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  • RMweb Premium

GDB... please explain this new form of Rugby Union played by Munster please..... coming in from the wrong side of the ruck staying offside in a ruck..but its OK cos I have my hands above my head.... 


Now I know why I now prefer RL to RU


Now, having had a busy day I am off for some sleep!



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Ian - A shock and at a young age as well.

A great day at the club even though the numbers were a bit down on last year.


It was certanily an RMWeb meeting with Clive Mortimore, myself, Andy P, Tony / Mulgabill, Bob / 86902 and Peter BB all in attendance.


Some excellent weathering done by Andy P including my Q1 which now looks extremely well used.


A quantity of modelling tokens were disposed of for a couple of locos and some wagons to add to the roster.


All of this was finished of with a meal with Peter BB and his good wife.


All in all a cracking day which, with the forecast permitting, will be had again tomorrow before heading home.


Time for another coffee.

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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome to Saturday evening.


Ian Abel - my sympathies on your loss as such things are never anticipated and often hard to come to terms with

Ian Dudley and Sherry - good to have you back aboard ship.  I hope we have learned to behave in your absence.


Today has been a cleaning and shopping sort of day.  Had to collect a package from the sorting office this morning which was too large to go through the letterbox and which for reasons known only to the mail delivery person could not have been left next door - it wasn't as though a signature was required.  That was Terra incognita but easy enough to locate and conveniently within walking distance of a respectably large Tesco store which was plundered of a carry-home load of goodies.  Most of the order arrived by Sainsbury's delivery van tonight though of course there are always some bits which are overlooked, others which run out faster than expected and a few which SWMBO requires and all of which came to light too late to be added to the delivery.  


Tomorrow is busy busy.  I don't expect to visit ERs.  We are hosting two parties starting with lunch and ending mid-evening.  The idea of bussing around Dorking to visit numerous pubs sounds good.  There must be more buses still on offer than I had thought - many of those I once knew have long since vanished or been reduced to the point of being a token weekly trip,  If travelling by bus for the sake of it is "cranking" (which compares with the railway term "gricing") does that activity make one an Alcocrank?


Now I'm off to prep my sprouts and baton the carrots julienne in advance of Chaos in the Kitchen tomorrow morning.  Stay well and enjoy Sunday responsibly.

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Ian - A shock and at a young age as well.

A great day at the club even though the numbers were a bit down on last year.


It was certanily an RMWeb meeting with Clive Mortimore, myself, Andy P, Tony / Mulgabill, Bob / 86902 and Peter BB all in attendance.


Some excellent weathering done by Andy P including my Q1 which now looks extremely well used.


A quantity of modelling tokens were disposed of for a couple of locos and some wagons to add to the roster.


All of this was finished of with a meal with Peter BB and his good wife.


All in all a cracking day which, with the forecast permitting, will be had again tomorrow before heading home.


Time for another coffee.

Glad you enjoyed it Duncan.

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  • RMweb Gold

I am just back from the park. Robbie only got a short walk this morning as a parcel was due to be delivered after 11. Even Hermes are now giving 4 hour delivery slots rather than "whenever" .

Robbie had a nice run about and didnt even need the long lead as he didn't wander off. As usual I had to lift him into the car and he decided to bite me, no growly warning just a hard bite. Fortunately I was wearing gloves so only one tooth broke skin on my knuckle. He then bit my other hand and wrist but not hard enough tompuncture the gloves. Not sure if this is due to his feeling unwell or age or something. It isn't his normal behaviour.


That all sounds rather sad, Tony.

I do hope it is just down to him being unwell.

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Apropos of nothing, this old gem resurfaces:


Please be advised that all members planning to dash through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh, going over the fields and laughing all the way are required to undergo a Risk Assessment addressing the safety of open sleighs. This assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only one horse for such a venture, particularly where there are multiple passengers. Please note that permission must also be obtained in writing from landowners before their fields may be entered. To avoid offending those not participating in celebrations, we request that laughter is moderate only and not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

Benches, stools and orthopedic chairs are now available for collection by any shepherds planning or required to watch their flocks at night.
While provision has also been made for remote monitoring of flocks by CCTV cameras from a centrally heated shepherd observation hut, all facility users are reminded that an emergency response plan must be submitted to account for known risks to the flocks. The angel of the Lord is additionally reminded that prior to shining his/her glory all around s/he must confirm that all shepherds are wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to account for the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and the overwhelming effects of Glory.

Following last year’s well publicised case, everyone is advised that EC legislation prohibits any comment with regard to the redness of any part of Mr. R. Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr. R Reindeer from reindeer games will be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty of this offence.

While it is acknowledged that gift-bearing is commonly practised in various parts of the world, everyone is reminded that the bearing of gifts is subject to Hospitality Guidelines and all gifts must be registered. This applies regardless of the individual, even royal personages. It is particularly noted that direct gifts of currency or gold are specifically precluded under provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Further, caution is advised regarding other common gifts, such as aromatic resins that may initiate allergic reactions.

Finally, in the recent case of the infant found tucked up in a manger without any crib for a bed, Social Services have been advised and will be arriving shortly.

Compliance of these guidelines is advised in order for you to fully participate with the festive spirit.


