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NEW OO gauge Crowdfunded Class 92 initiative

DJM Dave

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sorry for the late reply, i've been away for a few days.

when you pre-order your 92's via my web site i get a notification from the website. Sometimes, due to a glitch, you wont.


The invoice details are then fed into paypal and an invoice sent to both the orderer and myself as a check and balance.

Once paid, you get moved to the 'deposit paid' section of my system to await the progress and another invoice for the 50% balance invoice sending.


Once CNY is over, so about 2 weeks i will invoice the 50% balance deposit invoice to everyone, as i understand metal cutting will start within a few weeks of then once the tool has been laid out in both N and OO gauge models. (this should take in total around 2 months)


Once a first EP in either gauge is produced and accepted (assuming that no problems are found in the model) then i will invoice you all for the remaining 50% balance and postage for the model / models.


The rest of the step is roughly a month to 6 weeks for 2nd EP, then about 4-6 weeks for painted samples and then about 6 weeks production and 6 weeks transportation to the UK, then about a week to get sent out to you all.


So the time frame is quite compact now, and about to start rolling quite quickly as soon as CNY is over.


Hope this helps?




Good day Dave,

thanks very much - financial timescale /stages of payment explanation etc make sense and fine with me -apologies I hadn't picked up on the checking bit of the process

I got the paypal request about  90 mins ago - (so I am another happy customer and will respond shortly)


Going on the above info and subject to the massive caveat for all projects if everything goes reasonably to plan :lol: - and allowing for collection of monies then we could be talking about delivery somewhere between Oct and Dec this year - which sounds good to me.


Being a pessimist for a moment if a number drop out and as a result project becomes marginal would there be an option for the remaining "buyers" to take up the slack to keep to project going ??. I would certainly be prepared to consider it if that situation occurred even though I have set myself an initial limit.

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Hi mate,


I would hope that those who invest realise that this is a project in 2 gauges that is going ahead. There will be more announcements as things go along in both gauges too which will be exclusive to N and OO gauge crowdfunders, and a competition as well for a lucky winner or 3.

however circumstances change, and i accept that, but a few leaving either way wont matter i'm sure.



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Could we have some details on this competition please!

Hi Ben,


No sorry, but it will be rather good, but I need to finish crossing the t's and dotting the I'd first, and please remember that it's only open to those who have crowdfunded the N and OO gauge 92.




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Hi Ben,

No sorry, but it will be rather good, but I need to finish crossing the t's and dotting the I'd first, and please remember that it's only open to those who have crowdfunded the N and OO gauge 92.



Any provisional closing date as I am a tad short of funds for deposits atm

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Hi Dave, 


I have watched videos of the Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 on Youtube and noticed at sometimes the headlight is on and others time it isn't so was wondering will this be controllable on the OO gauge model. 





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Any provisional closing date as I am a tad short of funds for deposits atm

Hi mate,


Like you there are many others that are a tad brassic at the moment so I'm keeping the project open for sign ups until the end of the last day in February.

This allows anyone interested to (hopefully) get over Christmas and the 5 week January which I know from experience can be a problem. Why is there always too much month left at the end of the money?


However, please be advised that deposits for tooling will be due in March too, to get the model started in earnest.



Hi Dave, 


I have watched videos of the Caledonian Sleeper Class 92 on Youtube and noticed at sometimes the headlight is on and others time it isn't so was wondering will this be controllable on the OO gauge model. 





Hi Samuel,


Yes I'm trying to get that controllable, either by switch or DCC if possible.



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Hi mate,

Like you there are many others that are a tad brassic at the moment so I'm keeping the project open for sign ups until the end of the last day in February.

This allows anyone interested to (hopefully) get over Christmas and the 5 week January which I know from experience can be a problem. Why is there always too much month left at the end of the money?

However, please be advised that deposits for tooling will be due in March too, to get the model started in earnest.




Hi Samuel,

Yes I'm trying to get that controllable, either by switch or DCC if possible.



That answers my PM cheers :)

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N and OO gauge Class 92 Crowdfunded models


DJModels have been approached by some customers who have ‘pre ordered’ these models in both gauges to extend the ‘cut off’ date for deposits due to the long January and Christmas coming so close to the cut off date, not helping them with their cash flow.

With this in mind I will be extending the cut off date for these models by a month, and the new closing date will be Sunday (midnight) 5th of March.

Reminders will also be sent out to those that may have forgotten this project.

It also leaves new orders available for those that didn’t know these models were going ahead.

As an update on both projects, the final cad/cam is due as soon as Chinese New Year is over and I will be authorising tooling immediately after that date.

With this in mind the 50% tooling deposit invoice will be sent to all crowdfunders before or on the 6th of March.

Dave Jones

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  • RMweb Premium

Gulp! :) really looking forward to these.


Dave, earlier you showed a little bar chart (no numbers) that showed how popular each livery was. Just wondered if the trend was still similar?


Also will these be certificated for crowd funders (like I think the 71 is planned to be?).

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Hi mate,


Yes to the certificate but they won't be individually numbered as in truth I think that doesn't work, as unless I go out and number each one as they come of the production line, no one could say what was 1st, 2nd etc.


Leaders are close....Caledonian, DBS and GBRF with the others very close behind apart from un-numbers which is last in both scales by a considerable margin but will still go ahead anyway.


Be interesting to see what the next 4 weeks brings in the extended deadline.



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Hi everyone,


Sorry about the delay, as i needed to go through the cad/cams and check, and recheck.


I must say it's looking good......except for 1 area of concern that's reared it's head, and makes the cad/cam look, in my eyes, awful.

It's one of those changes where the engineer has altered whats' required but it has snowballed onto 2 other areas that make the loco wrong on just so many levels.


I'm afraid i wont publish them here, as i truly could not stand to see them 'out there' for you. So i've written a comprehensive snagging list for this problem, complete with very close up high res pictures, pretty arrows with legends saying 'NO' here and there, and suggesting that the alterations get done immediately.


I beg your patience for a couple of more days while it gets ironed out, and i'll post an update to both gauges by Friday PM when i'm hoping to formally announce tooling to commence in both gauges.




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Hi everyone,


Sorry about the delay, as i needed to go through the cad/cams and check, and recheck.


I must say it's looking good......except for 1 area of concern that's reared it's head, and makes the cad/cam look, in my eyes, awful.

It's one of those changes where the engineer has altered whats' required but it has snowballed onto 2 other areas that make the loco wrong on just so many levels.


I'm afraid i wont publish them here, as i truly could not stand to see them 'out there' for you. So i've written a comprehensive snagging list for this problem, complete with very close up high res pictures, pretty arrows with legends saying 'NO' here and there, and suggesting that the alterations get done immediately.


I beg your patience for a couple of more days while it gets ironed out, and i'll post an update to both gauges by Friday PM when i'm hoping to formally announce tooling to commence in both gauges.





No problem here, as long as its for the best of the modeller receiving the model I'm sure everyone will appreciate these problems being ironed out to allow the most accurate results with the 92.



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Nothing today but they understand the issue and I hope for something really very soon.




Good stuff to know Dave! really looking forward to tracking the progress of this. Two questions still remain and I am wondering if one has already been answered, so apologies if it has, but:


1) After the cut off date which is 05/03/2017, if you have ordered a 92, will it be possible to order another down the line before production?

2) are the pantographs going to sit high like the Hornby example or will there be a method of adjusting it for a lower ride height?




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