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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Seeing as I started the broken biscuits debate, I last saw them on sale a couple of years ago in a £ shop. They came in a sealed half kilo bag but that was the problem, you couldn't view the contents. In my day they used to come in square metal boxes some of them with a glass panel in the top so that you could see the contents. I do remember being sent to buy a bag of broken biscuits, quite a few didn't make it home :derisive:

8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Good morning one and all,


Mr Bear’s suggestion about how to manage that scrote scootering about without lights, numberplate, helmet or concern for anybody else, is satisfyingly extreme. Whilst it is probably (and I say probably) not a terribly good idea to return to the penal standards of Georgian Britain - when someone could be hanged for stealing goods to the value of 12 shillings or more - it does seem that we have gone too far in the opposite direction.

I would suggest there are three actions that could be implemented which would immeasurably benefit everybody in the country.

Firstly, give the police clear guidance as to what the expectations of the public are and ram that home into the thick skulls of the senior officers. So, no more going after people whose tweets, whilst not per se inciting violence, disruption or criminal activity, are not considered in line with the current PC orthodoxy but rather go after real criminals (reading many of the tabloid stories, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that in the UK nowadays your collar is likely to be felt by the plod for an intemperate tweet rather than for a criminal act);


Secondly, redefine what should be the aim of a defending legal counsel. This, in my view, comes down to 2 things: to acquit people who are truly innocent and to get the most appropriate and best sentence for people who are truly guilty (so no more getting a career criminal off on a technicality or sentencing a teenager to a year’s custodial sentence for stealing a £60 pair of sneakers during a riot);


Thirdly, and finally, make sentences truly punitive for serious crimes. The US system of justice has many, many faults and is often perceived as being a vindictive legal system, but one thing they do get right is that when they sentence a criminal to prison for 30 years, that criminal will serve 30 years (or a considerably significant proportion thereof). Unfortunately, whilst these 3 concepts are pretty simple to understand, the details of executing them are complex and complicated. And as such, require a “grown-up” conversation between interested parties (with give-and-take on all sides).... Oh well, one can but dream.


Enjoy your Sunday!



On the subject of the scrote on the motor scooter. He does wear a full face crash helmet thats why the plod are having difficulty catching him. A nice suggestion from bear about the wire stretched across the road but a) its too obvious b) there are very few lampposts opposite each other and c) I don't fancy going to prison at my age. In fact my preferred method would be for my walking stick somehow to get entangled in his front wheel resulting in a sudden halt.:diablo_mini:

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5 hours ago, Barry O said:


Without knowing the full facts of what happened (as in had the patient agreed to the "Liverpool Care Pathway"?) then the doctors involved will have done what was asked of them. It means that people who are really suffering can be given stronger palliative drugs. Just wish this could have been applied to my Mother who died in agony of cancer at home..



Quite so.
I’m sorry to hear about your Mother. That should not have happened. One of the problems I’m seeing with end-of-life care is a real reluctance to prescribe (or fear of prescribing) a sufficient amount of opiates to effectively deal with the pain. In end-of-life situations (especially with cancer pain) there is a very, very, very thin line between effective opiate analgesia and significant (and sometimes fatal) respiratory depression. I think that most people would prefer that mum/dad, husband/wife got a highly effective dose of opiates and “slipped away” quietly as their respiration ceased than remain in pain on a less toxic dose.

5 hours ago, chrisf said:

... I'm 72! 

Good heavens, almost old enough to be US President!

3 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

.... And as Harry had dementia and therefore didn’t have ‘capacity’  and a do not resuscitate note on his notes the situation was complicated to say the least. ...


The family not talking to one another is a regrettable situation. You’d think that for major family events (weddings, funerals) families would come together - no matter how briefly - for the event. Sadly, families coming together at such occasions is an exception rather than the rule. As I have found out...

As the cynics say: you can choose your friends, but you’re stuck with family!

