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  • RMweb Premium

Love it , its not just that Adrian is a terrific modeller but the feel and atmosphere is just perfect and so well observed. I think he might just have missed a brilliant career designing film sets

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Love it , its not just that Adrian is a terrific modeller but the feel and atmosphere is just perfect and so well observed. I think he might just have missed a brilliant career designing film sets

Your right he really grabs the atmosphere of the place, and what with his skills leading you to believe you can go under that ridge and actually arrive somewhere. He would be great doing film sets.


I used to live near Pinewood studios and go riding there, Dinosaurs, chatty chatty bang bang and all sorts used to queue at the front gate. The horses were often in the films as well.


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The Ford Pop looks very right my dad had one in the 1950,s in black didn't know they came in any other colour a very cold car in the winter but it took us for many happy trips keep coming up with more please.

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  • RMweb Gold


Managed to catch up in the last week or so.  Loved the building of the layout and the inventiveness.  The final outcome is amazing. 


(Such a shame it is going to get covered by the M25- does your wife know about that bit yet?  :jester: )

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  • RMweb Gold


Managed to catch up in the last week or so.  Loved the building of the layout and the inventiveness.  The final outcome is amazing. 


(Such a shame it is going to get covered by the M25- does your wife know about that bit yet?  :jester: )

Hi Chris, thanks for following all my ramblings, and your kind and encouraging comments. I get very nervous every time I see a Tarmac Lorry. all the best adrian

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  • RMweb Gold

Now either I am old, or tired or both bt when I read 'after that storm of rain, look up' I moved the side cursor up to look!  :O 

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  • RMweb Gold

Fish delivery today at Westerham Station, fresh from Hastings. I am now the proud owner of a Bachmann BR Fish van which arrived in pristine condition, it didn't stay like it for long, a coat of matt varnish and some clay wash grime soon changed that, still a little bit more work to do on it.

   Back at Brasted Station, a start has been made on a little shed that will be similar in appearance to the one on the end of Westerham Station, the difference being that this one will be made out of corrugated iron with wooden doors and be painted in a bitumen colour. I can only guess at what it may have looked like, as I cannot find any pictures of it, only a vague shot of the back through the station railings. Any way here are some pictures of the fish van and the site of the shed.





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There is 1/3 page about the attempt to preserve the Westerham Valley Light railway on page 8 of Southern Steam Revival by Brian Sharpe published by Mortons for Heritage Railway.


My parents had a beige Ford Popular and I think Ford made it in other colours than black. We lived in Orpington and my parents used to take my brother to Toys Hill via Westerham as a treat. I remember that there was a Spitfire and a Hurricane outside Biggin Hill Airport.

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  • RMweb Gold

I see BR took advice from the Cornish comedian Jethro on signage for that wagon  "FISH"


Jethro's friend Denzil opens a fishmongers and above the shop he has a sign "FRESH FISH SOLD HERE".

Jethro sees Denzil and asks how's business. Denzil replies it's okay but could be better. Jetho says that maybe he needs to jazz up his advertising. He says "Look at your sign for example, "Fresh Fish Sold Here", it's too wordy. You need to cut it down a bit. Why not get rid of the word "Fresh" after all no one is going to think you sell "Off" fish." Denzil agrees and makes the change, so the sign now says "FISH SOLD HERE".

A couple of weeks go by and Jethro sees Denzil again, asks him how business is and gets the same response as before. Jethro says, "Well, you're still not being dynamic enough. Look at your sign, get rid of the word "Sold", after all everyone knows you're not going to give the fish away."

Again Denzil agrees with his friend's suggestion and makes the change. So the sign reads "FISH HERE".

A couple of weeks pass and Denzil and Jethro are talking about the shop and how custom seems to be dropping. "Well," says Jethro, "it's obvious, look at your sign, "FISH HERE". Of course it's here, you're not selling it anywhere else are you? So get rid of the word "Here". Then you'll be ultra modern. Just the one word, "FISH!" That'll do it."

Once more Denzil agrees and makes the change.

Jethro passes the shop and sees it completely empty of customers and the fish starting to whiff a bit. He pops in and sees his mate. "I've been looking at your sign again," he says. "Why not get rid of the word "FISH", it's obviously what you sell, you can smell it from half a street away."

His friend agrees once more and... two weeks later the shop closes down!

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Thank you,

                  this Link might interest you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsit-g18GSg

 The things people thought of in the sixties..A Hillman Imp on the Westerham Valley Railway. And before anyone asks no I am not going to model it!

Although I never got to ride on it, I remember the car-mobile well, At the time I was working at weekends as a volunteer with the WVRS and it was parked in the goods shed whenever I was there! We always had problems with the local youths who delighted in undoing all our weekends hard work in rigging telephone cables and other maintenance works. We used to go out on a little cart (not sure what you call them) and often got as far as Brasted station. I still have a whole pile of old waybills from the station loft.  One day, we were returning and the youths had put stones on the track just outside Westerham to try to derail us. I put on the brake too sharply and was then banned from the brake job even though I felt I had saved us all from a worse fate! Happy days...

I am currently modelling Westerham and Dunton Green stations (loosely due to space restrictions) in N gauge at the moment and your Westerham model is a great sourse of inspiration.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Adrian


It's looking great over in Westerham. I know how you feel about a lack of photos, I'm doing better than you at Wainfleet, but even then I only have two sides. I've a "sort of" description of the road side, but people are trying to dredge up memories from the mid 1960s of something that wasn't noatable at that time. The worst thing is that I remember the goods shed when I was a kid, and it was only knocked down in the late '80's/early '90's. It reminds me to take pictures of the mundane from time to time, you will never know when they will come in handy.





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I have another little cameo for your consideration, arising from my latest purchase.


An irate miller, dashing up the station approach, to deliver a letter complaining about being overcharged!




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  • RMweb Gold

I have another little cameo for your consideration, arising from my latest purchase.


An irate miller, dashing up the station approach, to deliver a letter complaining about being overcharged!

Hi Ron, thank you for sharing that snippet of history, it makes it seem more real to me when you can relate to the past with letters like that, it gives reason for the railway. Mr Bull must have chosen his business as a forage merchant to suit his name. all the best Adrian. 

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