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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony (and all others!) - it's been a while. You've had new wallpaper since I was last in!

You will be pleased to know that Ian (Roundhouse) carried on your tradition of reporting journeys into London terminals. He has stopped commuting now though.

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Happy New Year everyone. Mild here in deepest Belgium. Sadly the Delirium Cafe is shut today but I am sat here with a Leffe Ruby whilst tapping away on the tablet. Leffe Radeuse is still my favourite though. Saturday we tried 3 Trappist beers, Triple Karmaleit, Rochefort 10 and another. Very nice, hic.

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  • RMweb Premium

Wot! no metal fairies on the self-help bizniss?

We are much too far from a town to have such things, there is a house nearby with concrete garden ornaments for sale. They are lined up on the grass by the roadside at prices up to £120, no one in attendance.. They don't disappear..

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  • RMweb Premium

Very late on parade.

A Happy New Year to all our readers and hope that it all goes as well as it can do. Special thought to John/Sandy and Debs.


An unusually quiet night for Mrs NB at work. Her side had nothing planned (Junior NB was looking after a wedding with 150 guests) so we ventured down to the hotel to partake of a particularly nice fillet.

Self-cooked on a hot stone.





Not much alcohol partaken as there was a round of golf booked at 9.30am to start the New Year.

It went well and our 3 man team was victorious.


Mrs NB's work is now closed today and for the only night of the year that they do. [*]

So I'm left "minding the shop" in case the phone rings or someone calls in. All I will do is take a message and promise a return call tomorrow.


[*] We have a party with my side of the family tonight at said venue. Another reason not to go too mad last night.

My two brothers, partners and kids/kids partners all turn up later for drinks/food/party games. Should be 14 of us.


Apparently one of the planned games involves Super Mario Kart and drink. I know it will be competitive and predict that the final four will be me, one of my brothers, his son and son in law.......

It could get messy - Mrs NB has promised not to go gin-racing this year with our rugby playing nephew. It's finally her turn to relax after a month of solid work.

Most of the visitors tonight have booked tomorrow off work.....................


So here I am, on my own waiting for the phone to ring/family to arrive with not a lot to do other than try and plan a new layout, read a couple of magazines, listen to music and look after a quiet bar..... hic!


I may be gone some time.












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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Back to review all the posts, and to report that our water was restored around 12.45, no bottled water was offered on this estate, and due to a fault on an isolating valve, we were among the few households who had no alternative.  Snotty e mail sent to United Uselessness, and had to turn out at 9.00 am and clean out Sainsbury's of cheap bottled water.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All



ps - the shenanagans this morning meant that we missed the Vienna concert - but luckily I always record it, so better late than never, I'll have a bath, then go and watch it late.

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Afternoon all and a very Happy New Year!


Stewart, the Vienna concert is being repeated this evening on BBC4 at 7pm.


John, glad to read that Sandy is keeping meds down; you may be able to pick up a fridge on a good deal from the Department of Health in a few months!


Have a good evening all



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  • RMweb Gold

I forgot to set the sky box to record the concert from Vienna but Aditi set it about 3 minutes after the start. I remembered the tv lets you watch from the start so she was happy. Fortunately it allows pause too so we could answer family phone calls.

I was setting up the smart phone we got for MiL. The online activation failed so I got into a live chat with a Muppet who would not help unless I drove over to Enfield. I explained MiL was deaf and had mild dementia but no go. So I phoned another number and got through to a voice recognition robot. All sorted.


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Afternoon all,

As part of my NY resolution to be more active I got out into the garden and spent an hour cutting back the roses. 

After that I decided to address the flashing screen problem on my ancient laptop by purchasing a new one. 

Not surprisingly now that I'm looking at the old laptop again the flashing has stopped. 


Watched the fireworks and thought they were all very good, although the finale was so awash with crackling that it masked much of what was being let off. 

I heard that they only get access to the London Eye after 16:00 - the barges are obviously set up a lot earlier. Nevertheless, getting all the fireworks rigged in 6 hours is impressive. 


The rest of the afternoon will be spent looking at model railway mags - seeking inspiration. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Tony (and all others!) - it's been a while. You've had new wallpaper since I was last in!

Someone was ill on the last lot and it needed replacing ;)


Awake once more. A visit to Teresa Coe’s emprium is required. The tide has gone out in the milk bottle and SWMBO is in need of apples. Anything else while I’m going?

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  HNY all. We were in bed, and the cock at the end of the circle did let off fireworks apparently - but I slept through it!  A first.


