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Everything posted by AMJ

  1. Had a communication from Jeremy at Digitrains they have a suitable project that I'll be picking one up at Pontefract exhibition later this month.
  2. Just wondering who's sound project people are thinking about fitting into the new Bachmann NER E1/LNER J72? Presumably there will be someone who tweaks the settings for the firebox glow. (Not a new idea remember when Triang had this in DC!)
  3. I think that it needs a roof like the Hither Green one above. Depending upon the age it would probably be an asbestos one. A bit of cladding to cover the top of the kit and a roof and I think that it will then look British outline.
  4. AMJ

    CLASS 24/0

    A while ago I fitted my model with the lighting kit from Express Models. It's a simple wiring job. Mine is one of the original 8 pin boards.
  5. Not seen a sign but from most European lines they indicate a change of electrical power for one system to another so I'd like to think that similar existed from the Eurotunnel and the southern third rail.
  6. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The overall management need to analyse what do we want to do? Then look at how can we do it? If they keep it simple then all should be ok. The costs for Notwork Rail should be divided equally based upon the % of train miles you use rather than saying to say an operator you run over bridge X which costs us £Y each year therefore we will charge you £Y+Z
  7. The group's that I was running were just using the email facilities which has been replaced by other systems. I can't remember when I last used it. Wait a few more years and Facebook will have a similar statement.
  8. Following on from the strikes by Northern staff many passengers have moved to using other transport. Don't think that the perception of Pacers helps with passenger satisfaction.
  9. There seems to be one of the two Leeds Donny diagrams with a 331 on it. Stack of 195's at Huddersfield are on training duties.
  10. You can always have them numbered for through trains as these would have had stock from outside your area. It's your model railway so you can have whatever you want running no matter how prototypical it is.
  11. If your controller is set up for F2 to be a horn you might find that it's not a latching control in which scenario you might need to check the chip manual to assign the output onto say F3
  12. Always a good show, looking forward to it after watching the rugby semifinal. My first show was one in the Corn Exchange then Armley before the current home at LGS.
  13. Well done for that, next time I'm in Dublin need to buy a pint in JW Sweetman for you. (Nice micro brewer for those who have never been to Dublin.) At least some IRM models will be shipped from GB.
  14. It was interesting chatting with a friend who is a conductor and there are most of the regulars getting on the trains with a ticket on the app on mobile. Many others are paying by contactless cards so the cash carried by them is going down. Many operators are putting the current emphasis upon the passenger (not customer) to buy at the machine before boarding the train. Pay Trains didn't save lines as there are places such at the Clayton West branch that hung on until the 1980's before shutting. However I think that some of the smaller unstaffed "new" stations wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the ability to buy onboard.
  15. Depending upon the settings of your decoders many can be set up to stop on seeing a DC section of track. How about setting a few inches switchable between DC and DCC but optical solution will be best if you are reversing rolling stock towards the buffers.
  16. The other week the same web cam at York had a DRS 66 where the two 68's are and a pair of 68's in the other siding. Last Saturday there was one parked in the old Scarborough bay next to the real ale bar and car park.
  17. Suppose that it could be used in similar sized 2 cylinder locos. Have been thinking about testing one in an Ixion Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0ST. As they are less than £40 online it's not much more than a Lenz silver that has no sounds.
  18. Even on DC I used to have to think carefully whilst driving the Wren BR standard 4 as it used to take some time to accelerate and with the weight etc used to take some time to stop. It can be fun shunting where you have left a gap between some wagons and then you forget to slow down and end up having to go under to uncouple them. Or run into the buffer stop! How many SPAD's are there by drivers not slowing down enough?
  19. ,I helped his profits out as a kid by buying L&Y Pugs and Hunslet 0-6-0ST Austerity locomotives plus some of the un-painted wagons. He will be missed by modellers of different ages and scales. RIP
  20. AMJ

    Mike Sharman

    Saw his inspirational modelling at York many years ago. I also have a copy of the BBC video as mentioned above.
  21. There are some of the wagons in the private owner wagon series of books that don't have a full height drop down door. They just have one that is half height of the body. Some have a pair of doors above this that open horizontally. If you open these you would get out some of the load from the top before then opening the drop down door. Certain types of load might have been bagged into sacks which makes trans shipping far easier.
  22. LNER are supposed to be putting into service during the next few weeks pairs of 801's onto the Leeds service to free up 800's for the trains through York to the north.
  23. If you have connected your DCC system to your computer and using JMRI's decoder pro the swapping of functions is just a caste of placing ticks into check boxes. However most are quite straight forward to do the individual CV's on a handset but can be a bit tedious.
  24. Knowing that the "sisters" to these in Italy are predominantly red we might be looking at much changed livery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_in_Italy
  25. You might be better to programme the remapping for each car individually if they have separate decoders. Without knowing what the chip is it sounds like there will be a CV to change to ensure that F7 works for both directions. If it's a chip from Charlie a quick email to him will solve your niggle.
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