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Just as Thomas might not recognise this printed version! "Never should of married" is very C21 illiterate!


I think that was in the original (can't get to it at the moment - behind the Christmas tree) and is in the pronunciation. The next line is "If she didn't had to" which reinforces this idea.

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 We used to have similar looking Brio layouts all over our house.


Lego trains ran round ours.



You rang ?


Two shows next year, just don't ask me where as I can't remember ! - Liverpool and Crawley I think (must get the info and update the website). We are trying to get invited to one of the Warners shows too.


Liverpool?  :yahoo: When?  Seen WVY a few times, now.  I'm still waiting for the washing machines to be collected before they go rusty  


Family just back home from shopping expedition.  Excuse me while Polly puts the kettle on.

In the meantime, keep the track pics coming for us real armchair modellers  :laugh:

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The only Crown dependency that might have 'Jake the Peg' as it`s leader! :mosking:


Avoiding getting drawn into politics, but as ours are different to yours.....if we did have JTP, he may be better than the current incumbent. :butcher:


In reality, the three legs are so the standard manx alky can get home without falling over, let's not forget we are '80,000 alcoholics hanging onto a rock' !!!  Closer examination of our motto may confirm this..... Quocunque Jeceris Stabit  :jester:

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Evening all, All went well on my train trip today, thanks to FGW & FCC. Last time I had a train journey of that length was from Luton to Paington (Railtour) in 1972! .

Mind you I was a bit disappointed at Yatton this morning when the 07.04 was announced as "The BRISTOLIAN" .....there was me getting all excited thinking in a mad moment there was going to be a King or a Castle on the front.........no such luck. Once it got light and around Taplow & Reading the ground looked decidedly soggy...


Round trip every train on time (apart from a couple of minutes on the last leg when we where held at Parson Street for a late running train to pass) .Most impressed with St Pancras, (Hadn't been there since the late 60's). And glad to report that my Mums OK, (even though my christmas pressie was a signed copy of her latest book!)


Now to play catchup, but bed is calling, so back in the morrow !




Edited by travelintrev
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I have been trying to track down a mysterious noise in and around the house for a few days. A sort of scratching, electrical arcing sound. I eliminated the fairy lights, central heating, computers, burglar alarm detectors and plants rubbing against windows. I could hear it outside slightly as well. It eventually dawned on me that the noise was following me about. My mother had tinnitus but described it as bells and whistles. This is scratchy and doesn't appear to come from my ears. I perceive the sound as coming from in front and a few feet above my head. At least the house hasn't been invaded by insects or rodents. Hopefully the noise will go when the cold I have does as well!

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I find the walk from Ronaldsway Station to the Airport amazing. Victorian to 21st centuary in a few hundred yards. I managed to include a trip on the railway in my business expenses claim.


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Partly cloudy (actually very cloudy earlier on, but clearing now) A very comfortable 25 forecast.


BoD what is happening?

First a large layout to replace Bridge of Doon, put aside for a pretty large and complex shunting plank and now that abandoned for a time saver shunting puzzle!

I do understand the urge to get something running!


AndyB the jigsaw of the viaduct on Roding Reach appears LARGE! Is there a thread in the layouts forum that I can go and follow?

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all


Don, we are stil waiting to have some major work done on the house. You would think that in today's economic climate builders would be queuing at the door but not so. Both of the other layouts still exist, the first mostly on paper but with the points constructed, the second the track is layed and working. However, I don't want to take either any further as they would more than llikely have to be 'moved about' by the builders when they eventually get started. So I found myself in limbo and hence the smaller version that can be worked on and just stood to one side in the study when necessary. I have started a layout thread to report progress.


My iPad automatically corrected progress to regress. Does it know something I don't?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I'll be off to the bakery in a few moments, but need to finish my coffee first. Quite balmy outside and I was pleased that the drive back home yesterday was uneventful. SWMBO needs some handicraft stuff, so I think we'll be looking for that later today.



My iPad automatically corrected progress to regress. Does it know something I don't?


