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Adventures in code 55

Gloucester Road

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My return to work is going to happen this coming Friday, so am in the process of getting things in order for a return to flying. Has been an interesting month of not being completely sure of my career path.


Work has slowed a bit on the layout. But have done some building of scalescenes kits. Still not sure of the lower station situation so ive changed my focus whilst pondering. Will build the main building and see how it looks.


Two sets of flats are under construction with a Hospital/hotel/office block (2x) going up next door. I think this changes the whole feel of this side of layout, more urban/city. There is a certain flow that Im starting to see and it might be working. There is a city that transitions into town that moves into country. It all happens in a compressed area but...


new construction: 2 flats then two other buildings



08921 ticks over in the siding having shunted some silver bullets



67027 sits at the fuel point (must bed the shed in)




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With work and Thanksgiving coming up modelling will have to take a back burner for about a week or so. Its been a good month off and looking back a lot of stuff has been worked on.


Today had a final push and completed the low relief flats, they have come out OK. Might revisit the left side walls as I'm not sold on the greenery growing but its covering some errors ,should be a quick fix. Both sets of flats were done twice as tall to add some height, people have been added to balconies. The flats are leaning a bit as they aren't fixed to the temporary backscene.




67027 was spotted passing the flats



57602 was also seen passing north on a short passenger service





With the flats finished and the office/hotel/hospital going in near by this area is starting to have that urban feeling i was looking for.


Bye for now






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Stephen,


Just found your thread and a very good, no, brilliant layout you have there.


Can I just ask what size card you used to raise your roads? I am in the process of making my N gauge layout and need my roads crossing the rails to make a level crossing. I had thought of layering card on top of each other to build up the height.





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Hi Stephen,


Just found your thread and a very good, no, brilliant layout you have there.


Can I just ask what size card you used to raise your roads? I am in the process of making my N gauge layout and need my roads crossing the rails to make a level crossing. I had thought of layering card on top of each other to build up the height.






For most of my card construction i use medium weight illustration board. For scalescene buildings I use it when heavy or medium card is called for; for the medium card you can peal of some of the card to get it to the right thickness.


Now when making roads and getting it to the height of tracks. I use the same medium weight card it's about the thickness of the track sleepers, then add on top of that another piece of card and peal of some layers of card until its a height that the trains run over smoothly. So layering should work. Enjoy making your layout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the flats really hard to build and mine are in the UFO pile, yours have come out well tho.


Nor sure why but the Flats are not my favorite kit from Scalescenes


So since the last update things have stopped. Nothing has been constructed or built, but we have had lots of operating sessions and "play" time. We have had an addition in a different scale. Several years ago we had a Lionel train set given too us and it has been played with on and off, however my youngest son got a hold of it and we now have an O gauge set running on the floor of the train room. So an operating session has one boy on the older n layout, one on the O set and me using Gloucester Road. I guess we are train crazy.


Ive been told Santa better think twice about bringing any trains this year. :nono:


Here is and SD-45 and a class 66 comparison :no:




Thanks for stopping buy.


Edited by Gloucester Road
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Well the update from the tablet seems to work well.


As 2012 draws to a close 66610 had the privilege of pulling the last train of the year. It arrived with a very short container train.


Seen entering from the tunnel.



Then pulling into the runaround where the loco uncouples and runs to the other end





Once 66610 has changed ends it propels the train into the container facilities.



Thats it years over. All the best.



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Had a go at making a youtube video. Video was taken using an android tablet and edited with a movie programme on the device.


It shows 66072 pulling off the powerplant branchline running into the station and joining the upline for its onwards journey.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Work and a New England winter have kept me busy. Passed my recurrent check ride so I'm good for another six months and the snow and ice have seen the boys and I skating and x country skiing.


Work has been done on the scalescenes office block; it goes together simply and looks pretty good. There is a lot of glass on the front and so at some time the furniture, cabinets and other interior parts will need to be added


Here are some photos.






