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... and one pitch which was more like a cow field ...


I played football in a Sunday morning pub league in North Yorkshire where some of the pitches were actual cow fields. Before the game, members of the home teams would go round with a couple of pieces of plywood, removing evidence of said cows from the pitch.


Our school pitches were crushed ash, so no rugby was played. In fact, football wasn't too pleasant either - I still have bits of the pitch in my knees. We did have showers, but the only time we got to use them was if we had gone down on the pitch - we were given a bar of carbolic soap and a scrubbing brush and told to clean out the knee/thigh/elbow. Happy days?

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Finished Valentines day making Vichyssoise and then watching "The Grand Budapest Hotel". Actually a very strange movie but overall we liked it, certainly different for sure!


Some modeling today, including going to install a decoder in my latest MN, 35029 Ellerman Lines and some more Kadee conversions.


Mrs out for a while meeting one of the "ladies" and having a walk/lunch - hence the "modeling time" :)

Son will be over later for dinner. that's about it for here.


-16 with the wind chill still around -23 mid-afternoon and cloudy, only going to manage -12 if we're lucky.

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Just back after the British Shooting Show.


Too much happens on ERs after 4 days away, but I notice we now have a date!


How many of us would like to be extras in a film about a gang of reprobates arriving uninvited at a small wedding.


We obviously have a budding script writer amongst us, who could write it all up


All we need is a working title. I had thought about Wedding Gatecrashers, but it is too similar to another of american origin.


The only other one I could think of in my rather fatigued state was:


'Sherry and Ian get knotted'.


Any other suggestions gratefully received.


Off to the mud

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I was going to take Robbie for a walk just before lunch but Aditi said she would like to go too. Rather than sit around waiting I said I would do some tidying in the garage. I managed 90 minutes and filled a large bin bag with stuff I had kept before in case it was useful rubbish. We had a nice walk and a late lunch. We still haven't got to the cinema. We want to see Shaun the Sheep but I can't book it while Aditi has her current workload. I wanted to see the Paddington Bear film but Aditi declined to go as she didn't like the "look" of the bear compared to the BBC cartoon. I shall just have to wait for the DVD!

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been busy.... last night Mosh Pit at the Kaiser Chiefs' gig at Leeds Arena ... brilliant if slightly loud(!)  some evidence of pogoing....


then this am up very early to get to Manchester for the ALSRM show - weathering demo mode! met up with one or two RMWebbers.


Home for tea  and some catching up. Have a great evening all.



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Can't help thinking that the bus pass is overused by some people because they can.

1 guy who lives in a town local to here travels here everyday come rain come shine. Weekdays on the 09.30 and weekends on the 1st bus. He doesn't work, just travels for fun.

It would be cheaper for Teignbridge to re-house him here!

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Today has been Martyn's 15th birthday. His best friend from school came over for most of the day and big brother dropped in. Then we met up with his Mum for a pub meal. It doesn't seem like 15 years. The midwife said "what a long baby, he'll grow tall". She wasn't wrong; he's already 6ft.


Goodnight all,



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Greetings from sunny SW Florida, a pleasant morning on the golf course with a nice temperature of 70 as we finished at lunch time.

The TV pictures of the snow Boston USA is experiencing are amazing, the uk would be at a standstill/shutdown with a quarter of that snow.

Temperatures in that part of the world are not fun either!


So a few more days here then back home to normality, loads of posts I've missed so apologies if I've missed key events, though I have clocked the date for the wedding of the year !


Stay safe folks

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Morning all,

I'm not trying to be the earliest riser but Im certainly late to bed. I feel absolutely awful about leaving out the lovely Dr Station Cat in my post on our Valentine's Day lovelies. I can only sincerely grovel for your forgiveness - I'll have to mark it down to the onset of senility, or possibly the fact that I'm sober at that time of day! Sorry!! Thanks to Mike (60860) for pointing out my gaffe!

Thank you Dave for your very kind words, and the lovely endorsements from others - I am a very emotional person and was most touched. The support and kindness that I've received on here has made anything possible, but I truly believe that all of you would do the same if called upon to do so! I am simply reflecting the kindness and support I've received from all quarters, and particularly on here!

Ian, so now we have a date (duly diarised!) - I am certain you will both be showered by best wishes from the host of digital friends you have made on RMweb. One of the events of the year I'm sure!

Debs, how nice to see your picture smiling from the page when I scrolled through tonight - the smiley's would suggest that your sense of humour remains intact!

Neil, I love the pictures from the garden railway! Together with your other post, you are debunking the myth that men can't multi-task - train driver and cook on the same day!!

Pete(trisonic),we're getting some horrible images of the weather here on BBC24, I do hope that you and your loved ones are all safe. That goes for Ian(Abel)'s pilot daughter as well as any other of our RMweb family that might be affected. Incredible the difference where Alan is in Florida - truly shows how big the country is?

Time for a nightcap now, Calvados being the choice tonight. Good luck to all who have to go to work tomorrow - I'll also be out first thing if I want cereal for breakfast as apparently 'I' didn't notice the milk was getting low! We've only been in four different supermarkets this week.

Edited by Jock67B
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Nice one Jock.


Today's (now yesterday) wallpapering went well, although it took a little longer than planned due to some awkward placement of sockets and switches near a door frame. So consequently no model railway track was airbrushed.


