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London Festival of Railway Modelling, Alexandra Palace, 25/26 March 2017

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Premium

Moaning Gits


I suppose it makes a change from expensive car parks at £12 (Warley) free but muddy car parks (Stafford) No bus service to exhibition (York) and busy trains


I'm sure there are more!


Can all those that moan please let the rest of us know where you are next exhibiting, just so we can see it should be done.


Happy Modelling

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I just don't understand this not enough this, not enough that, its a general show and has to have something to please everyone so get over it. Now Im no fan of American layouts generally but in my eyes the best layout in show was Prospect Point, it was stunning modelling plus always something happening.


As for the FREEMO layout it was clear there were problems on Saturday but by Sunday it was running well and with a fair bit of action, and on that lovely modelled mine branch as well ;-) . The main thing is that the guys on the layout were obviously trying their best to sort out and rectify the problems, and you could see that plainly. Which is more than can be said for another layout which  will remain nameless but all the show was having problems with a feed on an exit point from the fiddle yard (on the scenic section), but the operating crew did naff all to repair it all weekend, constantly relying on the big hand in the sky to push locos over the dead spot from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon. That to me is out of order, its not that hard to buzz out the feed wires to detect the fault and the make it good.


I enjoyed the show - there might have been three that wowed me and a couple of layouts that IMHO I didn't think deserved their place at a premier league show, but for what the show is, a big generalist exhibition, it pressed the right buttons.

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  • RMweb Gold

I would like to say that my only gripe was the (in my perception) lack of running trains.


The standard of modelling was high and I took the unfinished nature of some layouts to be work in progress rather than a lack of skill in the builder - this from someone that operates his model trains on a friend's layout with no scenery or ballast or anything.


Electrical problems are a perfectly good reason for the lack of train movement on a layout and I can empathise with the exhibitors if that happened to them. I know there were layouts with moving trains, such as the excellent Crewlisle, I just could not see past the crowd to get a better look.


I do have a prejudice against timetabled operation at exhibitions as this does, in my view, inevitably leads to long periods of inactivity - after a few hours of not sitting down my patience for standing around watching nothing happen wears somewhat thin. As I said, that is my prejudice and not an indictment of timetabled operators.


That said, I did enjoy the Ally Pally show and will be going again next year.





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  • RMweb Gold

I have seen dead spots on the real railway in the Czech Republic a few years ago where a diesel shoved the electric loco and coaches out of the station till the loco picked up power from the overhead lines the other side of the level cross beyond the station throat. No big hand out of he sky though.

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Moaning Gits


I suppose it makes a change from expensive car parks at £12 (Warley) free but muddy car parks (Stafford) No bus service to exhibition (York) and busy trains


I'm sure there are more!


Can all those that moan please let the rest of us know where you are next exhibiting, just so we can see it should be done.


Happy Modelling


There really does seem to be a lot of snark about; really poorly thought through plain nasty comments from, it seems, an increasing number of people about anything and everything these days. People you'd expect better from; grown men with a malicious chip on each shoulder who are seemingly not happy unless they're trying to cause upset or just give vent to rather sad little perspectives.


It's bloody depressing some days; I've just read some pearlers on Facebook, Youtube is just toxic. Social media of any form is a platform which could be used for so much good but the bitter and small-minded bring it down to their level; only then are they happy in the environment when they've driven away those who have a healthier outlook to life.


I'm getting a couple of bottles from under the stairs and popping round a mate's house to get some real-world respite from these asshats.

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  • RMweb Premium

There really does seem to be a lot of snark about; really poorly thought through plain nasty comments from, it seems, an increasing number of people about anything and everything these days. People you'd expect better from; grown men with a malicious chip on each shoulder who are seemingly not happy unless they're trying to cause upset or just give vent to rather sad little perspectives.


It's bloody depressing some days; I've just read some pearlers on Facebook, Youtube is just toxic. Social media of any form is a platform which could be used for so much good but the bitter and small-minded bring it down to their level; only then are they happy in the environment when they've driven away those who have a healthier outlook to life.


