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Cardiff Canton, The second coming

steve fay

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No dummy signal today so whilst waiting for a delivery I had a crack at the point rodding,post-5983-0-61613300-1380120183_thumb.jpg

The only problem with a shed, every things one colour Black! I'm going to pick it out in some light grey I think, just so you can see it


Where the rodding ends is where the return cranks are going to go. I'm hoping to get these at the Reading show.


Edited by steve fay
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Canton in all its 6 foot X 2 foot glory,post-5983-0-53116100-1380126232_thumb.jpg

The good thing about working in such a small space is the close up detail,


I've really enjoyed building this layout and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to Ranelagh plus 1 or 2 other little projects. There isn't that much else to add now, a few more lamps and one or two spotters for the bridge oh and maybe a shed hand. Over the winter I need to construct the second storage board and sort out the operation of the points, then it's on to the O gauge show in Newport for possibly its last outing well with me any way. I'm hoping (OzzyO) my Castle 5043 will be back in time for that show and a new Heljan Western will be on shed too. It would not have been repainted at that time mind and dare I say, may be a Dapol 08?? no may be not!!

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Steve, did you ever do any details of "how to" on the grotty ballast? it's just spot on, and I have, in mind, an NER/ER roundhouse diorama......

Edited by JeffP
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I might have done a guide earlier in the thread but basically my ballast is kiln dried sand glued down the usual PVA way & all sprayed with pound shop matt black, which is not that matt and weathered liberally with Mig black smoke weathering powders. For the compacted ash look its the sand first then talc added when still wet and more PVA mixture. I use a kids medicine syringe to drip it on. Once dry pound shop black and the same Mig powders.

It's a very simple method but it works well. I've dry brushed some of the track sides and the cosmetic fish plates with rail match track dirt and a little mig rust powders here and there.

I had a compliment on the ground cover at a model show from a military modeller and when I explained my method he was quite surprised. It's a cheap method two the single biggest cost is the weathering powders. The puddles are blobs of PVA and then over painted with clear gloss nail varnish pinched off my wife. I just made a thumb print in the sand when it was still wet were I wanted the puddles.

I hope this helps

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Ground signal,post-5983-0-67079700-1380201043_thumb.jpg

I need to sand and weather around the bases next and dull the ground signal down a bit.


Point rodding, just to show there's six individual rods, I used some plastic strip I had left over from the footbridge. It's a pity it's at the back of the layout really but now we all no it's there.

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Looking good Steve. Will have to crank up the macro mode on the camera when I get over next for some close up detail shots.


Not long now for the Westerns, can add mine to yours as an extra to fill up the shed.

Only a few weeks on the westerns mate, mine is going under the tree mind as its a gift for Christmas.

With my car still away at the doctors Canton will be home for another few weeks if you can make it over. I could do with some good proper camera pictures not just IPhone IPad shots.

Are you still tempted to get a second wezzie?

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Good, see you Wednesday it is. Around 7 again ok for you.


Will bring camera gear plus what locos.


Got 31, 35, 37, 40, 45, 47, 55 to go at. The 47's are D1942 and D1661 North Star which I think was a Canton loco.


I will bring my GoPro HD3 Black video camera as well which when put on the front of a loco captures the layout well from a drivers eye point of view.


Should be a good evening and give you some good shots to remember things by.

Edited by two tone green
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