Bro's 60th went well - the joint birthday present from me (and my immediate family) other brother and his lot and nephew, of a DB Schenker 60024 carrying the name "Clitheroe Castle" went down very well. We grew up  in Clitheroe within daily sight of the castle. (I'll post some photos of the loco in my workbench thread when I get round to taking them off my camera).


My daughter however, was not too pleased (and I was slightly miffed) with the scheduling of the party as our usual Sunday evening entertainment is to go and watch Blackburn Hawks ice hockey team in action. Especially as they were on the verge of their first league title. She was even less pleased when the mobile phone reception at the pub we were at wasn't too good and she had to keep going outside to update the game scores. Two results had to go our way and after much mobile signal chasing, the relevant results were in and they are league champions, still with one quarter of the games to play! looking at various social websites, the after-game party was one to be at. Never mind, we'll catch up with them next week.


Postings over the next couple of days or so may be a bit erratic, as I have to do most of my normal day job and then cover at wife's work for the night shift, 11pm-7am on Monday/Tuesday and a "half-shift" Tuesday/Wednesday 11pm until about 2am or so. All other spare  time is likely to be spent sleeping and it'll be a couple of days after that before my body clock recovers to it's normal - if you can call my body clock normal - state.




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Evenin' all. @ Stationmaster Mike in particular in particular, but I know others will be interested.


I've just watched a programme on BBC Alba about the Scottish Lighthouse service, and replenishing the lighthouses. Filmed in 1969 just before the automation of the lighthouses it was fascinating. Brilliant shots of buoy servicing reminiscent of Mike's pics from Patricia.


It is available on the iPlayer until Wednesday. Just find "the Northern Lights". I thought it was superb, and by the way it is in English apart from a short introduction in Gaelic.



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Last post as I’m knackered....


Currently -13C (with a feel like of -23C) by the morning it will be -18C. Even Florida will have frost in their northern Orange Groves tonight.

More snow for us Monday night.


We have had below “Average” temps since December 1st last and if anyone wants to mention global warming I will have my size 12’s ready.


Naturally Jock may say whatever he likes! So a Goodnight to him and a Goodnight from me to all good people of ER.....


Goodnight, Pete.

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It was nice to see a few RMwebbers speak nostalgically about school cross country running; too many people voice a hatred of the sport. My school treated "X-country" and track and field athletics as major sports, and with Yorkshire javelin champion Stan Hughes taking care of the field events and sprints and Rotherham Harriers stalwart George Eden (top right in picture) the middle and long distances, we consistently fielded strong teams. Stan coached the English Schools shot and discus champions in the same year, and George gave great support to Keith Angus (centre front), who went on to represent GB in the 1976 Montreal Olympic marathon. Lesser lights were enthused enough to join local clubs and a fair few lads just enjoyed a steady, sociable run during games afternoons. 




Woodhouse Grammar School (Sheffield) cross-country team 1960-61. (Bluebottle second from left, front row)

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Morning all. Just a very quick visit this morning. 4 degrees outside but feels colder. At least its dry. Problems on Southern but nothing that should effect me getting to VIC.


I was never any good at sports when at school. I don't know what happened but I've been reasonable at various sports as an adult.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


I am currently wondering where the weekend went to!


We had a fairly quiet weekend, the weather was good, but we didn't get out much - other than to go to dinner on Valentines Day evening.


Cross country running (in fact, sport in general) was never my thing at school.  I did, however, take pride in the fact that I never came in last!


This morning we have fairly chilly weather - but we appear to be frost free.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


As I've no work to go to, I may stand a chance of keeping up to date with posts this week.

Today's constitutional will be put on hold, I'm a fair weather walker these days, so may fit 'son et lumiere' to a Class 101. I'm sure I've got a detailing pack somewhere too.


Have a good day.

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Got to the station to find that most of the trains have with been cancelled or delayed

I noticed yesterday that every time I we yo the PC there were cancellations on Southern through Redhill. We have the National rail departure board for our station as the default page.


Train this morning Is only 8 minutes late so far but any delay normally gets worse the nearer London Bridge that we get.


It's half term but our train is busier than normal.


There is a new two way system in Redhill which came into operation yesterday. The old one way system is no more. Will be interesting to see how it works.




Train 10 late using the new scheduled arrival time (which is 5 minutes later then before xmas whith no extra stops, so it is really 15 late) into LBG.


Girl next to me (me and my other half couldnt get seats next ot each other today) didnt like it when I sneezed. She promptly put her scarf round her face. Had worse when one bloke got up and moved seats back in the days when there were empty seats!!

Edited by roundhouse
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Morning all, off to do some training again I hope this lot don't talk as much. Half term seems to have passed in a blur but it is only 6 weeks to the next holiday! I wish you all a happy Moanday. Just a thought should we send Kenton off to find Trev?

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Morning all. Need to do a 180 and go back through ERs armed with a machete, a mosquito net and some "likes" and "funnies" etc. As is often pointed out, to miss even a day makes it very difficult to have a clue what is going on. Whilst skimming through, I did notice Debs is back, so Hi!

Don't let Monday trip you up.

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Half term here so I have to collect her indoors from the garage as her car needs a service.


My pile of things to do has expanded again! Two parcels of weathering work and one of fit kaydees to these coaches...now! Have arrived.

So time for tea, shower, breakfast, garage run....

How did I find the time to work?



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