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  • RMweb Gold

I dont use facebook and have no intention of ever doing so in the future, its just something i dont see the point of or indeed agree with, alongside kerry katona and jeremy kyle its the scourge of the nation in my eyes.


There is a reason i dont keep in touch with people normally, that reason being i dont want to, i especially dont want to know what you are having for tea, as for ex school mates i didnt want to know you 15 years ago why the hell would i want to know you now


Another thing, stuff like "toilet duck, follow us on facebook" erm its an inanimate object, what is it going to say "lol, full moon tonight" "toilet duck has become friends with Mr muscle"


I have looked at facebook through my sister in laws account and quite simply i just dont get it, whats the attraction, no, point, same with twitter, what the hell is a hashtag!


The only social sites i visit are rmweb and wnxx but this one is the only one i really post on, And yes i have made a few good friends through the site who i do meet up with face to face


I do think that facebook is a dangerous place regards information shared, as others have pointed out, leading to sackings, divorces etc, but thts down to the individual and how they conduct themselves, however the same can be said for forums ( although they of course have a limited membership compared to facebook) for that reason im careful (i hope) as to what i post on line, a prime example of facebook/ social sites "hanging" someone happened to me a couple of years back when someone tried to scam me with a staged car crash, he put a load of info about the crash/the run up to it/ his car/previous driving ban/police warnings/photo of me/photo of my car/photos of witness' etc as well as videos of himself speeding and driving dangerously on youtube which he posted on various car sites he was a member on all of which were collected and used as evidence against him in crown court, it only took me 30 mins to find him on the sites the same evening as the crash despite at the time not knowing his name or address, scary stuff!! lets just say he still has 10 months to go on his driving ban thanks in part to social networks



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The BBC show on recently made a good point about how you now have more friends as a result of facebook, but fewer close friends. Very easy to see why this is true - I have nearly 700 facebook friends... If it weren't for Facebook, 2 and a half years after leaving school, I think the number of people I still talk to would be dramatically reduced, leaving only my best friends and those who study in Sheffield.


As a matter of personal principal and because I'm a medical student, I keep my privacy as high as I can, but they change the privacy rules so frequently its hard to know how private my facebook actually is.


I have been on facebook since near the beginning, when MySpace and Bebo were cool. I recently decided go on a purge of all the people on facebook I don't actually know or have no intention to speak to again and I found that I only deleted around 100. The rest I either do know, or don't want 'keep' as future contact is quite likely. I haven't spoken to many of the people I went to primary school with in a fair few years but, living in the same town as them, its quite likely we will meet again.


I wish I could give up facebook but now all my friends have it, everything is arranged using it, and I would miss out on quite a lot by not having it! Its embarrassing, and a shame that this is the case. Our medical society (student run) arranges all its events through Facebook and my hockey club now uses facebook as its main medium for discussion and announcing news.


I like the idea of Twitter, but never having really got involved, I don't really understand the shorthand used and how to navigate the site very well. I do quite enjoy seeing Piers Morgan picking fights with celebrities and being shot down... even Michael Owen runs rings round him!


I do get the odd tweet from my friends on my Facebook feed and wonder 'Who actually wants to read that?'. If I were to use it, I probably wouldn't tweet - who wants to hear my humble opinion anyway? I would just use it as a Facebook-style news-feed for information about my favourite bands and comedians so I can keep up with their news.

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I am on bookface. and have been since I started university in 2006. The amount of gumpff posted by others is biblical. I have had people posting their deepest thoughts, aggravations, and a lot else besides.


As a recently qualified school teacher, my security is very tight, including restrictions on what some of my friends can see. I guess this makes having an account somewhat pointless!

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Guest dilbert

FaecesBook seems to generate a lot of crap... most of it seems to stem from a previous generation of near instant riten komunication wot used gud speling an wot used tellyfones... dilbert

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  • RMweb Premium

My young colleague searched for his name on Facebook once and found a picture of another guy with the same name wearing only a pair of briefs!


