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Early Risers.


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Evening all. A long day today preparing the school for tomorrow's exhibition. It seemed to take much longer this year. Part of that was due to the fact we are using all the classrooms, but there seemed more junk to move out of the main hall too. Andy Sharpe (leopard) offered his services and was a great help. Without him I think I would still have been there at midnight! I have already recorded my thanks to him on the show's page.

I had hoped to work on my layout this evening, completing some final scenic pieces and dismantling it ready for packing into the car tomorrow. Unfortunately my daughter had other ideas. Amber has started with a cold and struggled to sleep. It was 10pm before I could escape and get into the spare room. There will be lots to do in the morning. Fortunately the aforementioned Mr Sharpe has offered to put up the road signs so that will save me one job in the morning which means I can probably leave half an hour later than usual. Fingers crossed it will all go well. I always get very nervous at this point in the proceedings.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

We arrived in Chester about 3 hours later than that predicted by Google or my Sat Nav. We listened to the weather forecast and the whole of the World at One while progressing a couple of miles on the M1. Once on the M6 it seemed ok until Stoke. Anyway we have got here and had a pleasant dinner. We will be exploring the neighbourhood tomorrow.


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Just back from our local where I raised a glass or three to all my relatives and friends who have fallen in the service of their country.


My relatives are just names on memorials,and were gone before I met them, but sadly, the faces of the friends who didn't make it to the final RV, are beginning to fade as the years pass.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Salutations to a slightly Older Dudders today.  All the best, sir, and what better excuse for another shot of Dr. Oban's finest cold-cure :D


Still aching and dizzy.  This is a most entertaining little germ.  It has now spread to the Leader of the Opposition with Sharon succumbing and now definitely hors de combat.  




Leonard Cohen


Robert Vaughan
What IS it with this year???  Do they all know something we don't and are heading off while the going's still good?????


Will be absent from local BRMA meeting today due to poor health.  Hoping now to be sufficiently recovered by Moan-day Yawning for the next rostered shift at the Palace but if not the doctor in town freely dispenses absence notes on request.

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Just back from our local where I raised a glass or three to all my relatives and friends who have fallen in the service of their country.


My relatives are just names on memorials,and were gone before I met them, but sadly, the faces of the friends who didn't make it to the final RV, are beginning to fade as the years pass.


My uncle Bobby was gone before I could know him, but his brother George and another uncle James (who contracted malaria in Burma) and my FiL (who was seriously injured during the Normandy invasion) all served.


Other than uncle Bobby I rememer them all very well and I'm pretty sure none of them would give a toss about being polittically correct.

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Morning all. Can't sleep so I thought coming here would help, in a nice way of course. I have been looking at Australian "bulldogs" in the Locomotive Portraits thread. Quite like them but I know what my wife's reaction would be to yet another change of plan. Off to try a cup of warm milk.


Happy birthday Ian.

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Good morning one and all, a bit earlier than usual as I'm off to Suburbiton today for Tolworth Showtrain.


As others have said, there was an enjoyable gathering of ERs yesterday.  The venue was the Princess of Shoreditch, which used to be a Whitbread pub but has now shaken off that stigma.  Getting there had its moments.  Thameslink was not very well yesterday morning.  The 08.54 from Bedford left at 9.45 following many contradictory loudspeaker announcements.  It ran fast to Luton Airport Parkway then non-stop to St Pancras.  By contrast the 09.40 left punctually and had extra stops inserted to compensate for a missing Luton - Sutton service.  The seats in the 700 were hard but not so hard as to prevent me nodding off between Harpenden and Cricklewood.  Around Kings Cross were lots of men in kilts whose presence may have been connected with a game of association football later in the day.  The two minutes silence was sort of observed on a stationary 214 bus with throbbing engine and the inevitable dork on mobile phone.  The homeward run was on the 15.29 EMT Meridian from St Pancras which despite being minus one coach managed to lose two minutes between St Pancras and Bedford.  At Bedford I bought my Travelcard for today to save faffing around this morning when, let's face it, mental alertness can be at a premium.


