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50p Coins from Hornby

Bernard Lamb

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Surprised that no one else has posted this. In The Times this morning a report that Hornby is entering into an agreement with The Royal Mint to distribute, through it's dealer network, special 50p pieces for the 2012 Olympics.



Nice to know about this ........from RMweb....


Regards Trevor....a Hornby dealer !! :huh:

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Surprised that no one else has posted this. In The Times this morning a report that Hornby is entering into an agreement with The Royal Mint to distribute, through it's dealer network, special 50p pieces for the 2012 Olympics.



This was part of the announcement of half-yearly results on Friday. You look in Investor Relations on the Hornby website or following this link...



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Did you notice that the shares went up as a result of the announcement. Methinks the City are concerned about Hornby and its China problems.


The Royal Mint, Hornby how much more British can you get. I wonder if the coin is produced in China and when you phone to get it, a voice from the Raj answers.

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What a strange announcement. Anything to make news!


I never associated the Royal Mint with Hornby retailers. Post Offices Yes. Hornby No.


As you can buy Olympic coins direct from the Royal Mint will the Hornby coins be from a new range? If so, will Hornby retailers see a flurry of coin collectors banging on their doors.

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Can it be re-gauged to finescale standards?

You joke, but anyone who has had the pleasure of using a TfL ticket machine will tell you, some coins are randomly rejected, only to be accepted when you've given them a good scuffing on the side of the machine. This is clearly because they are fractionally out of gauge and don't meet machine standards.


(this doesn't explain the ones that get rejected twice and then go through unmodified a third time, once one (namely me) has given the machine a good talking to!)


Next on the new releases is a level crossing, with one lane blocked off for olympic traffic only!

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