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Cornwalls signalling

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I thought I'd start a separate topic for a new signalling section here especially for Cornwall. I'll update some of my photos as I go along. Please add any pictures and anecdotes too.


Goonbarrow 11th June 2012

A lovely high summer evening and the sun shone right in on the equipment - here are some pictures:


The Blazey - Goonbarrow token machine





The lever frame with most levers in use



The Goonbarrow - Newquay "Staff"




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Another cracking idea for a thread.... the first attempt at posting this vanished into thin air so I'll post them in blocks to avoid overloading t'net...


I took these back in 2008.... got up at 3am and drove from Rugby to Exeter then proceeded to photograph as much of the old Western infrastructure as possible all the way down to Penzance, then drove home again.... knackering but very enjoyable!



















Similar shot from August '89...



More to come ;o)

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Here are a few pictures I took in September last year,

one of them I have posted before, but now I have cropped in to the signal,




The up platform at St Erth, 6/9/11



The rear of the signal on the up platform at St Erth, 6/9/11



The signal from the up bay platform at St Erth, 6/9/11



Signal at St Erth end of the platform at Lelant Saltings Station, 7/9/11



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  • RMweb Premium

A worthy thread indeed in the light of the enduring popularity of the GW lines and the fairly imminent departure of traditional signalling in the area. I'll have a look through what I've got but already the majority of semaphores which remain has been shown. The surviving 'boxes vary from remarkably busy (Truro)to positively sleepy (Goonbarrow) but all are still very much a part of the GW scene west of the English border. The detail of the Penzance "traffic-light" starters shows some unusual treatment which no doubt reflectrs modern thinking and safety requirements.

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This was the previous incarnation of PZ70, back in 2006:




And the previous PZ68 as well - was the unusual cladding on the posts reinforcement to stop them falling over after rusting a bit too much I wonder? It's noticeable that the current incarnations are not just new heads but are all-new signals!



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A good question that... I don't recall ever seeing a photo of 'proper' crossing gates at Truro.... mind you, as far as I'm aware it's never been a through road as such, just an access road to the yard. Perhaps CK or Craig might know better... ;)


'ere be Sain' Erth anyhoo...


















Sadly, the 'photo survey' I did of Penzance's fine array of semaphores is probably composted in some outer London landfill site by now, after I left them (and hundreds of other West Country negs and prints) with my Uncle when I moved out of the Smoke in the mid '80s.... I found out later he'd thrown the (unmarked) box away....

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  • RMweb Premium

The level crossing at Truro, once giving access to the goods yard and loco shed, now leads to several light industrial units and hire car operator's yards. It is not a through road to anywhere but may be a public right of way and as the only road access to the goods yard would have been used by members of the public on a frequent basis requiring some sort of protection. Backalong there was of course another track which served the then up main platform (now an abandoned face) with trains departing behind the signalbox.

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  • RMweb Gold

How was road traffic controlled over Truro crossing pre barriers (see post 14 picture)?

The level crossing is a relatively recent addition - definitely post 1970, possibly 1971, and seemingly provided with barriers controlled by the signalbox from the outset. It very clearly is not present in picture older (1960s) pictures of Truro station.

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Another cracking idea for a thread.... the first attempt at posting this vanished into thin air so I'll post them in blocks to avoid overloading t'net...


I took these back in 2008.... got up at 3am and drove from Rugby to Exeter then proceeded to photograph as much of the old Western infrastructure as possible all the way down to Penzance, then drove home again.... knackering but very enjoyable!



















Similar shot from August '89...



More to come ;o)

Thought I recognised signal LD33! Its become the subject of a kit by Lasercraft. I thought the handrails on the lampmans platform on the model looked too tall but no, they're like that in real life...

Jon F,

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The ones that got away:


Here are some pictures of boxes more longer around..


Burngullow taken in 1986. This box had the signal aspects set into the illuminated diagram similar to Penzance. The point indications were also included, and power supplies etc..










Here's lovely old Largin in 1990.






Your truly posing in the window - the jumper has been recycled by the missus!




And finally for this post Hayle in 1980





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I've more Cornish semaphore pics dotted about, but I think most will largely duplicate the shots already here, so i'll pop in a quick image and link to the host collection for each location if that's okay.


Penzance signal box - 2006 - http://ukrailwaypics.smugmug.com/SwinginHotSpots-1/Cornwall/Penzance

(although not much more in that one signalling-wise than i've posted already!)



Truro - T20 and T47 in 2005




St Blazey and Par - an attempt at an arty shot of PR52 at sunset





Lostwithiel - the less-often photographed side of the signal box!




Liskeard - my favourite LD3



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First attempt at posting this vanished into oblivion....!


Craig - I could look at those pics of yours all day long!


Mike - thinking about it logically, Truro West 'box was abolished in 1971 when the yard layout was simultaneously altered, henceforth Truro East took over the entire layout.... I'd imagine the barriers were installed at the same time. H.L. Ford's b&w photos of Truro in that period certainly show them in place (mostly taken late '71 / early '72 so I'm told).


Jon F - that kit looks superb....


Edit - Jon, I've just opened up the links to the other Lasercraft kits... the buildings look to be incredible value for their size and quality, I fear I may have to try one, despite my long term 4mm / 00 plans! Tetbury Goods Shed in particular looks gorgeous!

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  • RMweb Premium

"Round the back" of Truro 'box. A couple of images taken by myself in the past few days specifically with modellers in mind. The up main used to pass behind the box where the grass now grows.




Detail of the wires now half-buried in the grass.




And while not actually signalling you don't see too many good quality shots of some other bits and pieces - so here's the flange greaser on the down road towards the western end of the platform.




And a close-up of the spots of grease which will be applied to passing wheels.



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