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Satan's Goldfish

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Status Updates posted by Satan's Goldfish

  1. ther herd were out in force in the M40 this afternoon. the 'alpha' though was clearly the mid-life-crisis in a porsche carerra4 who came storming past me, dropped down a lane in front of me, then proceded to slow down to much less than my cruise control was set to. Why?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Not a Peugot, although we did get stuck behind one when we left the motorway that couldn't go any faster than 30 and seemed to have spontaneous braking habits.

    3. Mallard60022


      Police Patro; Officers shouldn't post on here and tell us all this....

    4. hymek2


      His phone probably rang


  2. Satan's summary of 3 lane+ roads (motorways mostly): people that sit in middle or 'fast' lanes when 'slow' lane is empty are ######*. When lots of them do it they're a herd of ######*. However, on the m25 only it's a stampede of ######*.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      An now you are showing your age, there is no such thing as a slow lane, or fast lane, they are just lanes to get you to the next holdup a lot quicker !

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Just returned from tonights round trip of M4, M5, Axxx, A303, and A34. In heavy wind and rain. They were certainly out in force again. Special mention must go to the person in the Corsa who indicated to come out and round some old dear who was only doing 40mph on the A34, so I slowed down a bit in plenty of time and flashed to let them out........several times before they decided to actually pull. Of course by that time due to their 15 seconds of indecision I'd also had to slow down to 40...

    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      There are some very special people that are allowed to drive there is hope for me yet ;-)

  3. Wife, vaguely gesturing: 'I like the look of that car'. Me: 'Which car?' Wife: 'the one back there.' Me: 'Which one?!?' Wife: 'Behind us!' ......... Me: 'We're in a car park........'

    1. Horsetan
    2. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      That happened days ago so shut it mr

  4. So the drug testers were back this morning. only 1 person in my office was called forward. there was no coolant around for him to drink this time.

    1. mcrook62


      be romantic to your wife

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      And make her think I've done something wrong? ;-)

  5. we're a well travelled family around the UK. During the summer the wife and (teenage) daughter were on their way home, heading west on the M40. Daughter: 'Are we heading towards Germany?' Wife: 'No.....why?' Daughter 'That sign had Birmingham on, and Birmingham is in Germany.' Wife: '..............' She could go on to cure cancer, solve world hunger, and invent a never-ending energy source, but she will never be allowed to forget that moment.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Horsetan
    3. acko22


      Well Mrs SG no one can ever accuse you of not been straight to the point LOL

    4. Mallard60022


      Flock off is what I say.....(heard of sheep?)

  6. tales from the fishbowl! Driving yesterday on a stretch of 3 lane dual carriageway, nobody in the slow lane. Wife: 'Why is everyone in the 2 fast lanes when nobody's in the slow lane?' Me: 'because they're......what's the collective noun for many ######?' Wife: 'What's a collective noun?' Me: 'it's the way for describing many of something, several sheep are a herd of sheep.' Wife: 'it's flock of sheep.....' The shame :-(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I'd like to say these kinds of exchanges are rare in my life........

    3. Horsetan


      .....but they're not.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I may have said the words 'anyone else would find that strange' before now.

  7. We have occasional compulsory drugs testing in work. they turned up today. Work Colleague: 'I need something to drink before I go down, pass me that bottle from under that desk'. proceeds to chug from bottle of 'blue energy drink', runs to sink and vomits. 'That's not energy drink, that's engine coolant.' Well that's one way to avoid testing, although he's currently in hospital getting mocked.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Didn't get the call at Brize today....had to do the 'Friday War' instead... B*gger!!!

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Part 2: so he's in hospital having drunk a nice ethanol/glycol mix, the way to neutralise it as mentioned above is alcohol.......said work colleague has been completely tea-total for a decade. We really want to see him drunk.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I do like that they give us a free pen now for getting tested. Agreed, as a family man in his 30s I'm clearly a prime suspect.

  8. Vintage classic quote for the day (not involving mrs Satan for once!) from an old friend, lets call her 'Lara'. Group of us discussing birthdays, a couple of us have them on the 13th of the month and listing when it was last a Friday 13th. Lara: 'I don't think my birthdays ever fallen on Friday 13th.' Me: 'no Lara, that's because your birthday's on the 12th.'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      No not blond. Actually quite a clever girl, just has 'blond' moments. That is 1 of many.

    3. Horsetan


      Will these moments be available as a compilation album?

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Well that would depend on how often something reminds me of one of them.

  9. Out for a walk earlier. Wife: 'I'm cold and I need a wee.' Me: 'Well there's a bush right there.......' Apparently that was also not an acceptable response.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Horsetan


      In answer to skipepsi, my colleague does fixed-fee divorces, and is very reasonable....

    3. Talltim


      No the bush was for firewood to warm you up. Honest

    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      Not getting divorced he is stuck with me now mwahahaha

  10. Satan's line of the day! All context removed to enhance the comedy: Wife; 'Chicken's not wheat is it......'

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      It wasn't a question but a statement you suck is another one ..........


    3. Kev_Lewis


      That'll be another night in the spare room for SG.

    4. Horsetan


      My colleague deals with matrimonial matters, should the need ever arise.... *discreet kof*

  11. Wife: 'the bedroom's like a fridge.' Me: 'what, the light comes on when you open the door?'.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SouthernRegionSteam


      Gave me a chuckle! Although something tells me your wife did not have the same reaction! :D

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      There may have been a look of disapproval.

    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      A look of disapproval is normal..........