I wonder if the Romans would have considered that as an Omen of the God of Silicon...

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On Tesco's seasonal shelf today Easter eggs you couldn't make it up!


And the sell by date is? Bet it's way before Easter. 



AndyB the jigsaw of the viaduct on Roding Reach appears LARGE! Is there a thread in the layouts forum that I can go and follow?


Don, there was a blog and gallery. Try this link: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/652-roding-reach/ or search in the box top right. 


I'll most probably go down the layout thread route for the rebuild as these seem to be a little easier to operate and get feedback from anyone interested. 


The layout is n gauge and intended as a project for the winter months when my garage is far too cold to work on my OO layout. The theme is 70s BR blue and sort of set on the LTS line in to Fenchurch street. The action is predominantly on the viaduct but with a small cement (?) siding tucked away too at ground level. 



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Weather dreadful here - wild and windy and wet. Off to Shropshire shortly to see the MiL. There may or may not  be internet chez elle so I may be out of touch till the new year. Yoinks. 

If you don't hear from me, or i don't respond then that's why. And have a great new year's eve... 


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Moghrey mie to Neill and any other triskellions.


I wrote a long and highly amusing reply to BoD's butter remark but it's disappeared.

Probably forgot to hit 'post'.

It was very funny and I even chuckled at it myself.

Can't remember what it was now.


'The Lunch' is today and I look forward to a couple of hours of anarchy - mostly from their Grandparents (she is 90+ and resembles an elderly version of Hilary from the Dragons' Den). She lives in an age long gone where her demands on the waiting staff would have been the norm in high society.


Out for drinks last evening where I was introduced to a substitute for Glayva which was a mixture of After Shave Lotion and Golden Syrup.

Probably an unwanted present.

Also some delicious cheese (red with mouldy bits in it).


Hope all make the most of the remaining holiday.

May all your tickets be worth £1M.

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I have been trying to track down a mysterious noise in and around the house for a few days. A sort of scratching, electrical arcing sound. I eliminated the fairy lights, central heating, computers, burglar alarm detectors and plants rubbing against windows. I could hear it outside slightly as well. It eventually dawned on me that the noise was following me about. My mother had tinnitus but described it as bells and whistles. This is scratchy and doesn't appear to come from my ears. I perceive the sound as coming from in front and a few feet above my head. At least the house hasn't been invaded by insects or rodents. Hopefully the noise will go when the cold I have does as well!

It's far worse when they inhabit ones head....

I've had bad tinnitus for years. A combination of very loud guitars and gunfire indoors.

Before any one moans about the volume of rock, the most musicians susceptible to tinnitus sit in front of the brass section of pro orchestras...


I don't like talking or even writing about it because it makes it worse. Most of the time I sub-consciously smother it.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


DD - you've just reminded me, I had two emails to say I'd won the lottery, I did a couple of extra lines as it was Christmas, I could be a multi-millionaire and not even know it. If I do win a fortune my secretary will be typing my updates in future.


A dull very windy (in a lot of senses) morning, I was planning to head down to the Ipswich area for some photography but my man flu is still hitting me pretty hard, no energy to do anything other than mope and GBRF have deliberately (just to annoy me) taken 66720, the rainbow liveried loco, off the Felixstowe overnight. I think I might start a petition, if I can get 1000000 signatures then the government may debate these loco swaps in parliament, alternatively I might start a blog about it.


I hope we all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


DD - you've just reminded me, I had two emails to say I'd won the lottery, I did a couple of extra lines as it was Christmas, I could be a multi-millionaire and not even know it. If I do win a fortune my secretary will be typing my updates in future.


I won, I won, I won - £10 and £58 pounds, not enough zeros really but better than a slap with a wet fish (just, but that's another story)

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Morning all.

We had a bit of pink sky to start the day but the strong wind is blowing clouds across. Doesn't bode well. It is back to the DIY again today. Oh for a chance to do some modelling.


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AndyB, Thanks for the reply on Roding Reach. I'll follow the layout forum when it appears.


