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Kelly last won the day on February 28 2022

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    History [Military, Aviation, Victorian/Edwardian, General], Aviation [WW2, Cold War], Computing [Linux, Mac, Games, General], Sci-fi/fantasy [Discworld, Sword of Truth, Game of Thrones], Jewellery Design [Celtic, Gothic], Classic Cars [old Vauxhalls and
    Rovers...], Geekery, Music [Rock, Metal]

    Recently taken over as DEMU Update Editor. Effective from issue 82.

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  1. Hi baz, I'm well enough thanks. Been a rather hectic few months recently. My father had a reoccurrence of cancer, this time in his liver, though they've been able to microwave it as a overnight case. He has chemotherapy to come, but is quite optimistic. Yay For the regular blood tests which picked it up. He had no symptoms otherwise. Otherwise the usual up and downs. Mostly my ankle being very achy of late. I'm awaiting a referral for the weight loss clinic. Poppy is her usual manic self, celebrating her 6th gotcha day in August. Natalie is OK, and currently sat next to me at the local railway circle. There are things to say, but those are for her to recount as she wishes. Hope you are well baz and everyone else is OK. Kelly
  2. You could take the matter through the small claims court I guess if the seller is going to get arsey about things. You could also include the auction house that sold it in that claim too potentially.
  3. He will also be at DEMU Showcase in June.
  4. There was a fan made remaster of the 3 games, but 2K/Rockstar got that shutdown... if you look in the right places you can probably find it still and it is reportedly better than the official version, even though they never finished it. Apparantly they're working on a decompilation of it, like people have for Mario 64 and others, which 2k/Rockstar wouldn't be able to shutdown from what I understand.
  5. Unfortunately Phil is effectively a one man band (I know he has others who work with him) and he can only manage so much at once really. Also he prefers to announce when things are ready to go. Until the previously announced items are resolved I don't think we'll have much more about future plans and with the present difficulties in China that may not be this year, unless he feels pressure from elsewhere to get an announcement out.
  6. They had a few other items I expect that were not sold any more. Plus the conversion bits. When I spoke with PPP at gets they mentioned they were evaluating the 3d printed models and that they were unsure if they'd meet their requirements in the current form. Hints were made that as a company they had access to injection moulding and it was one option that could be taken to replace some or all of the range. How true or whether that happens I can't say really. We'll know more in time I expect as they're also now working on the mailcoach and kirk range from the coopercraft stable, with the coopercraft moulds going to cambrian.
  7. The batteries were brand new not long before the warley show. They're not cheap either, being around 160 quid for the pair.
  8. Barry, There is a whole tale about the mobility scooter. Mine decided to pack up on the Saturday, despite new, freshly charged batteries. So had to hire one on the Sunday and could only hire a wheelchair on the Saturday, so didn't get around the show much. It's unlikely I'll be able to afford to replace the scooter of my own, so I will probably have to look into weekend hiring I think for shows next year. Kelly
  9. Hi Barry, I am mostly okay. Have had a horrible bug since last week, but mostly over it apart from a horrible cough that keeps me awake. Otherwise all is well. I think all is well as it can be with Nat, but been out of contact whilst ill. But I'm sure she'll pop up with a lengthy post at some point. She's usually always reading if not posting. I'm afraid I forget that rmweb or ER exists sometimes, especially when ill, not out of any dislike or similar of course, just limited mental capacity these days of keeping track of things. The ankle is fine now at least. Well as fine as it is likely to get. It aches and swells if I do much walking around, but otherwise it is fairly stable and I am mostly getting around almost as I was pre buggeration, though with a rather noticeable limp these days. But considering that had I been waiting for the ambulance much longer that the doctor thought an amputation could have been a real possibility, what I have regained is great by comparison. Kelly
  10. A very sad passing. He will be much missed.
  11. I'd argue that Gareth Bayer and Simon Bendall would give rather honest reviews in Rail Express Modeller, as well as reviews in DEMU's UPDate. They were not afraid of holding the manufacturers to account, compared to the current press, which is perhaps a little bit more to the keeping the advertising dept happy. It is what it is, and these days youtube is probably the best place for more honest reviews, as long as they're clear about being given samples or sponsorship of course (ASA rules state they should have the #ad tag for such posts).
  12. A simple, yet effective thing to have in place. Looking forward to getting my 92!
  13. Typically the warranty is 12 months from the manufacturer dealt with often by the seller of the product, but it can vary a bit. The sale of goods act (I think it was superceeded by a newer act), means things have to be fit for purpose, and this usually applies for manufactering defects. You might also be able to make a claim with your credit card issuer against Very if they're unhelpful.
  14. They do that sadly. Fairly easy to fix and fairly cheap at least though. You can also get thumbgrips that go on top of the thumb sticks which could be a cheap option.
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