  12. why is it so awkward to fit new bulbs into modern cars?! had to remove the air filter and fuse box to get at the back of each head lamp, (then get down on the ground to reach the undertray to retrieve the bits I dropped....)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnb


      Because the designer is only concerned to jam everything in to as small a space as poss. Soad designer has probably never changed a bulb in his life!!

    3. bgman


      Try fitting some gas lamps on a bracket !

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      1. Main dealer never had a chance of it being taken back unless it was warentee work, something feels very wrong about paying someone to change a bulb!


      2. I'd agree with that, but my car is the opposite of small....lots of space in the engine bay, accept behind the headlights! Designing it so that when you drop an item it lands on the undertray which involves removing the inner arches to access is just genius though.


      3. Ah gas lights, what could possibly go w...

  13. replacement headlight bulbs ordered (1's blown), apparently they're 110% brighter and 20% whiter.......we shall see! (out of interest, does anyone use 12v automotive bulbs to illuminate their layouts?!)

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Too much current! A brake light bulb taking nearly two amps.

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Valid point, most people don't use ridiculous current power supplies.

    3. KalKat


      I used to use instrument bulbs

  14. The livingroom floor is covered in lego train, the coffee table makes a good tunnel, and he'd still like more!

    1. ess1uk


      Wish I'd had Lego trains when I was younger


    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      He has a combination of my old lego track and new track that came with his set and I made some converter tracks between the 2. Gives the lego train a good run.

  15. that was the longest extended 3 hours of my life!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Nothing! It was building in some more capacity. :)

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Ah, too many of us uploading pictures again then ;-)

    4. GWRPhil


      More capacities always cool. Any chance of a file size increase on photos?

  16. Shameless plug for a friend: dansdirtydiesels.wix.com/dansdirtydiesels

    1. Jintyman


      Just had a look, nice too ;-)

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      He's quite handy with the weathering tools. One day I'll remember to drop my LGB RhB 'baby croc' with him so he can really show off.

    3. Jintyman


      Now that's a monster!!!!

  17. Just had a fabulous finger. next up, some long thin biscuits with a praline centre covered in cadbury's chocolate.

    1. steve22


      Cadbury's by name; check the taste just like I'm doing right now. I have my doubts. However,I do hope you enjoy it, nevertheless.

    2. vaughan45
    3. Horsetan


      GM chocolate. Lovely.

  18. So, I've got this 'small' narrow gauge idea........why brain? why?

  19. watching too many late 80s 'spotting' vids on youtube. conclusion; I need more 37s (who doesn't?!) and I need lots more 31s.

    1. class"66"


      Ive been there and doing it now!! far to many 37 projects though...

    2. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      You can never have too many 37s

  20. Tragic day in the fish bowl. the boy's large Jaguar Cichlid has caused the wife's Red Tailed Catfish to choke to death over night. Dumbass.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jintyman


      My bestest experience was a lovely white anemone that decided to climb into a powerhead pump, came down the next morning to a tank resembling milk!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      One of my previous silver aros went missing from the pond once. I eventually found all 2ft of him curled up in filter box. Some water based animals don't have much common sense.

    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      Sad day see what happens when I have to go bk to work and leave you in the house ...................

  21. mrs satan is passing the time by looking up personalised number plates on the internet. she's just found V8 GAY is still available. I fear for my car.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      I used to own NSU 508.

    3. angell328


      There was a husband and wife at Lyneham both loadies with matching BMW's. One had C130ALM the other had C17ALM!! Bet they got bit of stick in the crewroom!


    4. mrs satan goldfish

      mrs satan goldfish

      Kept me amused for hours ..


  22. Just found a picture of an 85 on cartics at Stratford. Score. Didn't think 85s made it over to the GEML.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      And now a picture of an IC exec 86 at Ipswich with a cross-arm pan! It's like GEML AC elec porn night!

    2. admiles


      Links Man, links!

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Ok, as you asked so disparingly:


      85 'Roarer' 85 005 at Stratford. East London. 1988.


      86 86227 Sir Henry Johnson 13th May 1985 Ipswich


      excuse me while I have a moment......

  23. slightly racist secret santa purchasing in full flow, we have the mexican flag, tin of kidney beans, inflatable cactus, tortilla wraps, and mexican soccer shirt all on route. Local sainsbury's has run out of best of Santana cd's on offer and I've not seen any maracas yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boris


      Why not put a kids native american type toy head dress in there as well? Topical this year/next as the Nez Perce tusseled with the US cavalry in some proper Hollywood type gunfights in 1914/15 on the Mexican border

    3. Horsetan


      When it's fiesta time in Guadalajara,

      How I long to be back once again in old Mexico,

      Where we lived for today,

      Never giving a thought to tomorrow,

      To the strumming of guitars,

      In a hundred grubby bars,

      I would whisper "Te amo".


      The mariachis would serenade,

      And they would not shut up 'til they were paid,

      We ate, we drank,

      And we were merry,

      And we got typhoid

      And dysentery....

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I did look for some kind of nacho dip sombrero, but drew a blank.


      Boris, that's an actual sensible post! High 5! Plus I'll now be able to drop some knowledge when someone queries that event.



  24. 128 notifications......the down side of getting distracted by other websites! my appologees if I don't respond to something but I'm not going back through them all.

    1. BoD


      There are other websites?

  25. Satan's ironic text of the month. from O2UK: Hi Satan. A while ago you told us you didn't want to get emails and texts from us, ......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      It would appear so.

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      How dare I not really care what advertising O2 aren't sending me for things I'm really just not interested in!

    4. GWRPhil


      ive had a similar one. "hi hawkingetippyd, this message is to let you know we've updated your preferences so we send you no more messages"

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