Risk Management Team



Just seems fitting to add:


Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning one and all and a warm welcome back to Ian OD


I had an interesting consultation yesterday with Professor Oncologist.  My PSA reading is now 3 point something, which disappointed me.  The Prof, on the other hand, was not unduly worried and reminded me that when I was first diagnosed, two and a half years ago, the reading was over 800.  Perhaps I can take his hint.  He has put me on another lot of tablets.  Those that he would have wished to prescribe are the subject of availability problems.   Fortunately, he beamed, an alternative may be had.  Off I trotted to the hospital pharmacy only to find that the alternative was out of stock!  I am hopeful that 30 days’ worth can be conjured up from somewhere and have been led to expect a phone call from the pharmacy today.  At least when people ask me how I am I can now tell them.


Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery




If your previous PSA reading was 800 then you are doing fantastically well ... the treatment must be working.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin‘ awl. Well, it is past midnight!


Just need to get this-here tram home now. Chilly outside, therefore glad for interior heating. Commiserations to Ian in particular...such sad news, and so close to Christmas, too...


Be safe, all...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


This morning we woke up to snow, both on the ground and falling too. By mid morning it was falling quite heavily, but by dinner time it was all gone. It continued to snow, on and off for most of the morning, but by mid afternoon it had turned to rain.


Today's film was Maleficent, one if Evie's favourites, then a quick drink before she was taken home just after 3:00 and then it was back home for a nice cup of tea and a quick read of some model railway magazines enforce making a start on tea. Tonight’s tea was the left overs form Wednesdays curry with some freshly made saag aloo. Then it was time to put our feet up and open a bottle of red.


Ashcombe. Nice to see you back, it’s been too long.


Ian. Very sad news indeed.


Goodnight all

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

Yesterday we went to the Kris Kringle Kristkindlmarkt in the next city. A little repetitive from previous years, but we met an old friend (and railway modeller) for lunch. New fad seems to be alpaca farms, but $125 for a scarf seems excessive.

Today went to the Old Guys train show, a newish small show. It is closer than we thought, if we avoid the main highways. Then to a craft store looking for an stretcher frame for Dayle. Current models have a mounting system for the needlework that she doesn't understand. I indulged in a few books. One I thought was a bargain at $10 and was offered it for 5!  Also some bags of DPM -- one building and a whole lot of bits: brick segments over a large opening.

Edited by BR60103
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Good morning one and all, with condolences to Ian A for his friend.


There is a dusting of snow here.  A peek through the window suggests that it is not too serious but rest assured that I am not going anywhere until this evening.  There is a concert in town tonight featuring the Demon Barbers, a bunch of maverick folkies led by Damian Barber who had a walk-on part in Lovejoy a good 30 years ago.  If you remember a young lad in a black vest strolling across the screen playing a concertina, that was him.  Hopefully the white stuff is not so deep as to prevent their triumphant arrival into town.


Today I have another piece of steak to cook. Jim the butcher looks to have done me proud again.  The rest of the day may well be consumed in unspecified pottering.  It would not be the first time.   Looking at the week ahead, tomorrow I have a photographers' gathering at the Ace Cafe on the old North Circular Road and expect to have fun getting to and from London by rail. Tuesday will see the last visit to Poorly Pal before C*****mas and on Wednesday it's off to the smoke again for a concert in St Pancras Old Church.  Thursday's concert has been relocated to a night club, something of a comedown from the Corn Exchange.  Friday is supposed to be devoted to work on the camel but there is a deafening silence from our host.  Amid all this I should be rounding up the stuff I need to take with me to Switzerland but there is bound to be some sort of panic before I go.


PeterBB, you are quite right about my PSA reading.  It's just that the first test after the treatment had begun showed a reading of 1.9 which is an even more spectacular fall from 800.  The Prof says, with just a twinkle in his steely eyes, that he has plenty of treatment options up his sleeve.  We will see what difference the latest lot of tablets makes.  He says that I should beware of weight gain.  In that he is at one with Sister Diabetes.


Enough already.  My bath awaits.  Warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just been out with Ben the Border Collie,

Snow, none.

Rain, none.

Strong wind, none just enough breeze to feel it.

Frost, less than yesterday afternoon,the cars have defrosted, but there is a small bit on the frost prone ground.

So the panic forecasts on TV have all been wrong.


So it's time for breakfast, then off down the sailing club, to see how many believe the forecasts and how many look outside their window...

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Morning all. Snow here but nothing too serious.


A decent nights sleep which I needed as today could be a long one.


Time to de-snow the car and head to the club. I hope that today is as good as yesterday.


The drive home this evening could be interesting but at least I don't have to get back for work in the morning.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning folks, apologies for my extended absence.


Snow? Who would have thought it?


People go into mass panic when the white stuff begins.


Shops around the country are already running short on plastic trombones and inflatable giraffes.


I witnessed 2 gents fighting over the last lawnmower. Stockpiling of flip-flops is rife down our way.


Happy sundae, everyone!


S.C. Rooge.

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  • RMweb Premium

A bit of fatchy pog here.


Dom, enjoy your break.


Robert could be an interesting time in Control today. Perhaps a small train layout would help to pass the time?


Stay safe and warm wherever you are.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Snowing here. We were forecast rain rather than snow but I suppose the snow is just a bit east if where the forecasters thought it would be.

I don't really have anything do other than take Robbie for some exercise. Hopefully there will be no repetition of yesterday's naughty behaviour.

Have a good day.


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