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 But she is only 15 or 16 years old .


Really? Why all the self promotion then???????


Max Vestappen is only 18 years old btw.......


“Clapton is God” appeared on walls in London when he was 20. By which time he had already moved on from The Yardbirds.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Evening all. Back home now and very tired (and very achy) after a lovely ExpoEM weekend. Bought a few things (Mike King plans, a Q1 etched chassis and a class 58 as well as a few odds and sods).


Hope everyone is well? if not speedy recovery. My wrist is rather achy after such a busy weekend.

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Evening all,

Spent a couple of hours earlier putting a few bedding plants in.  The garden is looking quite respectable but certainly not anywhere like Is & Dave's.

Then spent my customary 6 minutes ish cooking a couple of fillet steaks (Chris did everything else) which went down very well accompanied with a drop of Sainsbury's House red plonk which I quite like. I really admire the Flavios of this world but never in a million years would I have the skill or patience to emulate them in the kitchen.


Re depression Ian.  Many years ago I blew a fuse at work because I bottled everything up and never talked to anyone. (Not the sort of thing a bloke like me would do - Stress? Depression? Work Problems? Home Problems? Life Problems? Get on with it!)  How I wish that before that happened I'd had the courage to talk to someone - things may well have been different at the time.

The good thing was that when it happened I had a very supportive wife & family and also a brilliant boss (who everyone at work thought was a right bastard) He wasn't and in the end with a lot of talking and eventual change of job within the firm things got better. Cost me quite a lot financially but enabled me to retire early and 12 years on I've never been happier.

No doubt in my mind that talking about the problem is the  thing to do but the hard bit is finding courage to do it and the right person to talk to.



PS Forgot to say that I was actually off work for 9 months and thought that they would get rid of me but apparently they quite liked me and kept me on!

Edited by grandadbob
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Brilliant day with the family (or most of them). One of the things about doing the Sunday Roast is that the cook works his bits off until it hits the table, then he's off the hook, so the sit and chat in the garden after was great fun. Apart from Rose's attempts to park a small red firetruck up my nose...


Tomorrow we go back to eating less!


Saw the GP on recording. Really, what a load of carp is being spouted over a racing incident. But great for young Max, in a sense he was handed the race, but he had to grasp the prize and defend it, which he did with great skill.


I must go. Julie has been washing up and needs lubrication by tea. Have a good evening.

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On our walk in the park today we met an 18 month old cream Labrador - Kerry and this dog proceeded to chase each other - Kerry (aged 13) not only keeping up but leading.

Whence parted ways said Lab ran off with owners - and a few seconds later I heard "KEEP OUT OF THE DITCH" which command was duly ignored. Last I saw was a bi coloured dog, cream on top and darkish brown (and probably smelly) below. The owners didn't seem to mind.

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A clue - there is 18 months between our ages.

Shouldn't that be "there ARE 18 months between our ages"?


To save you all searching for the calculators, I shall be 66 this Thursday.... I know, amazing, isn't it? You all thought Ian was at least 70...!

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Afternoon All


Mal - sorry no suggestions from this quarter, but loads and loads of sympathetic vibes.


Ian - likewise - it does seem as if you have a handle on things, and that Sherry is helping you along the way.


Flavio - hope the celebration goes well, and that the meal is well received - I like the sound of the malt course, I must say.


Dave - as with everybody else here, i do offer my virtual support - keep us posted on how things are going.


Day went well with an attendance at the local car boot, after being up at silly o'clock this morning, and after a count up, putting the stuff away, and a meal, I promptly started to do an eyelid inspection.  I did meet Geoff's wife there, though she didn't buy him any presents off my stand - though I only had books on standard gauge with me.  Last year a few buyers asked me if I had any books on the GWR/WR, so I put a few into the mix, and what did the punters ask for - LMS/LMR - doh.


Car in for the annual shock to the wallet aka MOT tomorrow. 


Back tomorrow at some time.

Regards to All



oh and here's how Lily decided to settle herself down when we took the cushioins off the sofa to brush it





....the biggest learning curve for me Stewart is accepting the continually downward spiral started during the last year after 15yrs of continuous activity, hope & companionship. Is now sleeps/dozes a lot more, is considerably less mobile and then moves only slowly. I'm trying to view the process continuously from her point of view, so that I can work to keep her in the best possible spirits and have already accepted that any medical options undertaken will be those agreed between Is & her specialists.....I will exert no pressure on her to undergo treatments now that she has withstood the initial chemo/radiotherapy/mastectomy.....rather just offer support for her choices.

I will have another week of rest days/leave available in a months time but I'm not holding my breath as to what we'll achieve then. We previously booked holidays a year in advance without a qualm....now I wouldn't work more than a day in advance.

Yes, despair rises to the surface/starts to spread regularly but has to screwed back down again/locked back into its hole.



