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I've been rather reluctant to comment but all I see is overgrown bus shelters...greenhouse sun traps in summer...  :heat:



Personally, I blame C. J. Freezer. It was him as started all this "modern image" carp.

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  • RMweb Premium

Personally, I blame C. J. Freezer. It was him as started all this "modern image" carp.


Cyril Freezer coined "The Modern Image".


Now it's just "modern image"


The debate as to the use of the above phrase has often resulted in a quick lockdown of the thread as it rapidly degenerates into a steam v diesel slangfest - with even more vitriol than that seen on some 4mm track discussions.....




(A contemporary modeller.....)

Edited by newbryford
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Nothing on telly tonight so did a bit of work, ordered a couple of Southern related books that will arrive tomorrow even using free delivery, and I've also done a bit of reading.


Time for bed.


Night all

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Before going to the show I drew £30 from the ATM plus about £7 in loose change. What I don't spend I will put in the car towards next weeks trip to Winchester......  about 30p left and I even had my pie bought for me.....  Good Night all.

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Cyril Freezer coined "The Modern Image".


Now it's just "modern image"


The debate as to the use of the above phrase has often resulted in a quick lockdown of the thread as it rapidly degenerates into a steam v diesel slangfest - with even more vitriol than that seen on some 4mm track discussions.....




(A contemporary modeller.....)


You certainly took the bait on that one :)


Edit: No disrespect to CJ, but I seriously doubt that his observations had the slightest impact on post-war railway architecture. He was simply describing what was already happening.


My post was intended to be obviously idiotic, but I seem to have hit a nerve. Sorry about that.

Edited by AndyID
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Lunch at The Almighty Cod again, with DD1 and granddaughter. . .An evening of Hobgoblin, guitars, and wagging chins in my kitchen with my mate.



Thoughts with the sick, recovering, and the missing.



Goodnight folks. . . . Sleep well.




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I spent £150 on my favourite hobby today, but it wasn't train-related. The dog's gone wrong again. Another ear infection, tbf they are pretty big ears, and some more Carprodyl for his knees. It would be cheaper to get a new dog, but I am rather fond of this one,


Another restless night, best wishes to all



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

There seems to be sunshine and blue sky and the forecast says it will stay mostly dry but increased cloud and afternoon showers possible.

I managed to watch 2 excellent rugby matches yesterday and this was achieved without WW3 breaking out. Today's game will have to be recorded as we are being invaded by some family and friends for a birthday bash for son Steve. He has requested '70s pub type grub and beer which seems like a very good thing to me.  A very very good thing.

Tea will now be taken to the catering department as she wants to make an early start.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Not a bad morning here at all at 12A. Lovely sunshine and clear skies if chilly.

Perfect for the run across to Chesters to the NE & Borders EMGS gang. Think I'll take my 16" Barclay across to see if I can un-buggerup my work on the chassis. I'm trying to install a compensation rig on the lead two axles and I could use a learned second opinion on my approach!

Time for the breakfast omelette now though, having had the pre-start Greek yoghurt, berries and 'screech juice'!


Best wishes to all fighting health issues, human and doggy variety and if you're off to an expo or family event have a good day.

Sorry I didn't catch you at S4N, Mick. Maybe catch you at Expo EM North? Sure we can get militant on the tea urn there! :-)



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All


I got my hair cut by Chloe in St Marychurch, and Sherry seemed quite pleased with the result. En route I bumped into a couple of Sherry's friends. Keith had a prostate op similar to mine - but was kept waiting for several months with a catheter in place!


Last evening we were supposed to be Front of House at the Little Theatre - actually a deconsecrated church - but Sherry, while improved, was certainly not up to standing around on duty, so I went alone. Jackie, a rather elegant copper's widow, picked me up in her mini, which is good for my image, as she is a few years younger and blonde! The Manager for the night was Reg, recently 80 but very sprightly and with a great sense of humour, and he posted me to serve pre-booked tickets as patrons arrived. These included one or two acquaintances, including a retired tax inspector and railway enthusiast who also writes erotic literature. During the interval I was able to chat to his wife, who is recovering from varicose vein surgery, and must not sit around for too long. Hence she was hopping from leg to leg as we talked, but assured me she did not need the loo!


The performance - Charley's Aunt - was excellent, despite several of the key roles being performed by Tadpoles - junior society members, who were simply outstanding. With over 200 in the house, it was a great success - as has the whole run been, with all programmes sold by Friday.


Today we will try to get a bit of a toddle as part of Sherry's recovery programme, and expect to take in the Grand Prix. It's a lovely morning, so being out and about is tempting, but moderation will be essential.


Hope Sunday suits you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Sounds good, OD.  Also sunny here, beautiful morning, but somewhat bloody freezing!  Mrs H went out on her cycle to have a run out with her mate from around the corner (wife of the guy doing the Bonneville speed record run) and came back 30 seconds later, added several layers and departed stage right again!


