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How realistic are your models? Photo challenge.


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I love the way that the background meets the 3D part of the overall picture. Brilliant perspective, I have to ask does it works as well from other angles?  I really need to do something about this on my layout which currently has a bright orange wall behind it. There seems to me to be two approaches, the photo realistic one like this or the 'arty' painted one which one can admire but are constantly clear that it is an artificial boundary ( much like the front edge of a baseboard is). I can not decide which approach to go for, but as I have no talent for either, I can only admire picture like this where it just works.

The honest answer to your question is "No".


The shot you are looking at is a tiny part of my N gauge layout of Parkend in the Forest of Dean. Most of the track runs through forest and the view you have seen is just the approach to the station past the signal box and the newsagents shop (demolished in 1930 but living on in our 4th bedroom). Because most of what you can't see in this photo has bits of magnolia wall showing through the foliage I use a full length green background to make life easier when taking photos. My main hobby is photography so I made the layout to play trains and take photos.


I have resisted any form of permanent back scene - it makes no difference to me when playing trains and cannot ever match the required perspective from every viewpoint and every height above the baseboard. So I have built up a library of backgrounds I have photographed - and I pick the one to suit the photos. Then Photoshop it in - which has taken quite a time to reach even my skill level.


This is the original shot before the background was chosen - but the background does mimic the true background before houses were built in 1990.



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One way to fill a corner:





That would make a lovely hidden elevator to get different locos on and off the layout.


"Doors closing. . . "


3rd floor - loco shed

2nd floor - underground storage

ground floor - workbench

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Shadow Box Lighting Scheme.  12v Halogen bulbs are used - I wanted to create a Cathedral like atmosphere with beams of sunlighting coming down through broken skylights.  The mirror at the rear of the layout doubles the length of the scene.


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Although designed for freight work, the 9F did pull passenger trains.  Unfortunately the driven has forgotten to install the signal lamps!!


attachicon.gifP1060234 - Copy (FILEminimizer).JPG


The rear wall is from the Smart Models Texture range and adds an authentic touch I think.



Sweet lord Mike this is unreal!!

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