I'm getting a couple of bottles from under the stairs and popping round a mates house to get some real-world respite from these asshats.

I know what you mean Andy. It sometimes makes me wonder how some people survived before the web forum gave them an outlet for their angst. The modern way seems to be that if you give somebody a platform to express their views, then they have not just a right but almost a duty to do so.


Whatever happened to the idea of sometimes it is better to say nothing?

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  • RMweb Gold

I know what you mean Andy. It sometimes makes me wonder how some people survived before the web forum gave them an outlet for their angst. The modern way seems to be that if you give somebody a platform to express their views, then they have not just a right but almost a duty to do so.

Whatever happened to the idea of sometimes it is better to say nothing?

They wrote letters to magazines and newspapers.

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  • RMweb Gold

That sounds like a good plan, maybe they could try one in the Midlands and one in the North, I think there are decent venues in Peterborough and Doncaster for them to try :-)


Still nowhere near the southwest though, eh ?  Eh ?


(bl**dy northerners, easterners, southerners, non-Welsh, P4/EMers, O gaugers, narrow gaugers, DCCers........)

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  • RMweb Gold

As one of the builders and operators of Hope-under-Dinmore, we had a great time and thanks to all who organised it. There were a lot of very good layouts and some not so good, but that is my opinion and it will be different to someone else. Good example of this was on Saturday morning, a punter asking me why we bothered with hand built track and EM gauge!  The 80:20 rule applies, 80% of people will be happy with the show 20% will not. 80% of the 20% who did not like it will complain while only 80% of the 80% who liked it will say nothing! Anyway see you all there next year with Brighton East.  

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  • RMweb Gold

Whatever happened to the idea of sometimes it is better to say nothing?


They wrote letters to magazines and newspapers.


At least I don't post like Mr Angry from Purley.

It's a while since we heard from that nice, tolerant, guy from Tunbridge Wells.


Not that I'm in any rush to do so,you understand … .

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  • RMweb Gold

Moaning Gits


I suppose it makes a change from expensive car parks at £12 (Warley) free but muddy car parks (Stafford) No bus service to exhibition (York) and busy trains



Could posters please note the operator says THERE WILL BE A BUS AT YORK ALL THREE DAYS THIS YEAR (shouting deliberate). 


Getting back on topic.


Re trader stands/available range - I appreciate we are a volunteer Society, not a commercial operator, but we had a selection (approx 4000) out on sale from the total range of roughly 19,000 prints which are available by mail order. Even if we had brought one of everything there would have been too many items out for the prospective purchasers to access. The same must apply to the likes of Bachman and Hornby even if the different livery versions of each item are ignored. Add into that the time of getting stock out of the store files before hand - transported - displayed - returned to stock after the show and it isn't practical.


It is about trying to do the best you can with what you have and what is practical on a temporary sales pitch.

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There really does seem to be a lot of snark about; really poorly thought through plain nasty comments from, it seems, an increasing number of people about anything and everything these days. People you'd expect better from; grown men with a malicious chip on each shoulder who are seemingly not happy unless they're trying to cause upset or just give vent to rather sad little perspectives.


It's bloody depressing some days; I've just read some pearlers on Facebook, Youtube is just toxic. Social media of any form is a platform which could be used for so much good but the bitter and small-minded bring it down to their level; only then are they happy in the environment when they've driven away those who have a healthier outlook to life.


I'm getting a couple of bottles from under the stairs and popping round a mates house to get some real-world respite from these asshats.

I didn't go so can't comment on the Alley Palley show but generally speaking those who moan the most are those who have never actually done anything. Those who have built an exhibition layout or been involved in the management of an exhibition understand the realities of what is involved and are less likely to decry other's efforts.

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  • RMweb Premium

Andy, we have two ears, one to let the sound in, but if people are talking rubbish, let their drivel out of the other ear (it's better demonstrated in the film Captain Jack). Don't let the #### grind you down.