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  • RMweb Gold


Yes, despair rises to the surface/starts to spread regularly but has to screwed back down again/locked back into its hole.




Sherry, in our important chat this morning, attributed some of my problem to my relative solitude in the dreary years following Deb's accident and eventual demise. Grandadbob has identified how bottling things up didn't do him any good either. Your ability to be most useful to Is in this horrid period may be helped by being able to squeeze out all the nasty inner feelings to a friend or family member, leaving you - as I felt today - cleansed. We are not machines, and while I think you are rather younger than me, the same holds true. 

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Women (well, most of them) are like fine port......


Best, Pete.



Which reminds me of an earlier post of mine, when I mooted the possibility that Boscombe would beat Man U, West Ham would not beat Stoke and the Scummers would beat Crystal Palace. Well two out of three have come true! So the Scummers are in Europe again, no doubt to be knocked out by Azerbaijan Rovers in the preliminary round of the Europa Cup. We are notoriously slow starters.



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I am worn out after speding much of the day outside the garage with part of the layout set up. had ot keep diving into the garage for a break to keep out of the strong sun rays.


Hopefully I will fall asleep quickly when I hit the pillow which wont be long now. Grass getting longer. Maybe tomorrow night.

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Yes, Sheffield's road's system has little foibles, like most of the ones that go anywhere being closed and the others are full of potholes.

 A particular favourite ploy is to narrow the road to one lane by building out the pavement, then to stick a bus stop in the middle of the now single track road- result gridlock and huge queues.

 Another is to completely close a main route for resurfacing, the partially close parallel or alternative routes (turning them into traffic light slalom courses). result= gridlock and huge queues.

Then complain that the congestion means we need more traffic calming schemes and to get cars of the road. The traffic is already calm ... it hardly bl**dy moves.

We don't need c0ckw0mbles driving round here, we have their less intelligent cousins planning, building and *coughs* maintaining them, thanks very much. Nuff said.




You have just described the road system in the Unitary Authority of Blackburn with Darwen....


Safely back from Sheffield - no need to worry as the natives don't eat their children - not that I saw anyway. I think I passed through Yorkshire on the way..........


The 5-a-side tournament was good fun. We only managed to draw one out of four games, but we were the youngest squad, apart from me, and the only mixed team there. Two of the girls play for Blackburn Rovers youth girls team and are regulars at the BRFC Ladies first team as reserves. They were quite impressive with their skills.


In the "dead" 4th game, I had 15 minutes as goalie and I think my shoulder will be telling me all about it in the morning.


But that's a minor thing compared to others on here. I can't offer any advice but my thoughts go to those that need them.


Catch up later.




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Sherry, in our important chat this morning, attributed some of my problem to my relative solitude in the dreary years following Deb's accident and eventual demise. Grandadbob has identified how bottling things up didn't do him any good either. Your ability to be most useful to Is in this horrid period may be helped by being able to squeeze out all the nasty inner feelings to a friend or family member, leaving you - as I felt today - cleansed. We are not machines, and while I think you are rather younger than me, the same holds true. 


....wise words Ian and thank you. Fortunately, and admitting to the 50 years of youth to which you infer, I am continually monitored/mentored by a number of senior friends/family who ask those probing questions which shine a light on inner feelings etc. This admitting to their existence then makes it much easier to discuss their contents. I am however concerned with the level of regularity that is ok to answer questions/air them, such as here. Spreading depression certainly doesn't hold any attraction for me.



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A decent day weather wise meant that I ended up clearing out some of the garage. Unfortunately there is still a fair bit more to do.


I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Spanish GP. Not the result I was hoping for but probably the best race that I've seen in the last few years.


Dave (TG) - your support, understanding and patience will be good for Is. Please don't forget that you have many friends within ER's who can and will support you in every way possible.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, recovering and missing.


Night all

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Good evening everyone. Very late on parade again today, but it's bee another busy day here with the paint brushes and rollers, but another step closer to finishing the living room, I've only got the skirting boards and doorways to do, then put everything back where it usually resides.


I was hoping for an early night as I'm back at work tomorrow, but ho hum, mind you, I could do with the rest.


Depression, anxiety can both be very debilitating, as I found out my cost last year. It resulted in nearly 5 months off work, but a very understanding boss really helped. Talking also helped, to Sheila, an occupational therapist and a psychotherapist that was provided by the company. Still have the odd bad day, but nothing as bad as last year thank goodness. Talking is the key, it's best not to keep it all locked up inside, writing can sometimes help too!


On a lighter note, I'm going to the L&YDCC model show at The Manchester Transport Museum on the 21st. I've been to the show for the last few years now and I've really enjoyed it. So if anyone else is going and fancies a chat and a cuppa, let me know.


Anyway, it's time I went to bed, so goodnight all.

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