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How realistic are your models? Photo challenge.


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@Andy F - just brilliant, especially the embankment. Your Rosebay makes mine look nasty, brutish and short - I shall see if I can up my game :D


I haven't had anything I thought was ready for this thread for ages, but something about this pic really works for me despite it being a bit unfinished/empty, and containing some obvious model 'tells' as well. Taken indoors in ambient daylight:







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In keeping with the current weather conditions !

We have snow in Brookeshire aswell..................

................and before anyone asks, its a combination of snow on a scrap piece of foamboard & track with the engine dusted in icing sugar. Body was detached after, washed and the loco is now running fine on my layout. I wouldnt recommend everyone starts chucking self raising flour and icing sugar at their best models though !!


I really like that photo. Well done. The snow on the loco is fantastic.

The snow on th eground looks a bit overscale though ;) :lol:

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Guest jim s-w

something about this pic really works for me despite it being a bit unfinished/empty,


Hi Will


You might have noticed a lot of my pics dont have trains in them either so this is a big thumbs up from me!


Continuing the 'no trains theme' I posted this on my layout thread recently. I pic I have been meaning to do for a while and given a kick up the backside by Dave's (Waverly West) pics on the last page...







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Continuing the 'no trains theme' I posted this on my layout thread recently. I pic I have been meaning to do for a while and given a kick up the backside by Dave's (Waverly West) pics on the last page...




Whoah… that is seriously serious! There's nothing here that says model! :blink:

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Hi all,


Just a couple from my layout Shaftesbury I think they are not to bad but I must admitt the standard that have been posted on here a very high B)


33 035 Entering platform 1






47 707 platform 2 a shot from the near by road




47 707 non colour




Hope some of these are good enough


Thanks Darren NSE DAZ

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Guest Max Stafford

Arty farty in the attic:

post-327-051690800 1292674934_thumb.jpg




"...with plasticene porters with looking glass ties..." :biggrin_mini2:


Definitely gone for a psychedelic feel on this one Mike; some 1967 lineside photter's getting 'experienced' from the looks of things!



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Here is another one




David - fantastic stuff. Can I ask if you have set out how you've painted the wall anywhere and provide me with a link? I'm struggling to get that mortar wash right and your effort is quite brilliant!


Many thanks



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