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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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Hello Andy, Nothing happening at the moment, just tidying up the locos l have for sell soon as l have filled the boilers full of lead and cant shift it, so no way l could hard wire them for DCC so they have to go in favour of DCC ready locos...have made a start on building the track...

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Hello Andy, Well l have given up any daft ideas of building an exhibition layout at long last after realising that it would be used only three or four times a year at most thus spending most of the time in bits in the shed ? so decided on a stay at home layout (DCC sound) in the form of a shelf layout 11' x 18" long, but that's in the future, in the meantime l have got together with a couple of friends namely Mark Owen & lan Hallworth who both have talents of their own, we get together a couple of evenings a week at my workshop and work on various projects, l am scratch building a SR (LSWR) 4-4-0 Drummond class K10 tender engine, and Mark is building a L&Y 0-6-0 rapid shunting engine & while lan is fitting sound chips to various locos, so they are very interesting evenings....






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Sounds like some good evenings mate.


Morning Mate, Building locos/wagons is my real interest as you know, but with other modellers at hand makes its much more interesting where you can work out things/problems together....


PS, Love the sound of another larger 'Trebudoc' round TOPS, l have always said that was your finest layout by far....

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Hello Peter, Glad you have big pockets ? unlike mine  Hahahaha, l was clearing out some drawers and found the drawing of the K10 and l thought it would be good project, we'll see.....


Big pockets will have to make something to sell to get it, but the list of locos I want is getting longer, and time shorter. I was going to scratch build the K10 but now I can do one of Adams's lovely small wheeled 4-4-0s.

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Hello Peter, At first glance the Drummond K10 does'nt look that complicated apart from the tender having flared sides, it appears to be a simple round boiler on a chassis, no doubt it will be a challenge all the same, (l do love a challenge) ?...

This challenge will start with some PCB board for the loco / tender chassis, as l can solder the bits together to make a rigid chassis, fingers crossed...


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Hello Peter, At first glance the Drummond K10 does'nt look that complicated apart from the tender having flared sides, it appears to be a simple round boiler on a chassis, no doubt it will be a challenge all the same, (l do love a challenge) ?...

This challenge will start with some PCB board for the loco / tender chassis, as l can solder the bits together to make a rigid chassis, fingers crossed...

 look forward to your approach to this one, George. I'm sure you'll make a splendid job!!


Regards, Deano.

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Thanks Deano,  Welcome  on board my approach to loco building has always been the same and that's the cheapest way possible, l have done a few tests and l think l will use PCB board for loco / tender frames as when soldered together forms a strong rigid structure,  

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Had a nice modelling day, Mark came round and we got his 2P up and running replacing the motor with a better one and adding new cab side numbers, l then started to prime two of my locos in grey primer...the 45xx will be in all over black as will the J94...








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