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Everything posted by SGJ

  1. I have just added some more grass to a few areas of the layout, once the PVA has dried out I will vacuum up the excess then add some static grass.
  2. The new class 25 (286 ) running on a vacuum fitted freight towards Bradford
  3. The newbie to the fleet Class 25 25286
  4. Barry, Can you take a few photos when weathering the buffers, I am close to weathering the track`s rails and buffers in the coal yard on Carr Crofts so it will give me a few pointers if possible. Thanks Simon
  5. Looking at them two they just looked like the pair needed to be brought 90 Degrees clockwise, I think I now may need glasses, or view through a mirror Simon
  6. I have been having a go with static grass, hopefully it will look better when the PVA is dry and a coat of matt varnish has been applied but over all I am happy as its the first time I have used this material with a puffer bottle.
  7. 66528 Madge Elliot MBE has taken a knock on its cab side
  8. 91101 ( 91001 ) Is there a reason that the 91`s were re numbered to 911xx ?
  9. Hunters of Armley, that was the smallish building opposite the commercial if my research is correct and was a printers https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.7955703,-1.5998513,3a,75y,108.99h,82.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4UZkWzwRT4bcOT3kVFYRZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0 The big building behind that was sunshine mills which was to do with the clothing industry. http://www.carrcrofts.uk/page25.html again if my research is correct. I am planning on doing Blakeys / Pennine castings as a low relief type structure as the corner where it would be is a tad squished due to the station SUNSHINE MILLS Pennine castings ( Blakeys segs ) Pennine castings ( Blakeys segs ) Pennine castings ( Blakeys segs ) undergoing some demolition
  10. a few more images 08021, 150270, 156443, and 158906
  11. The Class 110 Calder Valley units passing at the station
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