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A brilliant day at the ice hockey playoff weekend in the company of Junior NB.


All four semi finals were won by the team that didn't score first. Most importantly, the Hawks are through to the North 1 final. Looking forward to a good game tomorrow.

By chance we're staying in the same hotel as the team.

The hotel is directly on the site of the former Tinsley diesel depot. Home to the three Class 13 hump shunters. I remember walking along the fence line above the depot, straining to see the numbers on the lines of locos. A flat 2p bus fare from Sheffield Midland station on the 24 to Brinsworth.


There is a line still through the remains of the yard, but a far cry from what it once was.


Possibly back later tomorrow. Have a good Sunday folks,




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Another week or more and still no news of Jock, I know others on here have problems and some with poorly relatives as well so I wish them all a speedy recovery, but I just wish there was a glimmer of hope from Jock, he IS such a fighter as we all know.

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A message from our correspondent in Venice.

1. The Japanese. However did they manage in WW2? Fighting in a war means dodging bullets and shells whilst fighting back. Yesterday in St Marks Square we had some rain. Not Sotch mist but light drizzle. The sort where you think should you get your jacket on or wait until it rains. The Japanese yesterday suddenly and to a man sprouted umbrellas. They are scared to get wet in case they pastry faces get wet. Well let me tell them something. In fact 2 things. 1st of all you wont shrink. Secondly, when you wield an umbrella in light mist watch out for my f*****g eyes!

and the milling throngs in St Marks Square below guess what she uttered?



Undoubtably Chinese not Japanese nowadays.


Still it’s good fun to make fun of “Johnny Foreigner", is it not?


One of my favorite cities in the World, I hope you enjoy it.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good evening everyone. Weather was mixed again like it has been for the last few days, sunshine, rain, hale etc..........


Whilst the kitchen was occupied this morning with the iron and the ironing board, I decided to keep out of the way. So I went down stairs in the cellar to play trains. So I gave my new ZTC 611 controller a good test run playing with my 4 sound fitted locos. 3 were fine but I couldn't get 1 of them to work at all. I'll have to investigate that further tomorrow.


This afternoon I had the kitchen to myself and I busied myself making rhubarb and strawberry jam. A friend of Sheila has an allotment and she grows organic fruit and veg, that's where the rhubarb came from, the strawberrys however, were from the supermarket. After that I made a vegetarian lasagne for tea.


Sherry. Glad to see you're feeling a little better. Hope the impending grandparent hood goes well, it's great fun.


Pete. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip in Venice. It sounds like you hit a bit of kamikaze weather there today.

(kamikaze weather - a nasty nip in the air).


Goodnight all.

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Another week or more and still no news of Jock, I know others on here have problems and some with poorly relatives as well so I wish them all a speedy recovery, but I just wish there was a glimmer of hope from Jock, he IS such a fighter as we all know.


Couldn’t agree more, Andy. However there is still hope, surely? I expect that the family is just busy...


Best, Pete.

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My granddaughter decided to spend the afternoon with me. . . 


We spent the time wisely . . making and flying (or not), paper aeroplanes.. .she engaged in a little industrial espionage/sabotage by stealing one of designs, crashing another nose first into a wall, and shooting a third down with a"lacky"band.



Thoughts with the sick/recovering. . . and the missing.



Goodnight everyone .  . . . Sleep well.




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Shame there's a gagging order Pete as it means you won't be able to furnish us with the information.


I do really wonder if people seeking these orders actually think things through - if everyone knew about it there would one a 5 minute fluster in 'the Sun' or some other red top and it would all be forgotten in a few days.  Once there's a hint of a gagging order everyone sets out to see what it's all about and the thing gets even more attention.  Whereas if it was made known the vast majority would simply say 'oh yeah' and just carry on ignoring it all.


A bit like a locked thread on here.


Good (middle of the) night everyone.



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Been tiptoeing around so's not to disturb anyone!


Not sure whether to say good night or good morning?


Fell asleep v early last night, with the commensurate v early (03:10) awake, though I suspect there may be more sleep to be had yet.


Bye for now :)

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Morning all


I share the increasing concern re Jock. In recent weeks it has been clear that the cancers were closing in, and I bet the medics are busy keeping him going. There may be some respite soon, and we all look forward to more of his amazing fortitude.


Sherry is a grandmother again. And may be feeling a bit better, too, judging by the chat we have just had. So her new grandson was born @ 2.21, not very big, and has minor breathing difficulties, which the hospital declares not to be serious, but enough to keep him and new mum in for a few days. Since new mum declined ante-natal classes we think this might just be a good thing!