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I am in need of some help.


I want to crack on and ballast the upper level track, however I want to include concrete trunking and cabling and dummy point motors. Ive reread through some threads on rmweb, notably Gresby, and want to move ahead with this plan so peco dummy motors and ratio trunking have been sourced. Now, for my questions. Do the point motors go on any particular side of the point? Does the trunking go to each motor? Does the cabeling and red(?) wire under the tracks connect the motors to trunking.


I've included a plan of my upper level track. Is there a set side the trunking goes on and would it run all the way of scene to the left?


I've looked at photos from the UK and have a vague idea of what to do, but if there are folks out there who can assist me it would be appreciated.


Thank youpost-7403-0-84824500-1359475639_thumb.jpg

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as a casual observer from looking out of trains while traveling on them, trunking tends to sit along one side of the route that has the most space to work around it / best access.


it does sometimes swap sides or on the approach to a station, another section starts up between two sets of diverging tracks


beyond that I can't help.

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  • RMweb Gold

Are you planning on having a signal box?


Quite often any cable trunking will run to the box and / or any associated relay / signal equipment rooms if the box has gone. The orange ducting goes under the rails as protection to any cables that have to cross the tracks to signals or point motors

On Banbury I represented this by painting some suitable size micro rod then chopping it up to go in between the rails and a bit either side due to part of the code 55 rail being buried in the sleeper depth.


If you require any more photos of trunking then I have quite a few taken at Banbury of such.



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Are you planning on having a signal box?

Quite often any cable trunking will run to the box and / or any associated relay / signal equipment rooms if the box has gone. The orange ducting goes under the rails as protection to any cables that have to cross the tracks to signals or point motors

On Banbury I represented this by painting some suitable size micro rod then chopping it up to go in between the rails and a bit either side due to part of the code 55 rail being buried in the sleeper depth.

If you require any more photos of trunking then I have quite a few taken at Banbury of such.


Thank you for the info gents. No there is no signal box, so it will be relay equipment


Ian, if you have some photos certainly would be interested to see them.



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  • RMweb Gold


I am no signalling expert and I ma sure others can explain it a lot better than me but there are a couple of shots taken at Banbury. Its a much more complicated situation here than on your layout with a mixture of semaphore and colour lights controlled from manual boxes but these signal manual boxes do interface with adjacent more modern modern centralised signalling centres and hence the signalling equipment rooms near the signal boxes at Banbury.


In the shot of the signal box, to the extreme right are signalling equipment rooms and much of the concrete ducting runs to these ( I will try and find some better shots of these for you). You could position your signalling relay rooms close to where the signal box woulod have been. On your track plan I would suspect the box would have been between the station and where the single track branch turnout is.


Both photos shopw how cables (and semaphore signalling cables in these photos) cross the tracks via the orange trunking.


Hope these are of use to you.





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  • RMweb Premium

Hey Stephen,


Cheers for the Gresby name check hehe :D I don't know much about signalling so I just guessed when it came to the trunking on Gresby - I chose an area of disused trackbed for my cabinets that was near the greatest number of points and signals for the relay boxes and then sent trunking down to all the signals and point motors.  I didn't think about a former signal box site, but when I first put the trunking in Gresby was a 7ft end to end and I assumed it was off scene (its still off scene - Gresby's signalled from Doncaster ;)


I tried to put the point motors on the outside of all the points so the trackworkers could work on them without being run over, and I ran a main trunk off either end of the layout to join Gresby to the rest of the world:









The trunking seems to disappear into the trackbed when its all ballasted!  The Ratio trunking wasn't around when I made mine, but it looks pretty good :D  I used Evergreen rod (I think it was 1mm) for the tubes between the sleepers (painted orange) and single threads of multicore wire painted black for the cables that weren't in the trunking (e.g. between the trunking and the orange tube, on the sides of bridges and from the trunking to the signals/point motors/AWS ramps but it can't really be seen)


Hope this helps!



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