Best wishes to all who need and deserve them



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  • RMweb Gold

Yes an enjoyable lunch break in the Princess of Shoreditch. I just wish that I could have stayed longer.


Luckily I wasnt missed when I got back to the office and whilst it was POETS for most I did stay till about 5pm so I didnt feel guilty. I wanted to catch our normal train home as my other half would be on it.


Car loaded last night with the layout and in a while I will load the stock and DCC etc.


Lookng forward to a good day at Tolworth.

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Morning all. Definitely an early riser this morning. I was up at 5am and am just contemplating breakfast before loading the car up for the short journey into school ready for today's show. It was raining when I got up. Hope it eases off so the layouts can be unloaded at the school in the dry. I seem to have caught Amber's cold as my nose is steaming right now and I feel grotty although the latter could be a touch of pre-show nerves. Right now I feel like one of those project managers on The Apprentice, especially knowing that the kitchen team massively underestimated their financial outlay. They will need to sell a lot of bacon this morning!


Hopefully all goes well. Fingers are firmly crossed.


On a brighter note, happy birthday to Ian (OD). I hope you have an enjoyable day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday Ian.

Hope all goes well at your show Andy.

Hope the layout (and ERs) behave at Tolworth Ian.


I am an ER as herself has organised someone to take her sewing machine away for a service. He will be here before 8am.


She is off to learn about being a Scorer assessor. No more exams it will be all about being observed and assessed. Not sure this will help Scorer recruitment but hey ho its not up to me.


Enjoy your next 24 hours here on Planet Earth.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


A murky dismal start to what is the 13th day on the trot in work. Day off tomorrow then back in on Monday.


Managed a bit of playing trains this morning whilst having a cup of robust coffee.


Onward to glory.




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Morning all from a soaking boring borough. Up at stupid o clock again to drive the offspring to work. Now going through the usual Saturday ritual of wasting half the morning trying to decide what we are doing today. Ho hum. No doubt it will include some cleaning and a trip to the post office.


Sadly the weekend's quasi-plans don't include a schlep around the M25 to Tolworth. I've used up my allocation of exhibition visits for the year.


Time for more coffee. Enjoy your weekends.


Happy Dudderday Ian.

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Hope you have a pleasant day on the occasion of your birthday, Ian.


Very mild this morning, we were in double figures at 7.00am. Up early to walk the dogs as Steph wanted to be on the road by 8.00, off to one of her quilting 'things'. The bad news is that she has discovered a branch of Laura Ashley in Homebase in Derry and is going there first. This could be bad news for the bank account.


Pleased to see that Trump is already back pedalling on some of his electioneering promises.

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  • RMweb Premium

 The two minutes silence was sort of observed on a stationary 214 bus with throbbing engine and the inevitable dork on mobile phone.  



About 15 years ago I was in Israel for work at the time of their 'Memorial Day' - due to the Jewish calendar, the date varies around the end of April. On the evening before, we were in a local restaurant waiting for another from our group to arrive and were given menus and told to order something for him as they couldn't take our order after 8.00pm when the commemorations started and they would be closing as soon as we left. Everywhere was closed so we went back to the hotel to find the TV channels reading out lists of names of those who had died in the numerous conflicts since Independence in 1948. The next day air raid sirens went off at 11.00am and all of the traffic stopped including the 6 lane motorway we could see from the office and the drivers all got out of their cars to observe the 2 minute silence. I thought then that it would never happen like that here.


Wikipedia information here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Hazikaron



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  • RMweb Gold

 Good morning all and a very happy birthday to Ian.

Wet start and the rain is forecast to continue for most of the day.