American tourists? Nearly 50 years ago, I was working in the Information Office at Victoria, where tourists were the everyday customer. One engaging colleague - a rather bright Irishman - had a brother living inthe US, and had written to him complaining about sending all these unworldly tourists across. His brother remarked that it was the bright ones who actually found their way to Europe, and what he had to cope with daily was much worse.


I hope Sunday is restful for you and yours.

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Morning all.


Also hoping that we from Jock on here soon again.


Had a good day at the Crawley MRS show then a good evening in Horsham trying the new Dark Star pub. Just a couple of improvements needed. They do really need more than one Gents WC as there was always a queue to use it.


The other improvement would be some soft furnsihngs as with the tiled floor no curtains on the windows etc, its a very noisy place.


Moved on to a pub near the station but depsite leaving 10 minutes for the short hop to the station the ticket office wasnt staffed but the barriers manned so went ot the ticket machines. They work differently to the Redhill ones so took a lot longer to get the ticket.


The train left early so we missed it. Why do our trians always run late from Redhill yet the Horsham ones run early :scratchhead:


We were on one of the 5 car 387s. Went into the toilet and used the lever style door lock, exept it didnt and some one opened the sliding door with me standing in there. Once these big curved doors start opening you cnat shut them again til lthey are fully open :no:   A lot of sticky tape holding the mirror in place etc so they arent lasting very well by the looks of it.




Anyway no trains today except for the model ones and itsl ooking am uc better day so far with the sun coming up and clear skies.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good morning one and all


Not for yours truly the exotic Venice and its brolly-sprouting orientals.  No, I battled tempests and road incidents yesterday to reach Trainwest at Corsham.  More thoughts on that in the designated place but it was nice, as always, to meet some RMwebbers.  "Road incidents?", you ask.  On the outward run the M4 had been reduced from three lanes to one so that an errant artic could be retrieved from its unlikely and precarious resting place on the verge.  Our thoughts are with the eggs that it was carrying.  Returning later, and at almost exactly the same place, was an incomplete car attended by two patrol vehicles, causing speculation as to what it had hit and how. 


Today I will attend a concert in St Albans.  It is the final of New Roots 2016, a long-standing programme to find and encourage young folk etc musicians, and if this year's crop is half as good as last year's it will be a very good day.  If all goes well a hearty breakfast will be had at the 'Spoons in St Albans, familiar to many from its proximity to the Alban Arena, lately the venue of the St Albans exhibition.


Lots more to read so must move on.  To the missing, come back soon.  To the ailing recovering, supporting and grieving, best wishes.



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Up early (in fact never properly went to bed) due to having crashed out on the sofa earlier...

Spent the night remaking part of Dick Simnel's cottage. Or at least his mother's cottage. Just the roof, the painting, the setting to get done.


Julie off to the Mills today and I'm cooking - a roast dinner for this evening and a big beef casserole for Monday/freezer. We are now within touching distance of having a dining room! But my shed workshop is too full to actually do anything in it. Chiz.


So, getting on with getting on, but still, as we all do, having Jock in my thoughts.

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Hey up! It was snowing here last night but it didn't stay.


Food excellent again and great to be with old friends from university.


Fingers crossed for Jock.


Have a good Sunday.


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Morning all. I slept far to well last night and woke to see a yellow disc in the sky for a change. Lets hope that it lasts.


A few tasks to be completed today but nothing too taxing.


Thinking of Jock and all ER's ailing and recovering


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all fro the southern uplands of Leeds, where the sun is shining brightly.   Glad to hear that Sherry's new grandchild has arrived and hope that the breathing difficulties go away.  It would be great to hear from Jock.   Much to be done today.  I'm shortly off out to start getting the final bits of layout from the church and then the stock, tools and other assorted carp.   Beth is slowly recovering from her chest infection but has invited two kids, their partners plus her dad and stepmum for dinner.  I will no doubt be involved in the preparations.  In between I need to pack for France, both case and car, so it's going to be a busy day, however it will be good to see the family this evening.  


Over the next couple of week I may not have much chance to keep up to date.  I'm picking up a trailer in the morning, then two of us are going to load it and set off to France via Portsmouth and St Malo.  Our wives fly down on Thursday for 10 days and we get back on the 26th which gives me 4 days tog et ready for Lancaster.   France Telecom have promised to install broadband and a telephone line.   We can only wait and see.


I hope that others on here fare well.



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Mawnin' awl. Managed to sleep in for a bit and looking forward to what I hope will be a calm Sunday shift, after having witnessed a fair share of lunacy last night. 







At Paunsdorf, I saw this Tatra motor bogie set aside for servicing. Note the longitudinally mounted traction motors, each acting on the opposite wheelset.





The Tatra set I got for my first half was composed of 2149-2089-940. and is seen here in the fading light at the Böhlitz-Ehrenberg loop, prior to my returning the set to Angerbrücke.