2 hours ago, NGT6 1315 said:

...Unfortunately, it would seem the covidiot rally yesterday was a right clusterf**k as (predictably) hygiene and distancing regulations were flouted throughout and authorities appeared rather helpless in the face of such disobedience...

Such people really get on my pectorals! This combination of wilful stupidity, prideful ignorance of science & medicine and political opportunism is not a pleasant or pretty picture.


I wonder how these people would react in the event of a really lethal pandemic (airborne Ebola???) or one that preferentially targets the young adult (say 18 - 40). I suspect that attitudes would be different. Or maybe not. There are enough anti-science zealots and conspiracy nut-jobs out there that it is entirely plausible that in the event of a real Zombie Apocalypse there would be those claiming that the flesh-hungry undead shambling down the street are actually out of work actors hired by a mysterious cabal intent of frightening the populace into submission (not only that, it’s also just as likely that a week or two into the apocalypse, the first zombie rights activists would appear...)

I am tempted to just let them get on with and let the virus rip through them (in a beautifully ironic twist of fate, a CoVID-19 denier activist caught the virus at a “No Such Thing As CoVID” rally [for want of a better term] and died a few weeks later). Unfortunately, these idiots would be more likely to pass on the virus to the blameless vulnerable than succumb themselves...


I really wonder what those who died for their country, and who we commemorate today, would make of the whingers and the selfish? “Not Impressed” would be just the start of it...



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58 minutes ago, Tony_S said:



I showed Aditi the above photo which accompanied an article about new species being discovered in Australia. Aditi said “How cute”, paused a moment and continued “bet it is evil though”. 

I wouldn’t say “evil” (that implies intent), but I bet it’s lethal as hell, with one drop of saliva or one whiskery bristle being toxic enough to kill a 120kg adult man in under 30 seconds.

Never forget the slogan Tourism Australia didn’t use:

Come to Australia, where only the humans don’t want to kill you (well, most of ‘em)

So I suppose the slogan they did go with “So where the bloody hell are you?” deserves the answer “avoiding an early death”


Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold
12 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Yes. The article I read seems to have determined that what was thought of as one species of Glider is actually three so I suppose they are even more endangered. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Reasonable turnout for the road's remembrance contribution although the chap across the road seemed unaware of it.  Of the 8 'front gates' we can easily see from ours there were people standing at five of them so not a bad turnout. We know that the people at two of the houses definitely aren't on the local app thingy so wouldn't have heard about it anyway.


The mouse continues to make his presence known but basically through his greed for bread and chewing through the plastic bag to get at it, it has a particular partiality to Jacksons Yorkshire bread for some reason..  He(?) seems to be completely disinterested in any of the normal mousetrap baits such as chocolate or peanut butter so as he is a field mouse the next bait will be bird seed.  The Good Doctor is hoping for a quieter day at work today as Thursday and Friday were very busy with the surgeons continuing elective orthopaedic work as fast as they can safely go tackling the backlog from earlier in the year.


The virtual exhibition continues and at least it avoids having to find a parking space or sit among a crowd of whatevers on a train (you meet some very strange people on trains to/from the Warley - some of them being very 'interestingly' (almost) dressed if the cosplay show is on the same weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold
38 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I wouldn’t say “evil” (that implies intent), but I bet it’s lethal as hell,

Aditi I think, seems to assume any non human creature is “bitey”. I am amazed that we had hamsters , rats and a dog as pets. 

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Condolences Robert

Fingers crossed Cris. Someone I know got called in, turned out to be because he had been drinking red wine! Beetroot would have a similar effect. No dought other red tracers are about

On childhood comfort food, hashed banana wth buttered bread soldiers

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  • RMweb Premium

Firstly,  sincere Beary apologies but this one is just toooo good not to share:





5 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Cant wait fo the bun fight at the funeral.



The funeral will be small fry compared to the contents of the Will, and/or fighting over personal effects.  Assuming of course that the Care Home haven't emptied the piggy bank first.

