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Everything posted by teaky

  1. The email link route is involved but the twist this time is that the malicious s/w includes a worm. This means that once a network is infected it can spread on its own. I understand that the flaw relates to M$ Word and a patch was issued a while ago but Windows XP is no longer supported and many people with later OSs don't keep their systems up to date anyway (for many reasons, not just laziness). One thing I am puzzled by is why people don't keep their anti-virus s/w up to date regardless of which OS they are running. Surely they don't think Windows Defender will protect them?! Don't forget to make a foil hat too. Edited to ensure people are not misled by my incorrect information.
  2. Yes but you can minimise your risk by checking for updates immediately and not opening a web browser (and probably no other s/w either to minimise processor usage) until all the updates have completed. Perhaps you should consider switching on your laptop once a week even when you don't need to use it?
  3. This isn't going to help narrow down your thinking I'm afraid. Do you think the track alignment relative to the baseboard is a little too square on? The problem is that this is always the best way to accommodate the maximum amount of track so it is logical for us all to think this way. I find Iain Rice's ideas appealing in that there is often something to break up the angles - gentle curves, slight contrasts in heights for sidings - so that even when a layout essentially still runs left to right, you never really notice. What about a through junction with a signal box but no platform? Oh, and how about some apple green and teak?
  4. I quite like the idea but I can't help thinking it lacks the originality of Sheep Lane. Based on what you've done previously, I'm sure it will have atmosphere and charm but you might be adding extra work for yourself to overcome the 'yet another BLT' feeling. There are some excellent BLT layouts out there but that's (perhaps) the problem.
  5. Nope. It's me being too obtuse. Mutton termination ... slaughterhouse ... shambles. Sorry.
  6. You wouldn't be able to see the paperwork in the dark.
  7. The Coronation box set on the CooperCraft website is £110. (Not that anyone can buy anything from that website but let's not go there.)
  8. One suggestion: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/22w-fluorescent-magnifying-craft-lamp-a29ff?intcid=homepage:slider-3:magnifying-glass I bought one of these after a few people on RMweb recommended them.
  9. "PhilEakins" I think. His profile indicates he logged on today.
  10. Tarmac your drive guvnor? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-birmingham-39778809/runway-torn-up-as-plane-takes-off Oops!
  11. To me, it doesn't look like the signal is attached to the bridge. There appears to be a post. I think it is nearer the camera. By 'item in the background' do you mean behind the 'Private Road' sign? If so, it looks like a concrete water tower.
  12. I'm sure we can sort that outfor you Mike. If you can just provide the following information ...
  13. I don't think anyone here doubts your sanity Graeme. In fact, the last person to make reference to it in conversation with me used the word 'certifiable'. So it sounds like you qualify for a certificate to indicate your level of sanity.
  14. 27 months. Implies out in around 9 months? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-39696106 Is this really a deterent for manslaughter?
  15. False hair e.g. http://www.green-scenes.co.uk/store/product/gs-319
  16. You want to be careful eating amphibians: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39665192
  17. Apparently, Vikings were preferred husband material amongst Anglo-Saxon women because they washed more often. (A snippet from a visit to Jorvik many years ago.)
  18. No camera with me, but I walked past some flats this morning and had to smile at the name - Roland Butter Court.
  19. My understanding is that the Angles were from the Frisian islands and nearby coast, the saxons from further inland and the jutes from Jutland, i.e. what is now the border area of Germany and Denmark and further north bordering on the lands of the Danes. Since they had lived close to each other for some time, their language and accents must have been similar. I remember going to NW Germany on school exchange visits. My penfriend's parents grew up speaking Alt Deutch which had quite a few similarities with English, e.g. salt und pepper rather than modern German saltz und pfeffer.
  20. Slight correction. It was the harrying of the north. Harrowing implies a different approach and perhaps extra thoroughness in this context.
  21. But then the Angles would feature twice. Anglo Saxon Angleland Whatever happened to the Jutes anyway? They only seem to feature as garden twine these days.
  22. Thanks for the helpful information Simon. I have seen a lot of people suggesting cheap hairspray instead of varnish as a fixative. Have you tried this and decided varnish is better or just stuck with something that obviously works well?
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