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43 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

Clear blue sky outside, bit of a scorcher, I reckon I could fry an egg on the pavement (literally, not just saying it for effect). A day for a sun hat or umbrella and staying in the shade.

Feels-like temp of 9 here and 90kmh wind gusts that'd blow a dog off its chain.

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Morning All!


As some will know, I'm not a doggy person (dodgy maybe) or indeed, much of an animal person at all  (unless I'm eating them)  but ........




13 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Evening All,

A busy day here and I think you know why.

Hovis came round at about 10:30 and various pieces of paperwork were exchanged and the tearful breeder left after showing us two of Hovis’s puppies which she is keeping.

These puppies were delivered by C section in July and poor Hovis has quite a scar to show for it.

She seems to have settled very well. After pacing around the house, possibly looking for Sydney, she spent the late afternoon watching me doing some paperwork and SWMBO doing some reading.

After tea we took her for an evening walk but she didn’t leave me a ‘hand warmers’ to pick up. We all settled down and watched a bit of tv (GP) and at 10.00pm I took her out again but still no deposit.

Its going to be a fine balancing act between comforting her over indulging her with affection. 
Anway, Goodnight from a very happy dad.




13 hours ago, PeterBB said:

In terms of new computer, old software no longer upgradedand of course losing functionality of useful programs and also previous scanner it does not have a direct USB - had to buy 'new type' to connect USB - or DVD functionality - very important as lots of photographic and other data stored on them - modern ones go on cloud but ... when internet goes everything stops.  Seems everything wants to go icloud  and icloud back-up so US.  Seems like a rant.


The cloud maybe a very convenient way to off-load the "back-up" problem but is a principle flawed IMHO.     The original images, documents, audio and video content that are mine belong on my equipment and are my responsibility and not to be dumped in some unknown server farm on the far side of the planet which, if I ask very nicely and possibly pay a fee in some form, I maybe given access to OR NOT if the company decides for whatever reason  it doesn't want to or can no longer be bothered to look after them or serve them.


No, I'm with @polybear on this one.


12 hours ago, PeterBB said:

Mobile screens are silly little thing s to do proper work on and if you need to read a document and need to refer back to a page its a function of rol back xN pages and then forward and back etc.  This is why proper computers with much bigger screens are better.  Do just occasionally wish I had a laptop but desktop beats thm all for comfortable use.


Yes they are and why I normally use a PC with a decent monitor for all my online activity.      BUT it's a buxxer carting that lot around and plugging it in when you're away from home .......


11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Online opinions suggest that tank-based printers are best for people who print frequently (and in volume) but for people who print infrequently there can be issues with clogged nozzles.


That is exactly contrary to my findings.      My sporadic printing with my standard HP All-In-One perpetually frustrated me with it's clogged nozzles and false accusations of counterfeit cartridges.     It came close to be launched out of a first floor window so many times but it was saved by the addition of an  after-market CIS including "chipped" dummy cartridges.   A bit messy to set up but worked brilliantly for many years.   The printheads never clogged up AND I didn't need a mortgage to match Hewlett Krapard's pathetic and very thirsty income generation model (again IMVHO).     A while ago, I noted that the company that supplied the CIS still does them but no longer for HP printers.   A cynical person might conclude that they may have been got at.   Not me, of course!


5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

And whilst cogitating on matters canine, recent posts have brought to mind the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” (actually you can, but they learn slower than when younger - like humans). I suspect that, were I to anonymously poll ERs, we’d find - not an age divide but a sliding scale of technology awareness and willingness to use it that correlates to date of birth: with near zero take up for those born 1945 - 1950 and increasing to near 100% take up for those born 1980 - 1990. And whilst there would be outliers, I think it would pretty much be an ascending slope (how steep is another matter).


As a general rule that may well be correct although I'm guessing not a linear function and with a large dispersion.


3 hours ago, TheQ said:

I must admit when I first zero'd a Fluke 752A Reference Divider in the RAF in 1978 (three years after I first started work), I didn't think I'd be doing the same just days before retiring..


Never used that particular instrument but have used a lot of excellent Fluke and (just to show I'm not biased after a previous comment) wonderful HP instrumentation* and computers (no, not laptops) over the years.    Particular Fluke favourites were their 1760A Instrument Controller and their 2400 Measurement & Control system.    Happy days!


* The rot set in when instrumentation was hived-off and re-branded Agilent.   The rest as they say is history.    Poor old Bill and Dave, must be spinning in their respective boxes.


3 hours ago, chrisf said:

It is a long time since I tried to make an appointment with a GP.  I suspect that the pains which prompted me to see the vet will have gone before I get a response but you never know.


Good luck with that Chris!


UPDATE:    Well done with that!





Edited by PupCam
Updated Chris's bit
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15 hours ago, Gwiwer said:


I ended up buying a cable in frustration.  It now means the printer does as it's told reliably every time but at the cost of having to unplug my image drive - which I make quite frequent use of - because I have only one available USB port.  





