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Everything posted by TheSignalEngineer

  1. Those shots give a good impression as to how things have changed on site since my days there. First travelled through in the late 1950s and had some work involvement at various times 1968-83. Last time I was there for work this was still parked to the left of the last photo. http://PaulBartlett.zenfolio.com/gwrvans/e150e0b0d
  2. I don't know if this has been up before in any of the threads but it gives a good insight into some of the workings in the area c1980 http://www.atlanticpublishers.com/traction/2013/07/26/princes-end-tables-part-two/
  3. 43001 got cut up around 1990 but I don't think that even got into the standard blue/grey livery. The next to go was 43173 after Southall in 1997.
  4. OMG, almost bought something from G*st*de.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      There are support groups available. You are not alone.

    3. TheSignalEngineer


      Not the Lotto, but apparently I have been awarded 3m euros by the UN. All I have to do is send my bank details to a Nigerian email address.

    4. CovDriver


      Hey it looks like we've got to share the money I've had the same email!!


  5. I don't know if this has been up before but I think the seller will be very happy with the end price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PLASTIC-KIT-BUILT-DOGFISH-WAGON-/381008657514?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=1bUsNhRiyB08uKFU03oUAiN1nrU%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  6. The problem being not the acceleration but stopping a short HST set. Most of the brake power was in the coaches, so they had to be restricted in speed.
  7. Some of it was related to the facilities at the power stations. I remember putting in extra signals at Rugeley and Ironbridge to cope with longer trains when more powerful locos than 47s became available.
  8. I'd be interested to see what you think of the performance the other way approaching Leamington. The load on the Didcots used to be limited by what they could move up from the Avon Bridge if the Up Home hadn't cleared before passing the previous signal at Warwick. 30MGR was the limit for a 47, but this was increased after I put a switch at Leamington box to hold the last Saltley signal at red until they were going to get a free run into Leamington station. I think the 60s were limited to 45MGR at that time but it was more of a loop question rather than hauling capacity, as once past Tyseley you were stuffed until they got inside at Banbury Junction.
  9. The second Flickr picture is 44697 by the smokebox plate. The description appears incorrect as 44697 spent a lot of its time at Newton Heath. The shed plate would probably bear this out, as that depot became 9D in 1963, and I have seen a picture of it with a self weighing tender heading through Preston.
  10. And another one in the North West https://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/8255903450
  11. This picture shows 45081 with one after withdrawn in 1965. https://www.flickr.com/photos/holycorner/13544846485 It was a Kingmoor and upperby loco for most of its life i believe.
  12. One for the "Rarely Modelled" thread there. Jinty, Maroon coach and white roof AL.
  13. It was amazing how close I could get the wing mirror to the railings at the old North Circular lights by Stonebridge Park station. Scattered a couple of buckets of water there back in 1990.
  14. I remember the banana trains coming into Birmingham in the 1960s. At one time some went to Lawley St, but one company used the Top Yard at Curzon St across the road from the main depot, where the original L&B Goods Depot stood. As the bananas needed to be a bit green when they went to the market, those that were too ripe were dumped every few days. On a Friday lunchtime you could get a carrier bag full in exchange for a pint of Mild at the Railway pub in Curzon St.
  15. Just restocked on Peco, card purchases now embargoed until after next bill has arrived

  16. Some nice ones of the Tip trains in this set http://plumbloco.smugmug.com/Trains/London-Transport-Steam/i-PfztBpX
  17. Freight traffic finished through the Snow Hill tunnels in 1969, and the line was lifted n 1971. Until 1970/71 panniers still worked engineers trains into Moorgate. http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/s/snow_hill/index6.shtml
  18. Depends when the photos were taken. Under the old RCH headlamp codes an Officers Special requiring to stop in section was Class K, {bottom right lamp when facing the train}. After headlamp codes were discontinued one lamp in any position was normally used.
  19. Perhaps the link between the river entering stage-left and the present use of the branch might help solve it.
  20. Nearly 24 hours and not a bite. Perhaps the position of the station blob could be a little misleading nowadays. The Branch lost its regular passenger service pre-BR, but has saw quite a bit of passenger stock in action afterwards.
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