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GeorgeT's (7mm Workbench) TPO

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Morning Ozzy, Yes these are the before picture's, he has tried to remove the paint from the tender?  so l will strip her down back to brass, and try and make her a better loco, and rename her to a sqaudron again. wont be yet as l am stuck into building the shed for 72G








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Hello George,


looking at that I think that a nice long soak in a strong caustic soda solution should get the rest of the paint off the tender, but also any parts that were glued on.


What on earth has he done to the front buffer beam? To me it looks like he has tried to remove the buffer bodies with out using any heat. 


If I were you I don't think that I'd sell any more locos to him.




PS. if you do use a caustic soda solution make sure that you have your Marigolds on. When you have finished with it pour it down the sink late at night and give a good run through in the morning and you should have a nice clean U bend. 

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Hello Ozzy,  Yes he just wanted the buffers so he just pulled them off, with as you say no heat at all,  l intend to make a nice job this time, as 229 was my baby then, l know its a bit raw in certain areas of the build, but l have a few years knowledge now, so l am sure l can do a much better job now.


With the stripping l use 'DETTOL', sounds strange but it does work, takes a while but the smell is lovely, so SWMBO it much happier with no awful smells, l have an air tight tupperware container with about four bottles of DETTOL in it so it all gets submerged in the stuff, and l leave it to do its magic .. 



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Hello George,


sounds like all he wanted it for was some parts, wheels?, motor and gearbox and the buffers.  If that was the case then I'm sorry to say that your price was to low, and just made it worth while for him to do this.


All the best with the rebuild.



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Hello Ozzy,  Yes he just wanted the buffers so he just pulled them off, with as you say no heat at all,  l intend to make a nice job this time, as 229 was my baby then, l know its a bit raw in certain areas of the build, but l have a few years knowledge now, so l am sure l can do a much better job now.


With the stripping l use 'DETTOL', sounds strange but it does work, takes a while but the smell is lovely, so SWMBO it much happier with no awful smells, l have an air tight tupperware container with about four bottles of DETTOL in it so it all gets submerged in the stuff, and l leave it to do its magic .. 





Yes George,  229 looks like a fantastic model, can't wait to see it restored. Was it scratch-built? As far as dettol goes, do you dilute it at all? I had some issues with it and plastics, but it seemed to work fine on metals. I really like your B4 from the beginning of the thread, tell me, do any kit manufacturers make them?





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Hello Jack,  With the dettol l use it neat out of the bottle, just got a tupperware container and poured four bottles of dettol in, plonk in whatever and leave for as long as it takes, and theres no awful smell,   with the B4 a fellow RMWebber kindly gave me two tank sides and two cab ends, l scratch built the rest, l dont think there is a kit now ?



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Hi Ozzy,  The price just covered cost of the wheels and ABC motor / Gearbox when l sold it, not the hours involved in making her, still we live and learn, l suppose the only good thing to come out of it was l got her back for nothing,


When l start to rebuild her l have to purchase new wheels / motor about £250, l have lots of brass and nickle silver offcuts and much more knowledge in scratch building locos, so l should have a bullied pacific at the end, hope so...



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Hello Duncan, Yes it is annoying to have put so much effort into building something nice just to have someone ruin it, but as in life we have to pick up and get on with it, but learn from it ?


Take care George..

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Yes George,  229 looks like a fantastic model, can't wait to see it restored. Was it scratch-built? As far as dettol goes, do you dilute it at all? I had some issues with it and plastics, but it seemed to work fine on metals. I really like your B4 from the beginning of the thread, tell me, do any kit manufacturers make them?





I think ABS do a kit for the B4? I'm sure it's still listed as available in their catalogue-ex Eric Underhill/Vulcan kits, unlike the Terrier,sadly.

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I think ABS do a kit for the B4? I'm sure it's still listed as available in their catalogue-ex Eric Underhill/Vulcan kits, unlike the Terrier,sadly.



Any idea where i'd go about getting an email address/catalogue? Sorry to take the thread off topic george!

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Jack P,  Yes Jack he stripped everything off, so l am back to square one, the best place to start l guess,


George,      btw l have been watching your wagon builds, very good..



What a pain! Oh well. like you say, back to square one. Will you go about repainting it as is, or will you be changing it up?


And thank you! everyone has to start somewhere, I started there!



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Any idea where i'd go about getting an email address/catalogue? Sorry to take the thread off topic george!



Just spotted a complete Zero Zephyrs/ABS B4 kit on eBay with a Buy it Now price of £224.50 if that helps.

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Any idea where i'd go about getting an email address/catalogue? Sorry to take the thread off topic george!

I'll email scans of the relevant pages from the current catalogue tomorrow.



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