A brief supermarket visit is needed this morning and then the day is my own. Firstly a bit of work on the layout and then this afternoon there is rugby to watch. England take on South Africa and try to beat them for the first time in 10 years. I live in hope. The game is on Sky which I haven't got and have always said that I wouldn't subscribe to because of the cost and having loads of channels I'll never watch. However back in the summer I obtained a Now TV box so have taken out a one month subscription to Sky Sport on Now TV (owned by Sky) for £25 which gives me all the England Autumn Internationals and everything else until 10th December. No contract needed and can be cancelled at any time. (Just need to remember to do it to avoid being charged for the following month)

This of course means a lot more sport will be watched for the duration of the subscription which may possibly will definitely upset someone not very far away from me at the moment. :girldevil:

Have a good one,

Edited by grandadbob
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About 15 years ago I was in Israel for work at the time of their 'Memorial Day' - due to the Jewish calendar, the date varies around the end of April. On the evening before, we were in a local restaurant waiting for another from our group to arrive and were given menus and told to order something for him as they couldn't take our order after 8.00pm when the commemorations started and they would be closing as soon as we left. Everywhere was closed so we went back to the hotel to find the TV channels reading out lists of names of those who had died in the numerous conflicts since Independence in 1948. The next day air raid sirens went off at 11.00am and all of the traffic stopped including the 6 lane motorway we could see from the office and the drivers all got out of their cars to observe the 2 minute silence. I thought then that it would never happen like that here.


Wikipedia information here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Hazikaron




It used to.

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Busy day.  Took Debs (my one, not the one who loves collies) to hospital for her post op assessment, all is well, bar the 'other' nerves to the little and next-to finger (does that have a name?) that are still bollock$ed.  Different route for those, they don't go via the carpal tunnel, so that's another investigation. 



The ulnar nerve Neil. It takes a complicated route around the elbow. Mine are bu66ered, especially the left one which prevents me playing the guitar. They won't operate because it means a general anaesthetic and I'm too high risk, so they did a guided steroid injection into the elbow. Still can't play guitar and I've got a hurty elbow now!


Did anyone else hear the piece about Walnut the Whippet on t'wireless earlier? It's on Farcebook for the dog lovers. I would link if I could.


Best wishes




They just called it the ring finger when I was there.


Forgot to add-the test is to try to grip a sheet of paper between the pinky and ring fingers. You should be able to exert a fair force to prevent it being pulled out. I can exert no force at all.

Edited by edcayton
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Morning all. A very wet start to the day and the forecast is for it to remain so.


A day of mundane tasks, keeping up with final practice and qualifying for the GP tomorrow and maybe fit in a bit of modelling.


Just like Richard, a couple of drinks last night to remember friends that didn't make the final RV.


The only relatives that I knew who served were my Great Uncle who was Royal Navy for both wars and never served at sea due to sea sickness and my Grandmother who was an ATS Photo Interpreter. All the others were in reserved occupations.


Ian (OD) - Many Happy Returns and may there be many more


AndyRam - I hope that the show goes well.


All those attending Tolworth today, have a good show. I'm looking forward to attending tomorrow.


Thinking of those ailing, supporting, grieving, recovering and missing


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday to young Dudders, and many more of them.


As DD has said November 11th was at one time a day when much of Great Britain came to a stand at 11.00 and I think it is a great shame that is not the case nowadays.  In fact it was becoming increasingly overlooked until the Falklands War in 1982 but that had the effect of reminding those who cared that young men could still go off to war and not return and it has an even greater poignancy now because of the recent events in the Middle East and Afghanistan.  I have long held the view that we should treat the day in the way in which it is regarded in France and Belgium where it is treated very much as the day for remembrance and many things are brought to a stand for exactly that purpose with ceremonies at every war memorial and memorials to those in the resistance, or taken hostage, who were shot during the occupation.  Regrettably however I increasingly fear that such a step in the UK would be condemned by those who increasingly talk about something called 'poppy facism' - an expression I am totally unable to comprehend.


In the meanwhile enjoy your day and your exhibitions if you are arranging or attending them.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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