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Is yellow fog related to yellow snow...…?

I don’t want to know the answer.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well Sheila came round to my point of view and decided that the tidying up was best until after our visitors had gone home, which to me made perfect sense. The grandkids were all very pleased their presents, especially Max, he was thrilled with the engine I made for him. In fact, he was so thrilled, we both went down to the workshop and gave it a run on my test track, which he thoroughly enjoyed. The cheesecake went down well too!


Once our guests had left it was time for dinner, after which we had a few minutes rest then commenced the tidying up, which, to be honest, didn’t take that long.


Tonight we had a Chinese takeaway for a change and that was followed my a nice bottle of wine, a gift from one of Sheila’s Zumba friends.


Happy Christmas everyone.


John. Sorry to hear that Sandy is back in hospital, but glad to read later, that she’s back at home.


Rick. Congratulations with the winning photo.


Goodnight all

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Early morning (0500) conference call with the standby crew on the construction barges moored in the Tamar. I volunteered for this, having no small children and a room used as a study so I could call in without waking the household. It also scores me some brownie points on the job and saves me being on the on-call rota.


They sound in good spirits, so press on!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning and Christmas greetings to one and all,

Frosty start here but it should be a dry day with some sunny intervals.

We're expecting a noisy and hectic but fun filled day with Nicki and the grandchildren. I hope that you all enjoy yourselves as much as we intend to.

Special thoughts to all those who are not so well and their families.

Have a great day,


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Just my brief annual visit* to wish all ERs a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.


* I was going to say "flying visit" but didn't want anyone thinking I was Santa...


Be sure to have a great 2019, wherever you are.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our sprouts will be started shortly..


Mooring Awl, inner Temple here,


Merry Christmas everyone,

It's deep and crisp and even here... With frost, the heaviest frost of the winter so far, none of the forecast orange fog though.


The frost didn't worry Ben the Border Collie though, he charged down the garden frightening the pigeons.


The red liquid did it's stuff I fell asleep at just after 21:10, with one of those books that arrived yesterday on my chest. Unfortunately at 21:47 approximately, some Cockwomble started letting off fireworks, they were on the next nearest village about a mile away. But still loud.


The fire has been built up, a bacon butty has been had, coffee with added Amber liquid is being consumed, shortly I'll start peeling spuds and sprouts.


Time too.. Head for the kitchen...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning and a very Happy Christmas to all ERs.


John, I hope Sandy manages to have some food today  even if not of the festive variety - there's never a good time to start intensive chemo, but this is probably just about the worst time to have to start to acclimatise to the new regime.  Keep us posted via your blog.

Great to hear from Pete and Ian - hopefully, visit us a bit more frequently.

Nice to see that your layout may be gone but not forgotten, Rick,

And of course, generic greetings to the ailing. 


So it's almost time to get up, and while 30747 takes Lily for her first walk, I'll be heading for the kitchen to start on the prep of the meal - no turkey, just a chicken, but all the trimmings, and the traditional (to us) starter of smoked salmon with prawns in a heavily modified marie rose sauce which starts in a jar, and then is added to in many ways to get it less sweet, and a lot more spicy.  We'll probably do the starter while the chicken is started, have a half hour or so break then the main, with the pudding on to steam as it is served, then a half hour or so break - much more digestible than the all at once approach, and it works for us, as there's only the two of us to feed.


Back later, as I need to get up now, as I'm typing this from a Christmas lie in.


Christmas regards to All


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Spuds peeled, sprouts, washed, peeled and crossed, parsnips washed and trimmed, carrots washed and peeled.



SWMBO, is now up and has taken over the kitchen. Turkey being prepared for the top of the oven, beef for the bottom.


There are just the three of us, SWMBO me and Ben, we are cooking for weeks ahead...


When I came home with the beef and turkey, Ben sat bolt upright looking at the top of the oven where they were placed. But didn't move towards it.

He's also in here with me, he won't go in the kitchen while you are working.


He has a doggy mince pie waiting for him..

Edited by TheQ
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Happy Christmas, everyone.


Many thanks from Sandy for all your good wishes. Her food intake is what she fancies. Morning meds soon.


Cooking has been my domain for years, and this year it's mainly for me. With the freezer taking offerings for when she can enjoy some of the taste of Christmas.


The diogs are volunteering to help with any leftovers, a little too enthusiastically!

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone




Just sat down with muggertea No2 and will shortly making a start on preparing Christmas dinner, it’s just the 2 of us, which has been the norm now for a few years and it’s absolutely marvellous.


We’ve spoken to the kids and grandchildren already and they all sound very excited, come to think of it, so do the grandchildren!



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