I'm off to Grumble in a mo, to start boxing up the boiler fittings of John's loco, should get most of it done today but we will be waiting for new taper plugs to be made for the recently tapped out washout plug 'oles.  The pattern one might be here though, which would be a start.  I think painting the floor of the newly rebuilt carriage shed is also on the cards, I'll keep away from that one, as the exit door is at the opposite end to the railway entrance doors, that can only be locked securely from the inside.  Cue a silent movie style clip.....

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Well it's absolutely stunning up here in Crich this morning,


I was sitting looking at RM Web last night and could here some Music, first a bit of Clapton, then some Moody Blues, Muse, Queen, and so I thought I must investigate this. It was in a Marquee in a Pub around the corner, (a Birthday Bash) so I gate crashed and it was awesome, they ended the first set with Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb. Start of the second Set after  the break and the Lead Guitarist swapped his Black Fender Strat and a Gold PRS (Paul Reed Smith) for a well beaten up Fender Squire, covered in Stickers and picked up his Slide Bar and started a Ry Cooder Classic, I remembered the intro but it got no further, the Mic's kept cutting out, they had several attempts to put it right by changing Mic's and Leads. Then they found that WATER had dripped through the back of the Marquee onto the Mixing Desk, so that was an early (22.30) end to the Gig.


Shame because there was awesome stuff lined up in that set.


Off out with the Dogs now and get the Wife's morning Paper

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Morning all. A bit late today but it's the only time I manage a proper lie in. Bright blue skies and warm. Lets hope that it stays that way.


Not a great deal planned. Some ironing, shopping for my lunch for the week and watching the China GP.


Andy P - You need to find a few more nights like that while you're away.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

 I think painting the floor of the newly rebuilt carriage shed is also on the cards, I'll keep away from that one, as the exit door is at the opposite end to the railway entrance doors, that can only be locked securely from the inside.  Cue a silent movie style clip.....



I have seen people paint themselves into a corner.


I had suggested they did it in two stages........Paint your escape route and let it go off hard, then paint the rest of the floor.


Unfortunately they started from the already painted section and worked back into the corner

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, lovely sunny day today so we are going to the opening of a new craft shop in Sheffield. After that will be fruit fly shopping and after that we will be food shopping. That will take most of the daylight hours but if it remains dry the first cut of the lawn may be attempted. Tomorrow I shall go back to work for a rest, retirement no chance. Hope those ailing have a better day.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ian having dealt with tax inspectors for most of my working life the idea of one of them writing erotic literature tickled me. My prefered reading is crime thrillers and those authors who write with tongue in cheek I like even more. My current reading is quite serious however but is pretty good so I don't think much else but reading will get done today.

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An adequate sufficiency of ale yesterday afternoon thro' evening has not had any noticeable impact on today. Been outside for breakfast and playing ball with doggy, weather forecast bodes well so maybe a bit more walking therapy for the new hip later.

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Sitting g in a fantastic looking pub surrounded by modern awfulness. Pub was really busy but suddenly it's emptied

I know I didn't fart


Needs an added layer of seediness and a big bulbous MkX Jag parked outside (on the double yellow lines!).... :smoke: 

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Time for a quick update from Coxheath Sidings. I had started building the English Electric battery loco which has been mentioned in other threads. This was paused awaiting gears from Ultrascale which arrived yesterday, they obviously have a good system for fulfilling orders but allow 3-4 weeks. Any way I now have an operating motor bogie though this had a few design changes along the way, and have built the frame structure. Photos later.


Off to Crich Tramway Museum for the day as the oldest tram Mrs Dava has been on was the last batch built for Nottingham so we need to explore the delights of vintage tramdom. I did manage to get to the South Notts show at Cotgrave yesterday, a friendly show with some interesting small layouts & lots of cheap books & magazines.





Well it's absolutely stunning up here in Crich this morning,


I was sitting looking at RM Web last night and could here some Music, first a bit of Clapton, then some Moody Blues, Muse, Queen, and so I thought I must investigate this. It was in a Marquee in a Pub around the corner, (a Birthday Bash) so I gate crashed and it was awesome, they ended the first set with Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb. Start of the second Set after  the break and the Lead Guitarist swapped his Black Fender Strat and a Gold PRS (Paul Reed Smith) for a well beaten up Fender Squire, covered in Stickers and picked up his Slide Bar and started a Ry Cooder Classic, I remembered the intro but it got no further, the Mic's kept cutting out, they had several attempts to put it right by changing Mic's and Leads. Then they found that WATER had dripped through the back of the Marquee onto the Mixing Desk, so that was an early (22.30) end to the Gig.


Shame because there was awesome stuff lined up in that set.


Off out with the Dogs now and get the Wife's morning Paper

I don't know if you two RMwebbers are known to each other but there's an opening.

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