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  • RMweb Premium

game completed.. a win for Collegiate but my score board was U/S and my computer for scoring froze but with the aid of my

Linear score sheets I managed to keep track of what was going on.


Trip home went well and tomorrow sees a trip to see Nurse Drac... that is enough to put my blood pressure up..


Never worked shifts just " as many hours as required to complete tasks given by my manager(s) " This varied from 40 hour weeks to 100 hours.



Sleep well everyone



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A relaxed day doing research sitting in the sun.


Time to get ready for the start of another ER week with at least the first 2 days back at Shooters Hill.


Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. Well that's the dining room floor finished, 5 coats of clear on top of the coat of tinted that I put down yesterday. So tomorrow I'll be able to start on the ceiling and cornice. Things are now starting to look like something is actually being done, rather than the furniture just being moved around.


Sheila's kindle has gone down really well, considering that she only got it on Wednesday and already she's on her THIRD book.


Goodnight everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Had a very pleasant day sitting in the sunshine in a Yorkshire field watching a Red Kite circling overhead and coming lower and lower. I think we were watching each other, he definitely had his eye on me. Do Red Kites like bad meat? 


They definitely like meat, and they don't seem to mind if it's gone off a little bit.  But don't give them cheese - they do like it but one of the local experts warned us off doing it as they have trouble eating it - meat is best (but the darned things still don't stay still long enough for their pic to be take).  We get a regular lunchtime concentration of them - usually about 6 -8 - casting their eyes ver various gardens where they know something might be on offer; they seem to have very regular habits.


G'night all

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning awl. I hope the day finds you well. Best wishes to those battling all kinds of ailments.

I have enjoyed my trawl through the pages today, some wonderful pictures. Dave TG - it looked a very restful day on the Cromford canal. Good to hear that Is was on good form. You certainly needed a good day out. I happen to know that area very well, having enjoyed many restful walks along that tow path over the years. A few summer days seem to follow the same route - along the path to the Wharf shed, then up the Middleton incline before a rest at the picnic area. After lunch the walk continued down Cromford hill and along the A6 into Matlock Bath for a beer or two and fish and chips before catching the train back to Derby.

It has been great to enjoy the various pictures surrounding Polly's travels. I have never been to Kew. It looks a lovely place. Another location in the pictures is a place I hope to return to at the end of the month - Wembley Stadium of course. Next Saturday Derby will embark on another play off campaign. We have beaten our semi final opponents, Hull City, twice already this season having produced our best two performances of the campaign in those two games. It would be great if this could be repeated. In my years supporting the Rams I have endured 5 previous playoff campaigns. Three have resulted in a Wembley final, but only 1 of those campaigns have proved successful.

Ironically this year represents 20 years since we last won automatic promotion to the Premier League. The man who scored the goal to clinch promotion is ill in hospital after an emergency heart operation. It would be fitting if we could be successful this year, especially as our current (temporary) manager was a member of that promotion winning team.


Back to matters ER. Congrats to Ian.A on your son's graduation. Some lovely pictures.

Ian (OD) I hope you recover from the cold soon. It sounds like you are being kept busy with the animal feeding. Alison certainly has quite a menagerie.

John - I am not surprised by the low turn out for the PCC elections. I am not sure we have seen any difference in the police during the term of our previous incumbent. I have to admit I did not vote. My parents did. Dad said when he got to the polling station, not only were they the only voters there, but they also had to wake up the slumbering lady on the desk!


Hope you all have a great Sunday. The weather looks set fair. I have been granted a few hours leave this morning to attend the Derby show. Later we have the inlaws coming over for tea. I think Sarah wants me to help her to construct her new gazebo in the garden - bought for her first venture into outdoor craft shows.

Catch you later.


Edited for typos


The great thing about Kew is there's always something new or different to see or do.  And you always need to go back to see what you missed the previous time(s).


This time, apart from lunch inside, we just walked around the gardens as the weather was great.  I've been there when it's been wet and windy going into one building after another.



' Night all and nos da.

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A beautifull, sunny day here on the Costa, but, a little chilly. . I haven't done much other than fall asleep after cooking and eating my dinner. . . . Do I care?. . . . Not a Jottttt!!!!!


Thinking of the Poorly, Recovering, and the hurting. 



Goodnight everyone, . . Sleep well.




