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Early Risers.


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Morning!!! Monday well underway here, with torrential rain continuing from last night and various flood/landslide warnings in place. Another 24 hours of this and we shall be hearing the flood warning sirens going off warning that the local river (well below Chez Squid, not uncoincidentally we're located somewhere where the only place for water to go is away in all directions) is in danger of bursting its (heavily canalized) banks.


No sign of a commute (which would be a damp, humid sweaty affair on a day like this) due to the day job being home-based.

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Evening all. I didn't post on Saturday having decided my drivel would have been excluded from the ER book.


A long day today. Cycled to 8am mass, then on to Greenwich, DLR to Limehouse, then cycled up the Lea Valley to Broxbourne. Half a pint in the Crown, a pint in the Anchor & Hope in Stamford Hill, then up the Regent's Canal to Islington then onto the streets to the Albert Hall. It was a Sibelius prom, 3rd and 4th symphonies and the violin concerto. Then had to cycle to Cannon Street to get a train home, so I will have done near on 50 miles. My bum certainly thinks so.


It may not be apparent, but cyclists have an unwritten code, so all the way up the towpaths we passed left to left. That is until the Regent's Canal, where I encountered foreigners on Boris bikes. How they don't put themselves, pedestrians and other cyclists into the briny, I don't know. Then in Hyde Park, they were happily cycling the wrong way along a dual carriageway.


Best wishes to all. Bill

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I went to Seaham Boot Sale this afternoon.. . . didn't buy anything,  . . . just went for the walk about and the fresh air, it's on the cliff top about 250 yds from the beach, . Absolutely "stottin". . .( translation for those of a "southern" disposition. . Extremely busy).


Goodnight All. . . . . Pleasant Dreams.



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"stottin". . .( translation for those of a "southern" disposition. . Extremely busy).



Jimmy and Charlie were the machinists at a company I worked for In Hillington. When he needed a hammer, Jimmy would announce in a loud voice


"I say Charles. Would you be good enough to pass me the stotometer." 



In Glasgow, a very attractive young lady might have been referred to as "a wee stoter".



My dad used to refer to the scones from a baker in Renfrew as "MacAvoy's stoters" due to their remarkable elastic properties. He claimed you could stote them off the pavement like a rubber ball.

Edited by AndyID
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                                                House Cat


Artwork and digital rendering © Norrie Black


I was talking to my artist brother Norrie on the phone yesterday evening, and mentioned that pictures of cats were always popular on RMweb.

"What kind of cats?" he asked.

"Y'know, house cats," I replied.

"Hm... d'you think they might like one of mine?"

"Yeah, I think so." 

So, he emailed one over.

Did I also mention that he does a terrible line in puns?

Edited by bluebottle
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Morning all….Despite up watching the US PGA until 12.30am, I'm on heron patrol this morning.  Whilst we are rebuilding one of our streams, I've had to remove our fishing wire defences at one end of the pond.  Clearly the word has got round as we've had several visits from different herons early in the morning.  Yesterday was a classic.  A large one tried his luck around 05.45, but luckily I saw him and opening the window scared him off.


Undeterred he came back 15 minutes later, so I thought I'd watch this time what he would do.  After 10 minutes of sitting on a neighbours roof, he dropped down into our garden and then inched across the lawn and into the new stream.  Just as I though that's close enough pal, he shot forward like lighting and out came a 6-8" goldfish flapping like crazy. The beast spread his wings and was then up and away just as I shouted out the window.  He'd got to about 15' from the ground and lost his grip on the fish and then dropped it into the bushes in our garden before he was gone for good.


I legged it downstairs and found this poor fish flapping around, so managed to pick it up and dropped him back in the pond.  I did have a small amount of blood on my hands, but hopefully the damage was small and not life threatening as he swum away to live another day.


So the heron scarer was brought out and hooked up to the mains water supply and I'm here waiting for the bloomin' killer to come back.  Hopefully he'll get more than he bargained for today….:-)


Other than that, it's a home match against Sandford Springs, one of the teams that beat us in the away leg, so a lot to play for.


Have a great day.  The weather promises much….

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Some rain did indeed materialise last night and a heavy rain warning is in effect for this afternoon, so I suppose I should take an umbrella with me. We'll be driving from 12.30 pm till 9.15, and 10 am till 4.15 pm on Friday.


I hope this week finds you in good spirit. Glad to hear things are looking up, Flavio!



Edited by 1216 025
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Morning All,


Hmmm - I wonder where the weekend went?


It is a somewhat cloudy morning here - after a day of rain yesterday.  Still, we were able to visit the wine festival in Wiesbaden.


I am back in the office this morning, and wondering what the day will bring.


Interesting that Ian mentioned Mamers market.  I went there at some point in the 80s with my parents, and got into a very interesting discussion about rabbits with an old lady who was selling us a (prepared) rabbit for the pot.  She thought I came from Southern France due to my accent!  This isn't as crazy as it seems because my French teacher of the time came from Southern France - so there probably was a hint of the mediterranean buried under the English.


Have a good day everyone...

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Windoze 10 upgrades to desktop (from W8) and laptop (from W7) went quite smoothly. Couple of minor incompatibilities identified and resolved.


Personally, I could care less about most of the features in any OS. For me, it's more a question of on-going support, so this time I thought I might as well get on the leading (hopefully not bleeding) edge of the OS


"Aye, the nights are fair drawin' in." Things here are beginning to take on a distinctly autumnal appearance. Summer has been so dry that the deciduous trees are already starting to turn. Hope we see some serious rain soon.

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He was nominally of the male persuasion, but in the main a big softie who was standing behind the door when they were handing out feline elegance and grace.


Here's a female moggie, also long departed. Both were rescue cats (i.e. not trained to provide emergency assistance, but cats from an animal rescue home - the one in Berlin, which now has some seriously modern and impressive facilities)




Morning all. That cat looks worried that it is about to be put in the oven.



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Up far too early this am but we expect our joiner to be here to redo some of the cupboard plinths to allow for the wall tiles now in place in our shiny new kitchen. Once done I have instructions to start painting the areas not tiled. :-(

The week is beckoning as is a mug of tea so enjoy Monday everyone!


Edited by Barry O
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morning all,cold here,quiet from chesterfield to shefield this morning,made a nice change ! all still sleeping at home,very peacefull,jack tested his driving skills in the empty carpark Friday night,with his remote control car I hasten to add.....and its still in one piece too,proving it is stronger than I thought ! only saw one intresting thing on the adjacent railway,a 47 number unknown,looked like it was flat out heading towards Sheffield,sounded wonderfull,just like a proper diesel engine ! have a good day all.

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One of the pC's took all day andn ight to upgrade from WIndows 8.0 to 8.1. it had tried to do this upgrade in the past but never succeeded.


So at 2am when I needed a natural relief break I went downstairs to do the finishing touches where it requires password etc.


Hopefully its now ready for the WIndows 10 upgrade but after being awake for a while I am hoping today goes quickly.



The intention is to put all JMRI layout files, loco roster etc into Dropbox so they can sync with all the other PC's running JMRI each time they connect to the internet.


Another pleasant day today where I wish I was at home working on the layout etc.


The planned bath mixer replacement is now on hold till we get back form our hols as dont want to return to find that the new tap joints have leaked. Best ot leave as is for now.

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