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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, another nice sunny day in the offing.

On the subject of large(ish) aircraft my recently deceased Uncle gained his wings in Canada during WW2 under the Commonwealth Air Training Plan and flew one of these on U-boat patrols off the coast of West Africa.





Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all, 


Tiresome morning sofar...I normally have half a grapefruit for my breakfast - this mornings had so many pips in it there was hardly any flesh.  Then tried to open a can of corned beef for lunch time sandwich ,  guess what  -the key broke!  Not unusual occurrence, so standard can-opener employed....only partial success, second can opener employed --- ten minutes later the meat is out of the can!  


Still it's hump day, so  lets try to find something to enjoy today,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Quick check outside - yes it's still dark.  The cat is still asleep.  Why is it that I have to rise at such an uncomfortable hour to earn a living, exactly?  

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  • RMweb Premium

morning all,same here,545 rise.....funny my first born never wants to move when I am at work,but allways wakes when me and the missis are off??? do they know? dry and sunny here.

It is to make sure you don't breed anymore.........

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up.. glorious morning here...


Can anyone lend me a bottle of extra time to fit everything in?  Le Grande Depart causing chaos in the Leeds area this weekend... preparing multiple escape routes for saturday..


Enjoy your Wednesday everyone....

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Hey Ho, it's another day here in God's Waiting Room.

Misty, cloudy and cool with a max of only 18C to look forward to but quite pleasant looking.


AndyB, Thanks for directions to Cromford. I will read it up this morning,


To condense il Dottore's summation of the content of ER's I would just say "LIFE"


To you mutterers moaning about getting up early, for my last few years working I made a point of being at my desk by 6:10 am.

That was a personal choice to be on line on ER's with it's founding Fathers at that time. In those days we were all up and on line by 7:00 am :closedeyes:  :drag:

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Morning all, another day of blue skies with distant haze over Borough Market Junction - apparently it's going to be a cracker - upto 24. I've booked tomorrow to re-stain the decking as it has been dry for a few days . It needs doing since we played with the new pressure washer and cleaned off a few years accumulated gunk.It's also slightly more splintery than it used to be.


Hope to also get time to pick up my new C Class from Invicta Models - got the call yesterday that it was in.


Congratulations to Andy on finally getting his move - I bet that Champagne was... I was going to say sweet but that's totally wrong for champagne...perhaps delicious is a better word!


Tony S - I always picture Bugs Bunny whenever I hear mention of WhatsApp.

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and I forgot to add I've now looked up Permaculture and now know what it is. Whoever said ERs isn't educational?


RMWebs's Early Risers... the new Wikipedia... who'd have thunk it?

The sun is right in my eyes as I type this. Another nice day. Other than that, nothing happening in Norf Norfolk.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A real July day here, with bright  sun and a clear sky. It won't last, as the temperatures are down to 19 by the weekend, with showers. Pity the poor souls driving their priceless old cars round Le Mans!


Second coat on the garage woodwork will be started shortly, and then some hazel bushes need a big haircut. The Nissan gets its MOT this afternoon, so let's hope it passes. After spending over £400 on replacement headlamps it had better....


Hope your week going well.

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  • RMweb Gold


Tony S - I always picture Bugs Bunny whenever I hear mention of WhatsApp.

So do I. I suspect that was why I was reluctant to install it but Matthew assured me it was OK.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the kettle seams to boil a lot quicker after its defurrring, I tried out a little tip I was told about and it works! Don't empty the defurring liquid down the sink, instead empty it into a washing up bowl and add an equivalent amount of cold water, place any glassware that has become cloudy in the bowl for about 10 minutes and then allow to drain (do not use a cloth). You will find the glassware comes up crystal clear.

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So do I. I suspect that was why I was reluctant to install it but Matthew assured me it was OK.



If it isn't I know of a message board frequented by the developer so you can take it up with him  :mail:  :butcher: 


Happy Wednesday everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ah, Sunderlands - and in Berlin, something for everyone (almost).


Another bright sunny day which means I'm not quite sure what.  We took a stroll down to the town and river yesterday evening and all was vibrant, bustle, foreign accents and strange sights - and that was just in Cafe Rouge.  It included a bloke, of mature years, wearing a teeshirt labelled 'Port' on on one arm and 'Starboard' on the other - but the wrong way round, as it didn't look as if he had put it on back-to-front I could but assume it was a cheap knock-out job from a sweatshop somewhere in the east - probably Brick Lane.


Lots of athletic oarsmen about which gave Mrs Stationmaster a smile and quite a few pretty young ladies which meant I had something to look at too - and the week hasn't really got going yet.  The town also seems to have acquired a number of extremely large wheelie bins to cope with the litter to come, it will be interesting to see if that idea works.  Oh and Tesco have a huge display of Pimms, currently £12 a bottle; by the end of next week they'll be floogging off (decent) champagne at that price if last year's offers are any guide.


Have a good day one & all.

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Morning from sunny Porthleven,

A figure of speech Ed but lobsters can swim using 'swimmerets' under their tail, they propel themselves backwards whereas crabs only crawl sideways on the bottom!

Tony_S, I've seen a pic. Of the AN-225 Antonov at Stansted in May 2012, but we spotted what we are certain was one of the monsters (the 6 engines and tail are good indicators) approaching Stansted in early June last year. We were in Ongar and it flew nearby - the compression of the atmosphere around was tangible evidence of its weight. When Stansted was built, the runway was the longest in Europe and held that status for years, and so it can easily take the Antonov! I believe it was that length in order to accommodate heavily loaded American bombers!

Don't fret too much Rick, I believe it isn't too long before you visit this wonderful county?

Good luck with the MOT Ian, one of the 'joys' of motoring? Still it is for safety reasons - are the French tests any more stringent than those in the UK?

Off to do the dog walk soon, Archie loves it here and gets far more exercise than at home as Joanna and I go out to explore. Sadly I can't go as far along the cliffs as I used to, but I look on this holiday as a complete bonus when considering the miserable state I was in when we left this beautiful county last year - we thought for the last time - fabulous!

Hope you all get over the hump painlessly,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Brick Lane! One of the things I do miss about the UK is the availability of curry, and Brick Lane delivers in spades. Haven't dined there in ten years, sadly. A few pints at whatever the pub was called, I think the Pride of Spitalfields, in the days when I could enjoy pints more than my bladder lets me do now, and then off to find the best curry offer on the night. At least one of my regular (a couple of times a year) partners in those days is gone, sadly, but then he was a smoker. The team was originally drawn together to rebuild Liverpool Street in the late '80s, and I swung by a few years later, as part of an LT&S Resignalling project team.


The French MOT is bi-enniel, so half as tough as the UK one for that reason alone, and one of the operatives assured me it is less demanding. There is also a weird requirement, which I've only recently understood, that before selling a car it must have had an MOT not more than 6 months previously - whether it passed or not! I suppose this gives the buyer useful info on what has been diagnosed as wrong within the last 6 months, but surely just doubling the frequency would do better? Very French.

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