I'm not on it and I don't want to join it; anyway Facebook is banned from my workplace's IT network but RMWeb is not... :sungum:

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I use it to keep in touch with my widespread friends & family around the world on a 'touching base' system. I restrict it to actual friends & family only. It doesn't mean I don't also have wide interests, contacts and an extensive 'face to face' social life in the 'real' world.


People who post offensive or stupid revelatory material though, IMHO, get just what they deserve. Don't do the Crime, if you can't do the Time


As for those RMWebbers above who obviously detest it, well, it's just like the TV if you dont want to use it, don't. But also don't pointificate using sweeping assesments of something you know little about - that's what we usually dislike in people who look down on Railway Modellers. Don't we?

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Posted · Hidden by Andy Y, January 10, 2012 - Inflammatory
Hidden by Andy Y, January 10, 2012 - Inflammatory
As for those RMWebbers above who obviously detest it, well, it's just like the TV if you dont want to use it, don't. But also don't pointificate using sweeping assesments of something you know little about


The only person pontificating and making sweeping assesments is you old boy. Every individual will have their own reasons for dropping out of Facebook.

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  • RMweb Gold

As for those RMWebbers above who obviously detest it, well, it's just like the TV if you dont want to use it, don't. But also don't pointificate using sweeping assesments of something you know little about


the thing is its rammed down us non users throats day in day out, "follow us on facebook" on seemingly every other poster or advert or "do you do facebook" from people, just recently there seems to be lots of things like competitions or offers that you can only take advantage of if you are on facebook "to enter, like us on facebook" and all that rubbish

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  • RMweb Gold


The only person pontificating and making sweeping assesments is you old boy.


Really? Didn't you post this:


Facebook? You call on someone and they're on Facebook, forget it! They remind me of people on death row feeding carrier pigeons while they're waiting to die


and this?


From what I've seen, the young 'uns come home from school and chat to schoolmates they just left 10 minutes before, the married and newly-single type are there looking out for new tricks and the old folks are checking if there is a funeral today...
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm another of those who uses facebook to do what I want, ignoring features which don't interest me (yet...).

I lurk there, much as I do on RMWeb, making the odd comment if it seems relevant, but generally it allows me to keep loosely in touch with those ex colleagues I want to. When I think of the number of people I've lost touch with over the years, I think that facebook is good for someone like me. A good proportion of what my contacts write may be of no interest, but ignoring such comments is no problem.



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RMweb = Facebook but instead of peoples day to day life its there railway life


Even down to the "What's on your mind?"

Businesses on both




SI Groups




Image editing

Who's online?


News feed/view new content

Profile Pictures




Just my opinion



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So there's quite a few on here who use Facebook.

OK how much does it cost??


What do I mean, cost?


There are hundreds of thousands, nay millions of users of Facebook, but to host the service costs a fortune.

All those messages, all that content, has to be hosted somewhere?

In fact to host the whole Facebook operation costs tens of millions of $$$$'s

So who pays for it?

Who foots the bill?


At the same time, the notional value of Facebook as a company is quoted to be Billions of $$$'s

What makes this company so valuable?


OK so there's this huge infrastructure in place, that costs a lot of money to run and the users of the service don't pay anything.

So who pays for it? How come such an operation is considered not only viable, but worth so much as an asset?


Social media and Social networking may be the the vehicle for Facebook, but it isn't the reason for its existence. It isn't its business model.

You can be as private as you like, restrict your "friends" as much as want; it doesn't make any difference. The machine will feed on you regardless.




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I have an account but I really don't understand it. My son set up the account to access all the photographs of our self build house whilst with friends.


I think to me it is probably like North Face outdoor clothing, as a serious walker and knowledgeable about outdoor gear I appreciate that North Face is excellent kit but would I dare wear it now it's been hijacked by Chavs and High Street toe rags? It's lost it's credibility amongst serious people.


