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russ p

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Everything posted by russ p

  1. I like people who help hedgehogs, we have just got Horace ,we had a pair which is very unusual the last of which sadly passed away three weeks ago. There was a hedgehog rescue near Aylsham which we were involved with though the lady who ran it retired a couple of years ago. The hogs we've had are not capable for various reasons of going back to the wild. Here is Spikey ( we didn't name him) a couple of months ago. He was very special to me as during my radiotherapy treatment he had a big stroke and we helped each other through our illnesses
  2. I thought for a moment this was a picture of the real railway until I looked closer. When it was, a south dock driver would have been giving it hell on his last stretch back after a trip to York!
  3. That should get stopped as that stupid headboard is obscuring a marker light and could be out of gauge
  4. We've had frog mating weekend there was a lot of frogspawn. You are lucky if you have seen hedgehogs, we don't see as many as the years go by, though I'm very lucky to have a rescued one sitting by my side as I type this.
  5. I got the right road but the wrong side of the A47. Thanks for the link I had no idea the new A47 crossed over the M&GÑ twice
  6. I think Thorney is a slightly North of the A47 possibly up the road from the middle roundabout. You can still see bits of the m&GN from the A47. That bit was still open to Eye from Murrow until about 1965
  7. Excellent Dave, am I right in thinking that if you tried to repeat the thrapston picture you'd have to stand in the middle of the A14?
  8. Teesside had overhead electric industrial loco's Some on here http://player.bfi.org.uk/film/watch-steel-strides-ahead-1961/ You don't know anyone who would build me a garage do you? Got ripped off with some roofing work
  9. Teesside and Bradford had trolley busses until 71 and 72! If you do go to Carlton Coalville play spot the English Electric parts on the trolley busses, they have loads of bits that are common to locomotives. The compressor governor are the same as a 350,20 &40 for instance.
  10. Looks like 120 has a smaller if any silencer fitted compared to the yeoman one. Does it still have a Nathan 3 tone horn?
  11. Maybe add a working model of someone going head first down a lift shaft!
  12. If you want some more zig zags you can have mine as I'll never need them in the 60s!
  13. There are a couple of nice buildings under construction here,although not in stock on here,the walthers and kibri ones are available on Amazon http://www.gaugemaster.com/search_results.asp?searchstring=building%20site+scale~~%ACho%AC~~scale&style=&andor=&method=&strType=&OB=&currentpage=1
  14. How about this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SCAFFOLDING-HO-Scale-Model-Railroad-Structure-Unptd-Laser-Kit-RSL2513-/361520370375?hash=item542c4b12c7:g:TlkAAOxygPtS0Wtp
  15. This is over priced but I remember the scaffolding was quite good http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/197-MATCHBOX-LESNEY-N-11-CAMION-SCAFFOLDING-TRUCK-MERCEDES-ANDAMIOS-LORRY-/311463257983?hash=item4884a8277f:g:JowAAOSwKIpWCqTB
  16. 61, never realised that. There were classrooms at school in the 70s that were called prefabs or portakabins but they were very different to what we have now With regards to vehicles Dapol do the JCB and base toys do a forklift, also there is the trackside ruston crane. Go and see Dave on Tuesday, he always has a good assortment of vehicles. Sheds painted to look like new would do the trick
  17. Remember back then there wouldn't be as much as now, certainly not more than a couple of sheds as a form and office and maybe a mess room. Not sure when portakabins started appearing on building sites. I remember playing on them in the mid 70s and they had sheds
  18. You should go to Carlton Coalville Pete, they have them running there. Only an hour away ,near Lowestoft. I'm not sure if the six wheeled ones had two traction motors
  19. Here we go but no exact date https://youtu.be/AdWgDX7yHpw
  20. There maybe something about road markings on here http://www.sabre-roads.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page I think the zig zags on zebra crossings were brought out late 70s,I'm sure there were TV adverts/ information films about them
  21. Looking excellent Pete, being a bit pedantic when did the 'lorry route' logos appear on road signs late 80s perhaps? Are you doing 70s now?
  22. From what I've heard the fell was quite good and reliable. What killed the fell was a train heat boiler fire
  23. It's a trick of the light I'm afraid the suburbans were never blue and grey
  24. I know they are reliable if very thirsty, but no amount of paint is going to make up for the fact these are worst diesel locomotives that we've ever had to put up with in this country. Freezing in the winter, red hot in the summer, horrendously noisy cabs ... No I'm not a fan!
  25. That is foul, like having McDonald's do the catering at the queens 90th!
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