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The Model Signal box portfolio

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Jerry,  You can (could?) obtain the steps from the Ratio kit as a separate item.  But they were the wrong height / angle for me.  I made a scale drawing then built  up the sides/ rails as an assembly from three layers of strip from the Evergreen range (overlap the ends at the joints so as to make a strong joint) - never tried such things before but it was easier than I feared!  The sides of the staircase were constructed in two layers, leaving slots for the tread to slide into.  The tread were just cut from .020".  I don't say that is the best way - but, like you, I had to work something out having never done it before...



Have a go - scrap it if it is no good!.  Alternatively, model the GW - most of their boxes had internal steps!


Best wishes,



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm about to start a 4mm model  based on the former 'box at Goodrington, which is entirely timber, with just a tiny brick base... an appearance I really like.  I took this photo a few years before it was (shamefully!) removed




I'm thinking plastic would be the more appropriate material to use (instead of card), given that the upper floor is more window than wall, with just a few 'uprights' to give it strength. I do, though, want to use paper slates to match my other 'card-built' models!... so a roof of card may be the answer, as it will be 'detachable'.


Sizewise, I'm intending to build it around the dimensions of the Modelex/Churchwards window frets.


Which way do you experienced folk think I should go??!!



Edited by BRealistic
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


unfortunately I have to report that work on my Type 16 box is currently at a full-stop due to the day job and other commitments various, though I hope to resume work fairly soon.  However, in the meantime I thought I would share the attached picture with you.  Whilst looking for inspiration, I noticed that Honiton box has (or had) a prefab of some description very close to it.  At that point I remembered the subject of the photo, built some time back as an early scratch-building exercise: it was loosely based on a drawing in an early DEMU edition and observations of a number of similar cabins in my current locale.  Duly rescued from a shoe box in the magic cupboard, it does look rather nice parked in close proximity to the signal box.  My assumption is that, like Honiton, it was put there at some point in the recent past as part of a resignalling scheme, but prior to the construction of the brick-built relay room I posted recently which will replace the signal box altogether in the near future. 


Meanwhile, earthworks ( - sundeala works?) continue to enable the signal box to be situated just off the end of the up end of the platform as per Crewkerne.  More soon, I hope.


Best wishes, Paul



Edited by Grampus
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I'm about to start a 4mm model  based on the former 'box at Goodrington, which is entirely timber, with just a tiny brick base... an appearance I really like.  I took this photo a few years before it was (shamefully!) removed



I'm thinking plastic would be the more appropriate material to use (instead of card), given that the upper floor is more window than wall, with just a few 'uprights' to give it strength. I do, though, want to use paper slates to match my other 'card-built' models!... so a roof of card may be the answer, as it will be 'detachable'.


Sizewise, I'm intending to build it around the dimensions of the Modelex/Churchwards window frets.


Which way do you experienced folk think I should go??!!




If you want to use card the old Bilteezi sheet is based on the type of box at Goodrington. Here is one I am working on. Still lots to do but for a £2.50 sheet it is an excellent base to work on. Mine is lined internally with stiff board that back wrting pads, retrieved from bins at work. I use the same to produce the wooden frame overlays. Windows are microstrip glued direct to slaters clear plastic sheet. I opted for the external staircase version, though I used a Hornby moulding. I bought a pack of ten from modelspares for a few pounds. (both internal and external stairs provided for on sheet). I have spare vents mouldings from a Prototype Models box for the roof. Finishing it, is a winter project as I am on coach painting while the hot weather lasts.


Good luck


Mike Wiltshire



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Hi Mike, and thanks for your reply... I'd more or less given up hope of any discussion! In the meantime I've decided to go plastic!... and this morning took the plunge and ordered a couple of Churchward window frets from Modelex so I can work around their dimensions.  Such good value!  Only thing is, I'm having thoughts about the lower half being constructed in 'das' stonework... to 'match' the engine shed I've just (about) completed... having noticed that a protoype with this appearance stood at Gara Bridge on the Kingsbridge line.  Truth is, I've got too much time on my hands to ponder!


That's an amazing little model, by the way, knowing it's all been made from card and paper (apart from windows, of course).  Won't be long before winter's here when you can finish the detailing... October maybe?!

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4mm scale Greenfield signalbox built using London Road etchings for the upper level and Wills wooden boarding for the lower section plus bits from the scrapbox!



I know about Wills and 'bits from the scrapbox'... but am I alone in wondering what the 'London etchings' are?  Google still leaves me wondering!!

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  • 2 months later...

Not too much progress, but here is a quick pic of where I have got to.  I have made a tentative start on the dreaded finial - but there are still four components to add!


Interior, eves brackets, cills and walkways to do - oh and a splash of paint...



attachicon.gifS Box -1 small.jpg



I have found this tread... One question I have for Howard (or anyone else that can answer)....


How did you make the brick arches for the bricked up windows? Very nice model by the way.


Kind regards



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This is a Churchward model from Modelex. The kit comes with a timber base but I have replaced it with the brick one made from Wills sheets.




The signal is made from Model Signal Engineering components. It would operate but I have not fitted any driver under the board jet.







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Hi Folks,

a couple of boxes,

first up Southerham junction


2nd box Lewes east Goods box

all in 4mm scale

(appologies for the concave photos).





















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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there


Gravytrain was very encouraging when I was building my signal box because I was a bit fearful over the complexity of doing it (it's the windows!). Well I got it finished all bar the levers and here it is below.




GNR signal box, Wainfleet, England.



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Just found this thread and very impressed by the content, hope I don't disgrace myself with a couple of my offerings.


Midland Railway type 4 box in 10mm scale, built for Stanley Midland layout of the Midlands Group G1MRA, including lamp room and WC.




And a almost finished NBR West Highland extension railway box, still need to do some work on this adding guttering, down spouts etc.




Both models built in laser cut ply/mdf


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Anyone who also follows my layout thread will be sick of the sight of this but here (again) is the L&Y box I am building, based on that at Hebden Bridge (link below).


Etched windows, heavily bashed York Modelmaking steps, Springside interior, everything else is Plastikard and card (for the slates). The painting is nowhere near finished yet and I still have to make and attach the walkways around the front and side from brass (for strength and closer to prototype thickness of handrails, brackets, etc).




Not in the same league as Gravy Train's L&Y boxes but hopefully a decent enough representation.



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