My wife logged into her lap top after our 14 year old grandaughter had been visiting and the computer was logged into her Facebook account, Julie read the inane comments and unfortunately she now assumes that's what Facebook consist of so I doubt I'll be logging in to my account any time soon.


I'm sure, like I. Phones and other modern innovations it has it's fans and uses but I suspect I may survive a few more years without it.


Ancaster dinosaur.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think to me it is probably like North Face outdoor clothing, as a serious walker and knowledgeable about outdoor gear I appreciate that North Face is excellent kit but would I dare wear it now it's been hijacked by Chavs and High Street toe rags? It's lost it's credibility amongst serious people.

Yup, TNF made some sort of coup with the High Street sports retailers a decade or more back, having their products sold alongside Nike and other playground-aspirational kit. The TNF Renegade reversible fleece (Pertex/Polartec 200) that I bought in 1994 is nevertheless giving good service, but now relegated to my everyday wear when feeding the horses!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have to be honest and admit I tried it. I mean a load of people at work were doing it and were all on it all the time. They urged me to 'just have a go', 'just do it once', 'just set up an account, i will show you'...so I thought, whatever let me see what this is all about as I didnt want to feel excluded ...


So anyway I set up a proper account and saw all my information become avaliable for everyone to see (didnt expect that), did all sort of rating/quizzes that were thninly veiled marketing profiles, got bombarded by notifications and messages and every time i tried to play a game i couldnt because i had to send it to somone... believe me that was annoying as I dont like to bother people just because i wanted to play a game and also found people were actually taking it seriously!


In the end I got fed up with all the request emails and complaints that I never updated my status (whatever that was) as I could not work out what I was supposed to do with it so just deleted the account.


To give some context, I am not a interweb luddite, I was using messaging (ICQ), web based HTML chat (thegatering.com) and IRC since 1995 and, I guess something like this would have been worthwhile then but I cant really see the point of it all. I mean do we our lives are so extraordinary they have to broadcast every brain fart? And what is this 'like' and 'share this on facetube' business. I see it everywhere and cant figure it out. I read an articlae in the paper and think, thats interesting, why would i want to tell all my umpteenth 'freinds' how interesting it is? Same with online games, play a little flash game - why would i want to tell everyone about it.


No it is not that I don't like facetube itself, but it isn't relevant for me and I cant see the point of it. However, what I dislike the most is how you are almost expected to be using it.


big jim summed it up nicley


the thing is its rammed down us non users throats day in day out, "follow us on facebook" on seemingly every other poster or advert or "do you do facebook" from people, just recently there seems to be lots of things like competitions or offers that you can only take advantage of if you are on facebook "to enter, like us on facebook" and all that rubbish
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  • RMweb Gold

Sadly, it is starting to look more likely than not that both my children will be moving abroad this year - my daughter for sure and my son very likely.Facebook will be a very valuable tool for me to keep up with their, and my grandchildrens', progress.

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  • RMweb Gold

If I post something on Fb only my FB friends see it, as I choose to make my postings there only visible to friends. Most of my friends there are people I know in real life but who are scattered across the country, some are folks who I only know as we share a mutual love of a particular band (bcnpete, if you are on any of the band pages you'll find me, pm me if not...)


Anything I post on here can be seen by the WHOLE WORLD so the fuss about FB privacy is cobblers. Google my real name and you'll find my RMweb postings, not my Facebook!


Please don't get me started on Linked-in, the only 'social network' that sends spam that there is no way of getting out of. FB doesn't send me uninvited email, nor do any of the others, but if someone I know in real life who is a member of Linked-in decides they want me to connect with them there (I don't have an account) then I will get an email purporting to be from that person. It will arrive showing my friend's email address not Linked-in's. If I ignore it I will get another one a week later, and another a week after that. There is NO WAY to stop linked-in sending me these emails except to sign up and opt out. As a 'Business' network they really should know better. When I emailed Linked-in to complain guess what? I got back from them their 'Customer satisfaction' survey to fill in! I'd love to have seen the face of the poor ###### that received my reply...



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