I wonder what some of the critics would have said if they had seen my narrow gauge layout, its of a chocoalate factory? Its built for fun! Its predecessor featured a broken biscuit repair factory.


Interesting the comments about having layouts of different standards. Perhaps I should dig out my more serious 00 layout from storage as I exhibit it as a layout anyone could build.

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  • RMweb Premium

Could posters please note the operator says THERE WILL BE A BUS AT YORK ALL THREE DAYS THIS YEAR (shouting deliberate). 


Getting back on topic.


Re trader stands/available range - I appreciate we are a volunteer Society, not a commercial operator, but we had a selection (approx 4000) out on sale from the total range of roughly 19,000 prints which are available by mail order. Even if we had brought one of everything there would have been too many items out for the punters to access. The same must apply to the likes of Bachman and Hornby even if the different livery versions of each item are ignored. Add into that the time of getting stock out of the store files before hand - transported - displayed - returned to stock after the show and it isn't practical.


It is about trying to do the best you can with what you have and what is practical on a temporary sales pitch.

John new


Sorry I should have pointed out about the bus arrangements you have made.


I was just making the point of what people moan about.


Looking forward to a great show at Easter and I enjoyed last weekends exhibition at AP ascinwill York


I am sure as last weekend there will be some layouts that just don't rock by boat.


But if we all built the same type layouts, scale, gauge era model railway layouts and exhibitions would be the poorer for it .


Happy Modelling



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For what it is worth I would mention that London is almost devoid of model shops, with due regard and thumbs up for the ones that are left. For Warners & the MRC to put on a show at Alexander Palace is no mean feat and with costs rising needs to be supported by those  in London and the Home Counties where there are no other purchasing facilities in the form of shops. Yes we have the internet and I suppose this has made people become more complacent.......... it certainly seems that way!

I have worked in a model shop/supplier during the last twelve months and there is a definite downturn in the amount of young people embarking within the model railways side of the business. Putting on shows like Ally Pally, Warley, Doncaster, York, Glasgow etc provides a platform from where manufacturers, suppliers, exhibitors and modelmakers can meet prospective new and younger recruits to the hobby as well as those who have no relative retail outlets in their vicinity. Why isn't Ally Pally a good venue for Londoners, there are plenty of shows at smaller London venues throughout the year as well as good shows nearly every weekend throughout the year.


I fully support Ally Pally and travel sixty miles to attend it because it is an excellent friendly venue, and after all is a good day out. I feel that if the present trend of moaning and groaning.......because it is easy to do on a public forum.............is only going to put people and exhibitors off attending in the future. Last year I didn't buy anything but this year I did because I prepared a wants list and as able to speak to the people that were supplying my goods.


Therefore it would be nice if there could be a more positive and proactive attitude towards all those that spend their time trying to promote this hobby and support those that are happy with it with encouragement. I'm surprised Andy doesn't lock more threads than he actually does!


So come on folks, we've never had it so good but lets be happy and keep it alive!.........................at least I feel better now I've got that off my chest!

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it because it is an excellent friendly venue, and after all is a good day out.


Something I should have done earlier (although I doubt they will ever see it) is to complement the site security staff I met who were unerringly helpful, friendly, humorous and extremely courteous. Even when we ended up in the hall early on the Sunday morning the eviction was done with good grace and style.

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  • RMweb Gold

There really does seem to be a lot of snark about; really poorly thought through plain nasty comments from, it seems, an increasing number of people about anything and everything these days. People you'd expect better from; grown men with a malicious chip on each shoulder who are seemingly not happy unless they're trying to cause upset or just give vent to rather sad little perspectives.


It's bloody depressing some days; I've just read some pearlers on Facebook, Youtube is just toxic. Social media of any form is a platform which could be used for so much good but the bitter and small-minded bring it down to their level; only then are they happy in the environment when they've driven away those who have a healthier outlook to life.


I'm getting a couple of bottles from under the stairs and popping round a mates house to get some real-world respite from these asshats.


There, there, there, feel better for that cherub? :jester:



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