We went to Royal Ramsey to see a neighbour (next door to the cock!) friend do the dip, her hubby also caved to pressure and joined her - mad.  Photos in a bit when I sort them, but although sunny it was only 7c, rather them than me.  RNLI do a great job, all the crew are in immersion suits in the sea and corral the bathers to a safe part and keep an eye for any who look unwell.  Big turnout, all for RNLI funds.  We just donated!

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  • RMweb Gold

Just be careful John, we might be despatched to the naughty step like Ivan for bad thoughts.Jamie

I don’t like ads that flash or countdown. To me, movement on a text page is very irritating. At least on the iPad I can scroll it away for most of the time. I don’t have any problem with ads and would be quite happy with the countdown timer if the seconds disappeared.

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  • RMweb Gold

And very glad that I have stopped commuting - feel so much better for it.


Happy new year all, although we didn't last long enough to see it in here but did  see a few more trains go past the hotel window before falling asleep after a few take outs of good beer from Local Craft Beer Co Brewing - in walking distance of the hotel but would be much quicker if we could walk straight across the tracks.


It was cold out on the balcony up here in the mountains but luckily no snow or ice that we had last time we visited, so we will be driving down to the loop later this morning.


Currently have one of the rooms big screens on live webcam slightly west of our hotel watching for trains coming up from the loop. There should be one soon according to the chatter.



That's superb, I hadn't realised there was a Tehachapi webcam! Such a fantastic spot, can't believe it's ten years since I was last there: 




that's far too long--very envious, beer and train-watching, perfect!


Happy New Year folks.





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  • RMweb Gold

I'm going to be very glad when that banner ad with that ****ing countdown counts down!


It seems to be permanently present on this particular corner of the forum whereas elsewhere it swops with other ads.  Has anybody round here ordered anything from this lot using an RMweb screen name I wonder?

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Happy New Year to all  ERs and their families...


We managed to enjoy a quiet but challenging evening running through a variety of trivia quizzes. The "2018 pop culture" one was the worst, we knew NOTHING - talk about OLD!!! :O

Also finished off the better part of a bottle of rather nice Pinot Grigio before celebrating the New York/eastern time event.

We DID seem to also be mostly awake for the actual midnight here, partly due to some clever buqqer setting off enough fireworks to replicate the Blitz right around midnight! :jester:  :triniti:  :butcher:  :rtfm:


Nice breakfast together this AM and we're off to see the new Mary Poppins movie (it IS supposed to be rather good...) shortly.


Enjoy the day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Do I care how long it is? As I can guarantee that it won't include a Battle Space Turbo Car do I care?



Busy cooking a piece of lamb for tea. Visited by youngest Herbert who's other half has been poorly so no midnight drinks for him last night.


I need food then sleep.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Shopping was easy today, plenty of parking places and no crowds. Bought newspapers and some yoghurts and thats about it.


Happy New Year everyone. Mild here in deepest Belgium. Sadly the Delirium Cafe is shut today but I am sat here with a Leffe Ruby whilst tapping away on the tablet. Leffe Radeuse is still my favourite though. Saturday we tried 3 Trappist beers, Triple Karmaleit, Rochefort 10 and another. Very nice, hic.

Just as well you didn't try to post after that lot. :crazy:

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  • RMweb Gold

That's superb, I hadn't realised there was a Tehachapi webcam! Such a fantastic spot, can't believe it's ten years since I was last there: 




that's far too long--very envious, beer and train-watching, perfect!


Happy New Year folks.


There are actually two live webcams with more in the pipeline.


Unfortunately we just missed a BNSF freight pass the loop and all is quiet even the chatter on the webcam we.


So here is a photo of the loop sans trains. All very dry around here for this time of year.


Baz, No Battle Space turbos?? Most disappointed


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A quiet day here today - Sal was in bed until early afternoon after her night shift, and the kids mostly behaved themselves, so took the opportunity to sit down and read one of my Christmas presents - an excellent book for those who remember when football was footballBeing born in 1984, I just about remember it before the 'Year Zero' of the Premier League, but those older would get even more of a nostalgic thrill than I did.


They are now all watching the Dr Who New Year's Special, so I'm now assembling one of Charlie's Warhammer figures which he was struggling with for him. Really quite taken with the quality of these figures, especially for the price, and I've enjoyed helping build and paint these with him. He wants to pop into Eastbourne tomorrow for some more paint, so I may treat myself to a starter set of Orks and associated paint as well. 

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