This set, composed of NGT6 cars 1348 "Hänichen" and 1315 "Gohlis", seems to have remained coupled for several days as I had driven that very formation on 1 April. Here, I was waiting to depart for the 11.30 pm interchange node, and upon arrival at Sommerfeld, I proceeded to return the set to Paunsdorf.





As Paunsdorf is currently being refurbished for at least ten more years of service, the car shed is currently under restoration, the rafters having seen intensive treatment already. One modification carried out as part of it is that the shed gate has been widened, allowing our low floor cars to enter with the mirror folded out – which had not been possible originally.


I had been asked to park my NGT6 set on either of the inspection pits, from where the depot crew would later remove it for the stabling area.



Certainly echoing the good wishes for those of us in ailment, and for Jock in particular…


Have a good one!

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Morning all. The sun is shining over this part of Derbyshire this morning. Amber woke us up early but we are sat in bed, enduring children's television, with newest cat curled up against my legs. There are worse ways to start what is the last day of our extended Easter break. We plan to go out for lunch at our regular pub later as a final treat before we return to the grind. The rest of the day will be spent on yet more planning for next term, sorting the spare room and helping Sarah post the latest round of Avon books.

On the subject of Sarah, she had her tattoo yesterday. The artist has made a stunning job. The cat in the design actually looks like Saffie. I know she is very pleased with it.

The week ahead promises to be very busy and stressful. The assignment needs to be submitted a week tomorrow. I want to have it out of the way by the weekend. The last few days are all about putting things in the correct order. There is some scanning and editing to get the finished piece into a format that can be uploaded. This work needs to be fitted around the usual day to day round of planning, preparation etc. This week also sees me out on a course and assisting with interviews for a new teacher in my part of the school. There is nothing like easing yourself back into work!!


I hope you all have an enjoyable Sunday and that we soon hear from those who absent.

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The hotel is directly on the site of the former Tinsley diesel depot. Home to the three Class 13 hump shunters. I remember walking along the fence line above the depot, straining to see the numbers on the lines of locos. A flat 2p bus fare from Sheffield Midland station on the 24 to Brinsworth.


There is a line still through the remains of the yard, but a far cry from what it once was.




That's going back a looooooong time, I remember doing the same thing myself. Handy was the fact that my mate Pete lived with his grandma almost at side of the Brinsworth terminus, great for a free butty and a cup of tea. Slightly before that time, the bus fare to school just after the new fangled money came in was and incredible ½p, though the bus being fitted with a Videmat machine most 'paid' in buttons, washers or anything alse that went 'chink' as it hit the bottom of the slot.


Best wishes to all those under the weather.


Speaking of weather, beautiful warm, dry sunny start here, but expect it will change before this years cricket season gets underway in a couple of hours.


More tea required I think,  have a good day all.

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The area around Arsenale is quieter, if the crowds get a bit too much. But as I said before the food is pretty indifferent in a lot of the hot spots. 

I'm waiting for Costa or Starbucks to take over the coffee provisioning at St Mark's Square. Civilisation will, then, have officially ended. 


As others have said, all best thoughts to Jock and his family. I seem to remember when he has dropped off the thread for a period of time it was caused by a lack of internet access at home. That said his recent posts seemed to show him to be more tired and frail than usual...Safe to say our ER Warhorse will be fighting every inch of the way and doing it with a spirit few of us could match.

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Undoubtably Chinese not Japanese nowadays.


Still it’s good fun to make fun of “Johnny Foreigner", is it not?


One of my favorite cities in the World, I hope you enjoy it.


Best, Pete.

Plenty of Chinese in town but they dont have the same ability to sniff incoming rain at 4 miles.


Pete, its a pretty sanitised World these days. No mother in law jokes allowed, no Jokes about the Taffs, french jokes about the belgians, US jokes about the Cannucks or Polaks etc etc If we cant laugh at Johhny Foreigner who can we laugh at? If we lose the ability to laugh at ourselves where are we. I laugh equally at the English Tommy.

Venice is great, so much to see and do and the travel is so cheap. Only cost us €100 for 3 days! Fortunately I guess the local citizen pays a fraction of that travel cost.


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Mornin all,


Further to my earlier post, a bit more sleep was forthcoming and thus now I am awake for the day.


Presently in further exile at SWMBO'S place in Beduff, from where I can report there has been an hard overnight frost which has now given way to bright sunshine and birdsong.


The local Wetherspoon's is now within my walking range so a Fatboy breakfast beckons methinks.


Best wishes to all, hoping today's a good un and that everyone needing support, encouragement or just a dose of well-being finds it delivered by the bucketful. :)

Edited by leopardml2341
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