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Yet another warm start to the day. I'd better make the most of it as it's forecast to get a bit colder and wetter as the week goes on.


Thinking of those ailing, recovering and missing.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


The week ahead sees an eye test, a dental check-up, a couple of fodder runs, a visit to Poorly Pal and a concert by 9Bach [a fast rising Welsh band].  Over the weekend it's ExpoEM at Bracknell where the town centre is best viewed under cover of darkness.  Oh drat, now I must think of something interesting to say later in the week.  Perhaps an idea will come whilst I soak in the bath.  Perhaps it won't.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, missing and grieving



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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Another bright and sunny day, and I still need to get some of those cobwebs of sleep off me. Yesterday was quite delightful and I hope I can post a couple of photos of that event in the evening when I'm home from work!


Will try doing a proper backread, too, so until then, best wishes and thoughts to everyone, especially if in need…

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Ailing aunt transferred to Colchester General hospital.  I sense déja-vu :(  Awaiting pronouncement from the consultant oncologist at a civilised hour.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


After a good weekend in Devon with all trains that we used on time, its back to good old Southern.


Our train cancelled - well, its running fast avoiding Redhill etc due to congestion. (due to a previous train failure apparently)


Quite a few others are non runners due to staff shortages.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny village.  The boss is shortly to depart to Asda to meet her mate for a coffee or two.  I am relegated to unloading the shopping when she eventually returns.  I'm not sure what I will do today but I feel the need to do some loco building so might make a start by doing some tidying in the modelling room to see if I can find space to do some construction.  I will also make various phone calls and hopefully pick up a repaired car.


Regards to all especially those who are ailing.



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Skip due to be collected today (mostly full of old plaster from ceilings and walls) and delivery of roofing timbers expected this afternoon plus some big sheets of celotex. I should really put 200mm in the flat roof bit but the building inspector has agreed to accept 150 to maintain and airflow. Personally I think the rules are a bit excessive perhaps the people who draw them up haven't heard of the law of diminishing returns.


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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny here too. No umpiring or scoring today when it's warm and dry...that's tomorrow when it's cooler and wetter..such is life.

Have a great day/evening everyone.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit dull here at the moment but there may be some sunny spells, there may also be some showery spells.

After saying yesterday that I would spend a lazy day in the shade the idiot in me reappeared and I ventured into the garden and spent about 5 hours there doing stuff that has been put off for a while. (why can't I do that with the layout?)

Anyway The Boss is pleased, my back isn't.

Today I am tasked with some shopping while she waits in for a parcel. I don't mind as I made a hole in the beer over the weekend. Later on the new dishwasher is arriving so once that's fitted I will be in a happier place.

Still got a dump run to do - that might get put off again as it's usually busy there Mondays as well.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

Sunny morning.  Helping Ray out with the Club "Speedy" (5" gauge BR(W) 15xx No. 1500) this morning to get it ready (!?!) for what I believe is to be a GWR day at West Shore this coming weekend.  We took it on after a new boiler had been fitted but other matters also needing attention.


Had an interesting day at Joys of Life Railway yesterday when other members of the West Shore (NWMES) group were invited over for the day.  More later.


Hope your day goes well.  Enjoy if you can.

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The sun is out, the sky is blue. Usual Monday business lies ahead, nice to have all the days in the right order again after last week's bank holiday and of course another just ahead of us. As it's nice I may take a (very gentle and unbearably slow) walk down past the old station. This will take me to the emporium of expensive twangy logs, but I am on scouts honour to only buy the required strings - no pedals, amplifiers or especially twangy logs will be tolerated by the management..


This of course entails passing a place that's name rhymes with pails, snails, tails or whales - management didn't think of that hehe...


Thoughts with those ailing and absent.


And orft we jolly well go Raymondo :O

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Morning all from my fortress of solitude. (aka the big blue shed in the boring borough) All relatively quiet. Another week mostly of working from home. I get the impression the project mangler has grown sick of the onsite politics and just wants the bloody work done and this project over with.


BBQ is fired up with some hickory slow smoking a pork loin. Smells goooooood. Yesterday was a prolonged visit to the garden centre. My free train time has vanished for at least the next 3 weeks as my honey do list has grown exponentially.


Not much else to day. Time for more coffee. Thoughts and wishes for our absent ER friends.




Peace love and gravy.

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