 You need something like this Rick . Use one port for multiple items .





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I’ve just received a lengthy eMail from the company organising my trip to Japan. Knowing I would like to have a comfortable railway journey between places I’ll be visiting, they suggested the following:


With overnight accommodation:



https://www.cruisetrain-sevenstars.jp/english/  (although you can’t just turn up and buy a ticket - you have to enter a lottery and - if your number is drawn - be ready to fork out immediately to secure your ticket)


Without overnight accommodation




Mind you a bog standard Shinkansen is a pretty decent way to travel:


The interesting thing is that both JR and BR were privatised (JR in 1987 and BR in 1994 - 1997). In japan the privatised railways came up with this to attract passengers https://www.jrailpass.com/blog/shinkansen-gran-class In Britain you got this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51302755


What on earth were the politicians and DfT thinking of.

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52 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I did think of using a hub. For some reason the Mac doesn’t like them. 



Google: "mac usb hub".  There seems to be quite a few out there.

As a Mac user, I just googled it myself, for reference.



Edited by southern42
insert missing word
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5 hours ago, TheQ said:

I've been considering printers, we've a colour A3 inkjet printer that hasn't been used for years. I'm going to have to see if I can revive that, as it's only 16 days inc today till I can no longer used the company A3 laser colour printers.


There's few people I miss after leaving The Great Empire; I really, really do miss the A3 Colour Printer/Scanner though 😭.  It was perfect for emailing stuff into work then printing it; the scanner was very, very fast too - rumour has it that a certain Bear even scanned the first 150 Issues of a certain Magazine onto DVD😉 - which saved a lot of space on the book shelves....


5 hours ago, TheQ said:

If it doesn't revive, then it looks like a laser printer will be required, as they are from what I can find, are the most suitable for intermittent use.


Though not the best if you're into printing Templot Templates apparently - the heating of the paper causing distortion of dimensions.  An inkjet is best for that function.


3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I have to do some tidying.  A friend we haven’t seen for a while is coming for lunch. She babysits her grandson (11months) on Mondays so we will be having a small visitor too. 
I have just ordered a security camera. A car was seen driving up and down photographing parked cars in our road. A neighbour asked if they were lost and got a terse reply. They then drove off. Later that night a car belonging to a visitor next door parked outside our house was stolen. I think we are the only house in the road without any cameras or a video doorbell. 


I'm not a great believer in cameras being much of a deterrent during night-time theft etc. - all the scrote needs to do is wear a mask.  Some months ago a neighbour discovered that the steering wheel of their Beemer had been nicked during the night (getting more common apparently - the airbags are bluddy expensive and in short supply); their Ring Doorbell recorded much of the action but identifying them was hopeless.  Apparently it took several hours; I've not seen the car back again so it's either taking a very long time to fix or it's been written off.

Someone in the village has a T-shaped Bar set into their drive immediately behind their car - I guess it's removable/folds down so you can drive away.  Just don't forget.....


16 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:


In Britain you got this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51302755


What on earth were the politicians and DfT thinking of.


And just how long do you expect such a fancy train to last in the UK?  The scrotes will be slashing the seats before your very eyes....


Bear here.....

Still filling walls - hopefully I'll perfect judging just how much filler to mix so it doesn't harden before I've managed to apply it.....

Bear gone.

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I think you can only deter the opportunist tea leaf with cctv etc the more professional blagger will know all the tricks to evade cctv.


A mate of mine had his car broken into in a restaurant car park. The thieves escaped cctv id by using rear fog lights to dazzle the cctv hiding the registration plate. This was a number of years ago 

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Ahhh Monday.


Busy weekend, lots of running around/errands Saturday, Sunday up early to sing with the schola at 9 and 11am!

-7C heading out Sunday early and didn't warm up much all day. Good day to stay in, read, nap and generally stay warm 😃


This week will be very short as Thursday is Thanksgiving Day here, and we (my company along with many) get Friday off also.

Will avoid Black Friday, unless I find something online, the shops are always stupid, and I've NEVER undertaken to subject myself to that idiocy. 🤯


Tally ho.

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10 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

a sliding scale of technology awareness and willingness to use it that correlates to date of birth: with near zero take up for those born 1945 - 1950 and increasing to near 100% take up for those born 1980 - 1990. And whilst there would be outliers, I think it would pretty much be an ascending slope (how steep is another matter).

And on that philosophical note: Happy Monday!

As one pre-dating the given birth year parameters I can confirm the minimal awareness and willingness to use 'modern technology' especially when it does not work for local parking  ... still not been to a bank since pre-Covid and therefore 'coin poverty' making it doubly difficult to pay for parking anywhere but where posssible would much prefer to use cash.


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4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I did think of using a hub. For some reason the Mac doesn’t like them. 

Having bought the USB-C to USB adaptor Was ale to connect a hub and, so far, no problems ans of course can still use my 'old' USBs.

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