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Everything posted by teaky

  1. There may not be any point in going direct. Biblio provide the online database and ordering facility for Nigel Bird Books. Still, may be worth a phone call. You never know until you ask.
  2. Slightly cheaper here Rob. http://biblio.co.uk/book/train-formations-carriage-workings-becket-w/d/922639936
  3. B&Q also do rolls of 2mm underlay. How does that differ (aside from 1mm)? Do you know? I cannot tell from their website. Would that be an alternative?
  4. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/116458-results-the-wishlist-poll-2016/
  5. At the risk of taking this thread away from Dapol. Have you looked at the photo on Hornby's website? I could be mistaken but there appears to be a bit of an upward tilt on the A1 and the A3.
  6. I think it may have been Michael Portillo on This Week last Thursday who mentioned that it is an indicator of the nervousness of the Baltic states that Lithuania has reintroduced conscription.
  7. Please post your modified crane on here oldchap58. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to see the modifications and the end result.
  8. Eats shoots and leaves. A lengthy (by most layout standards rather than prototype) mineral train of thirty wagons comes in at 1.5kg (and around 2.5m in 4mm scale). Quite a weight for RTR locomotives. I wonder if they are up to it? It makes me wonder if these guidelines only work for smaller layouts and/or kit built locomotives? Edited 'cos I can multiply but not type!
  9. Is my maths correct? That sounds like more than twice as much as the 25g/axle or 50g/mineral wagon suggested in earlier posts.
  10. How do you cook sheep? Introduce a new Samsung Galaxy.
  11. Just to add a little to the posts above. The East Anglian did have stock constructed specifically for the service on the GEML but this was six coaches of conventional construction and not streamlined or articulated so it bore little resemblance to the ECML streamlined trains. The two B17s were painted green pre war, like some of the A4s. As well as being shorter, the steam pipes were visible as bulges above the cylinders so that and the problems mentioned by 34theletter... suggests the Golden Arrow resin bodies might be an easier route than hacking at an A4. The streamlined casing added 3.5 tons to the weight of the locomotives but since the time allowed between London and Norwich was generous, this hardly mattered. I think most people accept this was an LNER window dressing exercise but there is little doubt the LNER publicity dept. knew what it was about and they managed to charge a supplement for this service (yeah, I know, some people paid extra to go to Norwich! ).
  12. This'll upset someone. Ziggy Stardust - Bauhaus (David Bowie).
  13. Quackers, may I draw your attention to post #5430 in http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/62412-things-that-make-you/page-218
  14. This seems appropriate background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-CyTBuESvk
  15. I think it's a waste product unfit for human consumption that should be spread on fields as a fertiliser.
  16. Sorry, brian777999 it was. I'm not sure what to click on for the rest of your post. It's an interesting story but clicking 'like' feels like endorsing the disturbing attitude to guns.
  17. Useful to know but I'm happy to have other mammals (hedgehog, mouse, vole and occasional squirrel) in the garden. Anyone have any suggestions of how to get rid of two legged vermin who leave small black bags of foul smelling stuff in the small patch of garden/hedgerow outside our garden wall but still our land and responsibilty and within a metre or so of the £100 fine sign? (Perhaps we're back to dhjgreen's original discarded idea of the twelve bore?!)
  18. I haven't tried any commercial cat deterents but one thing I have found that stops cats using our garden as a latrine is to scatter thorny prunings (e.g. pyracantha, berberis etc.) on top of the borders. The cats claw at them a little but soon give up and birds seem unaffected, presumably because they are smaller and lighter. This isn't really a solution to cats passing through or to them scaring or killing birds though since paths and lawns are still clear. Oh, and if you try the prunings approach you will have to do any future weeding with gloves on and/or buy a swear box.
  19. I once saw a test of cat deterents on TV. The lion poo attracted domestic cats who were curious about the smell ! I imagine it is much the same as scent marking which causes cats to sniff around and add their own scent.
  20. What a great photo. Very atmospheric. The lorry looks similar to the Peco Modelscene Thorneycroft kit.
  21. teaky

    EBay madness

    I particularly like the "PLEASE SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS FOR EXTRA DETAILED PHOTO'S..." bit. Anyone want to get closer to that thing?
  22. Manioc(cassava) probably. Can be used whole, grated or as a kind of flour much like potatoes.
  23. Geoff Taylor (Dewsbury Midland, Gresley Beat ...) uses half-round plastic rod with the 'inside' painted black.
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