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Status Replies posted by ruggedpeak

  1. 🤦‍♂️ Yet another totally wrong signalling explanation video by a well known YouTuber, I hope I’m not the only one frustrated by this!

    1. ruggedpeak


      People were talking uninformed nonsense long before Youtube, the only difference now is that with the internet we come across far more of them! Adding comments, especially as a professional, is tricky because some people take it very personally as you are aware. One option is to contact them directly to avoid the public dimension. To be fair, I assumed signalling wasn't that complicated until I read your book and you kindly gave some advice to me on here!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is it just me who finds all those festive neon coloured light covered trains everyone seems to be raving about, rather naff?

    1. ruggedpeak


      Blimey, its not even November and The Grinch is out already......

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. The reality is, surely, I am never going to build enough layouts to justify the variety and quantity of stock I own... but do I have the resolve to part with so much of it 🙄

    1. ruggedpeak


      Amen to that brother, I am in the same position and steeling myself to offload stock for the hypothetical layouts that may never get built.

  4. Wondering about the incidence of grassy knolls in Moscow. Asking for a friend. 

    1. ruggedpeak


      As I recall the best to take out people who sit at the end of very long tables is to put your Walther into the end of their under table harpoon gun.....

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Why do scantily clad ladies keep appearing in my RMweb Google ad feed?

    1. ruggedpeak


      cos you spend too much time looking at 'models'....that's why I couldn't look at RMWeb at work as the wrong sort of 'models' kept appearing in the ads.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. Does anyone else build a load of stock and structures for a layout they don’t have? Or even have space for?

    1. ruggedpeak


      Yes, those Really Useful boxes do stack quite happily up to 5 feet or more............:o

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Good Morning

    Sorry to trouble you, and I'm sure I should have worked this out.

    Many of the people whose posts I follow have a link to their layouts which shows on the bottom of their posts.

    How do I set this up for myself please?

    Yours Sincerely

    Caroline Middleditch

    1. ruggedpeak


      If you go to the top right and click on your username, then select 'account settings', then on that page select "signature" on the left hand menu, you can create a signature at the end of your posts.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Installed Gaugemaster HF1 (Relco type) track cleaner on the garden layout. All great except it wouldn't work! A quick bit of track separating identified the culprit - a Hornby R8206 power track I had stuck in as a short straight in the loop. Any ideas why this effectively shorts the RF1? I had a spare power track and it did the same. Replaced with a normal straight and self cleaning track is live :)


    1. ruggedpeak


      Thanks Hroth, just curious as to why it affected it. Now I know, will take one apart and have a look.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Cannot help but think if i had spent more time doing rather than thinking I might have a model railway to play with during this lockdown.


    As it stands I have a gap in the room I am filling with rubbish instead.


    However, the impending isolation did make me get off my fat a*s and clear out the rubbish from my late father's flat - three trips to the tip and a lesson in reverse engineering a sofa back into wood, padding and fabric.  Don't we collect a lot of cr*p throughout a lifetime that for anyone else has absolutely no value once the person who so loved them has gone.  I had to be particularly ruthless as it would be easy to go "that's useful", though one week since dismantling destroying his layout I am thinking I should have kept some of that 2x1 for when the lockdown comes!!


    Also it has become self evident that I am thriving under lockdown whilst other's are finding it a real issue.  For me nothing has changed, I have worked from home since 2014, I only generally go out to shop or exercise and they are not prohibited.  Ok, I do like a meal out and visits to railway exhibitions but I can live without both for the time being.


    For the weekends to come I have three rooms to paint, a house to tidy and plenty of stuff to study so hopefully I don't come down with anything as I am just too busy.

    1. ruggedpeak


      I once reverse engineered a sofa back into wood and fabric and managed to stab myself in the arm with a Stanley knife :unsure:  Been breaking up old decking during lockdown and extracted some sizeable unrotten bits that might become the basis of a garden layout. Didn't stab myself but did take a direct hit on my ankle with the hammer. Been telling the rest of the household to avoid doing anything that might result in a trip to A&E, need to listen to my own wise advice.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Another fingertip falls victim to the craft knife, really should have learnt from the first time I did it!:(

    1. ruggedpeak


      I've slashed the same bit of the same finger so many times I've bought some cutproof gloves for it otherwise it will fall off soon!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Is it still possible to buy a full BR or all lines timetable for the UK (or just Scotland)? 30 years since I bought one but do they exist?

    1. ruggedpeak


      Thanks everyone, used to love flicking through the pages planning a trip (and hate looking at screens)! Looks like the Middleton version has sold out :( 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anyone know of a good place to start for learning electronics for wiring street lighting and such on a layout?

  13. The BBC news website has an article on the Dyatlov Pass incident. Slow news day? God their reporters must be so bored if this is considered news. It happened 60 years ago!

    1. ruggedpeak


      I hadn't heard of it, and don't think it is anywhere near as well known as the Celeste. Thanks for flagging it up though.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. We're back to the adverts for Groovy Lady pictures again tonight. I thought this was supposed to be a family show.


    1. ruggedpeak


      Had ladies in PVC (I assume - tight black and shiny but didn't click on it to find out) and very tight nurses outfits the other day when I came to the homepage at work. Not ideal thing to come up on a decent sized screen in the middle of an open plan office floor. Won't go to RMWeb again at work. And no, it is not my browsing history :P

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Another visit from the Black Dog...

    1. ruggedpeak


      Not a great time of year but I hope it leaves soon. All the best

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. I have an opinion, therfore everyone else is wrong and if it's not being done my way then i'm going to keep stamping my feet until it is. (or, how i currently percieve politics, certain threads, and modern life to be in general these days :( )

    1. ruggedpeak


      I am going to be outraged by your opinion. I have no idea why but I have to outraged and tell everyone on social media. Right now.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. just been driving 0-6-0 shunter at Aln Valley for a tenner

    1. ruggedpeak


      If you want details of nice cottages in the area PM me, friend has several.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. just been driving 0-6-0 shunter at Aln Valley for a tenner

    1. ruggedpeak


      SWMBO who hates trains was grinning like a Cheshire cat when she had a go

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just watched last nights "Panormarar" aboiut HS2. It is goingo to be an over priced and this country dose not require such a high speed line. As I feel that this country is lossing it geern spaces.

    1. ruggedpeak


      So you missed the ongoing overcrowding across the North of England and elsewhere as a result of the DoT/NR timetabling fiasco, with trains still rammed even now. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/northern-rail-trains-overcrowding-manchester-15523286 How can they use them more if they can't get on them?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  20. Just watched last nights "Panormarar" aboiut HS2. It is goingo to be an over priced and this country dose not require such a high speed line. As I feel that this country is lossing it geern spaces.

    1. ruggedpeak


      The North needs a decent transport infrastructure in the North. Getting to London faster doesn't help the North economically if they can't get around their own areas properly. HS2 is a waste of money as it is solving a non-problem. A fraction of the spend could transform the economy of the North with better 'normal' transport.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. Went to dentist about gum infection, he promptly whipped out a wisdom tooth. Numbness has just worn off, really hurts now....

  22. It only took until 7.30 this morning to get irritated by someone's selfishness. It's going to be a long week!

    1. ruggedpeak


      If you haven't seen "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas, watch it. Just don't copy his ways of dealing with life's irritations!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. Arranging to replace a pair of expensive tyres that have worn quickly. Told by tyre supplier that a second set of tyres never lasts as long as the factory original set! Don't think I agree, what do others think?

    1. ruggedpeak


      total horlicks! check reviews of tyres carefully as some do not last long. Price bears no relation to longevity. Driving style is also important.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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