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My attitude to test results is that whatever I have had revealed exists and something will either be done or I will be told not to worry about it. I did ask one consultant why she always included diabetes checks amongst all the others and she said it was always nice to be able to give me at least one piece of good news!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl, 

Rememberance silence for me was in the garage,  little point out in the middle of nowhere, standing out there.  This area's broadcast was I believe from Cromer,  so the silence wasn't,  you could hear the waves crashing on the beach, which was somewhat eerie ..


The drawers were fitted under the lathe bench,  the hidey hole for Ben the scaredy Collie was made,  it also had foam installed on the concrete floor for his comfort. 

Some small areas of wall were lined with OSB,  to tidy up the areas. 

A couple of hole boards were put up, to hook tools onto. 

The door frame  to the storeroom was reinforced ready for fitting doors. 

4 of the five patresses were fitted in place,  the fifth is obstructed by the keel at present.  That keel gave me some pain.  I managed to headbutt with the top of my head,  the dillet,  while picking up stuff of the floor. 


The cable drum for the power wiring self destructed,  sorting out the cable,  took a while..  It's an odd cable,  it being screened mains power cable.  Not something you normally buy,  so I must have scrounged it from somewhere,  the only thing I can think of is left over from a radar test bay installation 30 years ago. 


An eyelid inspection has taken place..  Dinner is on its way..  

Bye for now.. 




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  • RMweb Premium

 Afternoon All


Sorry, I have missed so many pages, but it appears that the hall, stairs and landing are now in the course of redecoration, and I have been lurking a lot.


Condolences to Robert - generic greetings to everybody else.


Regards to All


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6 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

This was the message SWMBO got, probably third hand and inaccurate.  Mil and Harry’s daughter (to first marriage) don’t speak and as mil doesn’t use a mobile phone in an emergency they will speak to Harry’s daughter. I think the hospital is unsure who is/was his next of kin and of  the soured relationship. And as Harry had dementia and therefore didn’t have ‘capacity’  and a do not resuscitate note on his notes the situation was complicated to say the least.  
The hospital tried to phone mil late on Friday night but she was asleep so rang daughter to say Harry had passed away. She then passed the message on to Harry’s sisters but didn’t inform Mil. She only found out at 1.00am when Harry’s son rang up to see how mil was, him not knowing that mil was unaware that Harry had died.

As a result of all this Bil has told the hospital that they should only communicate this mil in future.

Cant wait fo the bun fight at the funeral.



My condolences for your loss Robert. I'm afraid that this will be a very trying time for you and your family. Having had encounters with bereaved families during my professional career all I can say is that death brings out the extremes in people. Take care.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sign a Petition (it's free - the two quid support bit is after signing and optional):

New law required re no loud bangs in fireworks as terrifies domestic & wild animals.

Why is it necessary for fireworks to be so noisy? Animals are terrified from pet dogs & cats to horses and rabbits. Fireworks are visually stunning & don’t need loud noises for us to enjoy them. Most pet owners & vets would agree. Its time this issue was addressed! From end October to End December (60 days or so) fireworks are frequently let off increasing the misery for animals and their owners. There is a simple solution without spoiling anyone’s enjoyment - make them less loud! 



Edited by polybear
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Still more fireworks tonight thing is you cant see them its been a constant fog/smog since bonfire night. Its so depressing especially as im stuck inside i have chest problems. 


It reminds me of that film with Nicole Kidman where the house is surrounded by a fog The Others i think it was called

Still no official results from the Us election the media have installed Biden as winner i just hope they got it right it wouldn't be the first time they announced the wrong winner . 

Edited by simontaylor484
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  • RMweb Gold

Last night was very loud here. Someone was having a firework party a couple of houses away. Very flash bang varieties but not for long. Next doors had some “ooh pretty” fireworks. Our neighbours on the other side are sensitive about the date as their daughter was killed on her way home from school on November 5th. 

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