with multiple factories to lessen those impacts. Roy
  15. That is how life works - you don't know the background to why it is for sale. I would be more concerned about somebody using Accurascale's images, possibly without permission. Roy
  16. Shipping from China is typically 6 weeks, so if they are nearly finished, they could well be here before Autumn. Roy
  17. We have got some wonderful 37s delivered in 3 1/2 years from announcement, despite Covid. I have waited much longer for some items when there wasn’t a pandemic. Remember the 2H for example? Then there have been some that were well delayed before Covid and then had a Covid impact, Dapol 59? Bachmann have not been immune, new Class 25 announced before the Accurascale 37s and still not here. Other new entrants have also suffered, Revolution’s Caroline is running over 2 years late on a planned delivery of only 1 year. So, am I not complaining about any of those? No. They arrive when the arrive, and in recent times we know the challenge the world has, and still does, face. What I don’t get is this focus on the delays with Accurascale as if they have been alone in having issues. Roy
  18. What an absolutely ridiculous comment. Get a sense of perspective for God’s sake. And yes, I do have 37001 on order and have to wait for it, but I don’t go round having a grump about it. Roy
  19. I would guess that it is DHL and that they planned to deliver it yesterday, didn't and rescheduled it for today. Generally when I get the "At delivery location" message it is delivered the same day, and yours was there plenty early enough. Roy
  20. I have got emails from TradeSupply for my last few Accurascale orders although, funnily enough, not my three Siphon Gs that arrived today, I did however for my two Siphon Gs that arrived last week. Edit: having seen @Krieghoff’s post, despite the email from TradeSupply, the delivery to my house was via a DHL vinyled van. At the end of the day, TradeSupply seem to delivering ok to me, so is there an issue? Roy
  21. That has been a common issue with several Heljan 33s over the years. It is not just WC models so affected. Roy
  22. Have you tried adding weight to just the power car? I would have thought any gains from adding weight to the trailer are marginal and may even offset some of the gains from weighting the power car. Thanks, Roy
  23. And that sums up nicely my view of a number of manufacturers/models these days. Increasingly, in regard to those aforementioned, I am finding I have to wait to see the final product and only rarely does the end result satisfy me. Shame. Roy
  24. Eight numbers going up to at least 321? The odds of you winning are so low I think you will be disappointed! Roy
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