BoD I now understand the reason for the space saver. Thanks for elucidating.


DD,  "substitute for Glayva which was a mixture of After Shave Lotion and Golden Syrup" .  Have you read the Barretyne Meths thread?


At one time in my varied career I was a Fleet Manager during the 1970s petrol crisis when petrol sales hours were strictly limited. We had an employee who specialized in siphoning petrol. I think it had a imilar effect as drinking meths. (I believe it is best to filter the meths through a loaf of bread before drinking. Top tip:Don't eat the bread) .

Edited by DonBradley
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Morning all.

Very overcast and rather breezy here.

I think the noises in my head are infection related rather than due to sonic assaults. I usually get remarks about what I'm listening to rather than the volume. At least it wasn't voices I was hearing.

We are supposed to go to a family lunch at a restaurant today arranged by MiL for Aditi's uncle who is visiting from the US. I'm not convinced we will be going.

Matthew sent a message yesterday letting us know he was on his way back to Calgary. In three days he is off to Montreal assuming that his flight isn't cancelled ( a lot are at the moment). Hopefully on that trip he won't get food poisoning and the accommodation will have electricity and hot water.


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Morning all


My muse has gently advised me that my carp about Under Milk Wood is misplaced - her version has that wording, too. I stand corrected and contrite!


Musicians with tinnitus? One Dave Swarbrick (Fairport Convention) played the electric violin for years, and I believe he was warned that if he carried on the effects would be dreadful. Perhaps it's like having a partcularly nasty poserphone to your ear day in, day out, and damages all sorts of bits.


In the early '70s, working shifts in the Control, one was aware of the building's caretakers, who also worked round-the-clock. One, rejoicing in the name of Enoch, was very fond of using the electric floor-polisher. It turned out that he also had a taste for the polish, too - as the post-mortem revealed when he was found dead at home. It also emerged that he was 78 - and should have been retired years before!


MIL is back home from her Xmas jaunt, so an hour with her on the phone awaits. Deep joy!

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Morning all...Family are gathering for breakfast and noise level is increasing as each person joins the table.  Managed to escape for a few minutes to try and catch up.  


Sorry to read about your family DonW.  I went through a similar process with my own father three years back.  It so hard to see someone you love suffering and knowing they may be leaving your life forever.  My thoughts are with you.


Thanks for your story re the treadmill Mike.... :biggrin_mini2:


Went over to our friends yesterday for lunch/drinks.  Debbie is the one who went through the mastectomy and is very upbeat on life, so fun to be with.  Turns out the last week has been terrible for her with extreme tiredness and barely being able to do anything.  Suspecting the cancer may have returned and was attacking other parts of her body she was really down and fearing the worst.  Thankfully she found the cause.


She has to take Tamoxifen every day and normally puts seven tablets in a pot and takes one every day.  Putting them in a pot helps her to ascertain whether or not she has taken her pill for the day.  Turned out she had muddled up her pills as they were in similar boxes and had carefully laid out seven sleeping pills which she had been taking at 8am every morning!


Of course it was a week before she realised what she had done, so spent every day feeling really tired and barely able to keep her eyes open.....


Glad to say she was full of the joys of life yesterday.

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I strenuously avoid chatting with MiL on the 'phone.

She is now totally pixilated and deaf.

SWMBO makes a dutiful one hour call every day which consists of repeating the same thing over and over and over again.

MiL has hearing aids (after a long and very arduous campaign) but doesn't like the noise they make (?).

Elements of her kind heart occasionally emerge but generally she talks incoherent nonsense.

She appears to be gradually wasting away without any diagnosis of a cause other than age.

From a high of about 17 stones (with an alarming habit of suddenly walking backwards), she now weighs about 7 stones.

FiL has been stoic but has his own serious problems and now has given up caring about anything.


I'm sure this is a saga recognisable by many ERs.


Cross posted with Gordon - very pleased with the news about your friend, Gordon.

Edited by DDolfelin
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